Year 5: Multiplication and division, with rates and ratios

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TIMSS assesses students’ ability to multiply and divide whole numbers. Students do so without access to a calculator. There appears to be a strong emphasis on applying rates and ratios. Simple rates are relationships like 5 kilometres per hour, and ratios are similar relationships, such as 2 green cards for every three red cards.

These units of work will improve students’ understanding of multiplication and division across a range of contexts:

Students will also benefit from working independently or collaboratively on the following student e-ako on the Multiplicative thinking pathway (information about e-ako maths):

  • MD3.20: Exploring arrays and using known multiplication and division facts
  • MD3.30+: Using known multiplication facts to solve problems
  • MD3.40: Using multiplication and division facts, and place value 1
  • MD3.50: Using multiplication and division facts, and place value 2
  • MD3.60: Using multiplication and division facts, and place value 3
  • MD3.60+: Using multiplication and division facts, and place value 4
  • MD3.70: Applying a range of multiplicative strategies 1
  • MD3.80: Applying a range of multiplicative strategies 2
  • MD3.90: Applying a range of multiplicative strategies 3

Figure It Out resources for multiplication and division at Level 3 include: