Fractions- What fits!

Level/Framework stage/Group

Level 3


4 weeks

Planning notes
Inquiry approach will facilitate a problem-solving focus
Focus Achievement Objectives
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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
In this unit students develop important reference points or benchmarks for zero, one half and one. They use these benchmarks to help compare the relative sizes of fractions, through estimating, ordering and placing fractions on a number line.
  • State which of two fractions is larger.
  • Explain why a fraction is close to 0, 1/2 or 1.
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Level Four
Number and Algebra
Figure It Out activities
This is a level 4 number activity from the Figure It Out series. It relates to Stage 7 of the Number Framework. A PDF of the student activity is included.

use linear proportions to solve problems

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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Figure It Out activities
This is a level 3 number activity from the Figure It Out series. It relates to Stage 6 of the Number Framework.

find fractions of a number

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Level Two
Number and Algebra
Figure It Out activities
This is a level 2 number activity from the Figure It Out series. It relates to Stage 5 of the Number Framework.

Find fractions of a number

Use a variety of operations to solve problems

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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Figure It Out activities
This is a level 3 number activity from the Figure It Out series. It relates to Stage 6 of the Number Framework.

find fractions of money amounts

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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Find fractions of a set using multiplication and division.

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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
In this unit students develop important reference points or benchmarks for zero, one half and one. They use these benchmarks to help compare the relative sizes of fractions, through estimating, ordering and placing fractions on a number line.
  • State which of two fractions is larger.
  • Explain why a fraction is close to 0, 1/2 or 1.
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Level Two
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
In this unit we explore fractions of regions as well as fractions of sets. We look for, and develop understanding of, the connection between fractions and division.
  • Find fractions of regions.
  • Find fractions of sets.
  • Identify equivalent fractions.
  • Locate fractions on a number line.
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Level Four
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
In this unit we are exploring ways to find equivalent fractions. We use the concept of equivalent fractions to convert fractions to the benchmark fractions of halves, quarters, thirds, fifths and tenths. From these benchmark fractions it is easier to convert fractions to decimals and percentages. We...
  • Explore and know equivalent fractions including halves, thirds, quarters, fifths, tenths and hundredths.
  • Use equivalent fractions to convert fractions to decimals and percentages.
  • Use equivalent fractions to order fractions with different denominators.
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Level Four
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
This unit explores the connections between percentages, decimals, and fractions. It focuses on strategies for solving problems involving percentages and applies these strategies to real life contexts.
  • Use double number lines, ratio tables, and converting to equivalent fractions to solve percentage problems.
  • Use a calculator to solve problems with percentages.
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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Secondary activities
These exercises and activities are for students to use independently of the teacher to practice number properties.

Add and subtract fractions with like denominators
Identify fractions that equal one
Identify fractions bigger than one

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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Problem solving activities
This problem solving activity has a number focus.
  • Find fractions of whole numbers.
  • Devise and use problem-solving strategies (draw a picture, guess and check).
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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
The purpose of this series of lessons is to develop understanding of equivalent fractions and the operations of addition and subtraction with fractions.
  • Add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
  • Explore and record equivalent fractions for simple fractions in everyday use.
  • Recognise that equivalent fractions occupy the same place on the number line.
  • Recognise and apply the multiplicative relationship between simple equivalent fractions.
  • Understa...
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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
This unit introduces students to equivalent fractions. Unlike whole numbers that occupy a unique position on the number line, there is an infinite set of fractions that represent the same value. Fraction that are of equal value are said to be equivalent.
  • Put fractions on a number line in their correct position in relation to zero and one.
  • Show that equivalent fractions occupy the same place on a number line.
  • Rename fractions as many equivalent fractions.
  • Know how to find equivalent fractions of a set.
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Level Three
Number and Algebra
The purpose of this activity is to support students in recognising when part-whole fractions in two or more ratios are equivalent. In this context, equivalence means the same relationship of two measures, such as the relationship of blueberry to apple juice in a mixture.
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Level Four
Level Five
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Find equivalent fractions and order fractions.

Know benchmarks for converting between common fractions, decimals and percentages.

Know benchmarks for converting between fractions, decimals and percentages.

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Fraction Benchmarks


In this unit students develop important reference points or benchmarks for zero, one half and one. They use these benchmarks to help compare the relative sizes of fractions, through estimating, ordering and placing fractions on a number line.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-5: Know fractions and percentages in everyday use.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • State which of two fractions is larger.
  • Explain why a fraction is close to 0, 1/2 or 1.
Description of Mathematics

This unit builds on the following key conceptual understandings about fractional parts.

  • Fractional parts are equal sized parts of a whole or a unit. A whole or unit can be an object or a collection of things and is counted as "1".
  • Fractional parts are named by the number of equal parts that are needed to make a unit. For example, fifths require five equal parts to make a one (whole unit).
  • The more fractional parts used to make a whole, the smaller the parts. For example, tenths are smaller than sixths.
  • A fraction tells us about the relationship between the part and the whole, or about the relationship between two parts.

