Other PLD material

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We are preparing to close this site and currently expect this to be in June 2024
but we are reviewing this timing due to the large volume of content to move and
improvements needed to make it easier to find different types of content on
Tāhūrangi. We will update this message again shortly.

For more information visit https://tahurangi.education.govt.nz/updates-to-nzmaths

Just In Time maths
Recordings and PDFs of a collection of 10 ‘vignettes’ and a series of 6 national Zoom hui created as part of the Just-in-Time Maths PLD initiative in 2021.
A collection of case studies that show how schools can plan, and deliver, learning and teaching programmes in Mathematics and Statistics. 
Research informed reports about NZ's participation in international achievement studies, national monitoring of student achievement, the BES, and reports from ERO.
 A summary of the key findings and implications of TIMSS (2019), and NMSSA (2018) is provided, including links to supporting resources.
Information and application forms.
Making connections
Links to useful organisations and pages for making connections that may support your mathematics and statistics teaching.