An understanding of fractional parts supports students to develop a sense for the size of fractions. This unit helps students develop an intuitive feel for zero, one-half and one, as useful benchmarks for ordering fractions. Understanding why a fraction is close to zero, one half or one helps students develop a number sense for fractions.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

Students can be supported through the learning opportunities in this unit by differentiating the complexity of the tasks, and by adapting the contexts. Ways to support students include:

  • providing a physical model, particularly Fraction Strips (length model), or regions and area models (e.g. cubes, counters, etc.), so students can see the relative sizes of fractions
  • connecting lengths from zero with the number line, and recognising that the space between zero and one is always visible on a number line for whole numbers
  • discussing, and explicitly modelling the use of mathematical vocabulary and symbols, particularly the role of numerator as a count, and the denominator as giving the size of the parts counted
  • encouraging students to work collaboratively (mahi-tahi) and share their ideas
  • altering the complexity of the problems by simplifying the difficulty of the fractions and whole numbers that are used. Begin with fractions, such as halves, quarters, thirds, and fifths that students may be most familiar with.

The contexts for this unit are purely mathematical but can be adapted to suit the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students. Fractions can be applied to a wide variety of problem contexts, including making and sharing food, constructing items, travelling distances, working with money, and sharing earnings. The concept of equal shares and measures is common in collaborative settings. Students might also appreciate challenges introduced through competitive games or through stories.

Required Resource Materials

Session 1

In this session students begin to develop benchmarks for zero, half and one.

  1. Write the following fractions on the board:
    1/20, 6/10, 10/8, 11/12, 1/10, 3/8, 2/5, 9/10.
    As the difficulty of this task depends on the fractions, begin with fractions that are clearly close to zero, half or one.
  2. Ask the students in pairs to sort the fractions into three groups: those close to 0, close to 1/2 and close to 1.
  3. As the students sort the fractions, ask them to explain their decisions.
    Why do you think 6/10 is close to half? How much more than a half is it? Why do you think 1/20 is close to zero? How much more than zero? Why is 11/12 close to one? Is it more or less than one? How much less?
  4. As the students explain their decisions encourage them to consider the size of the fractional parts and how many of these parts are in the fraction. For example, "9/10 is 9 parts and the parts are tenths. If we had one more tenth it would be 10/10 or 1 so 9/10 is very close to 1".
  5. Use Fraction Strips to physically model each fraction, if needed. Locate the fractions on a number line using the one unit as the space between 0 and 1.
  6. Repeat with another list of fractions. This time use fractions that are further away from the zero, one half, and one benchmarks so students need to think more carefully about their decisions:
    3/10, 5/6, 5/9, 4/9, 18/20, 13/20, 2/8, 9/12, 1/5
    Once more encourage the students to explain their decision for each fraction.
  7. Add 1/4 and 6/8 to the list of fractions. Ask the students which group each fraction fits into. Use Fraction Strips to support students to understand why these fractions are exactly in between the benchmarks. Locate the 'between' fractions on the number line you created previously.
  8. Challenge the students to work in pairs, and develop a story that demonstrates how different fractions are close to 0, close to 1/2 and close to 1. Students could use the fractions provided in the earlier questions, or come up with a new list of fractions to use (or for another pair of students to use). This opportunity to investigate fraction benchmarks, in a relevant and meaningful context, will help to reinforce students’ understandings and can be used as formative assessment. During this task, take the opportunity to work with smaller groups of students and rectify any misunderstandings. At the conclusion of the session, pairs of students could be challenged to solve the questions created by other pairs of students.

Session 2

In this session the students continue to develop their sense of the size of fractions in relation to the benchmarks of zero, half and one by coming up with fractions rather than sorting them.

  1. Ask the students to name a fraction that is close to one but not more than one. Record this on the board. For example:
    How do you know that fraction is close to one?
  2. Next ask them to name another fraction that is closer to one than that. Record on the board:
    5/6         7/8
    How do you know that 7/8 is closer to one than 5/6?
    Students might comment on how much needs to be added to each fraction to make it equal to one. "7/8 is closer to one because eighths are smaller parts than sixths and 7/8 is 1/8 smaller than 1 and 5/6 is 1/6 smaller than one. As 1/8 is smaller than 1/6, 7/8 is closer to one."
  3. Continue for several more fractions with each fraction being closer to 1 than the previous fraction.
    Do you notice a pattern as the fraction gets closer to one? (5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12)
    Which fraction is closer to one 99/100 or 999/1000? Why?
  4. Repeat with fractions that are close to 0 but still greater than zero.
    Which of these fractions is closest to zero, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, or 1/6? Explain why?
    Can a fraction have 5 as a numerator but still be close to zero? Give an example.
  5. As the students nominate fractions encourage them to give explanations that focus on the relative size of the fractional parts.
  6. Ask the students to work in pairs. Direct one student from the pair to record a fraction that is close to, but under, 1/2 on a piece of paper. The other student then records a fraction that is closer to 1/2 and explains why it is closer. Encourage the pairs to continue to record fractions that are progressively closer to 1/2. Consider pairing more knowledgeable students with less knowledgeable students to encourage tuakana-teina.
  7. As the pairs work, circulate checking that they are expressing an understanding of the relative size of the fractional parts.

Session 3

In this session students estimate the size of fractions.

  1. Draw the representation below on the board. Ask the students to each write down a fraction that they think is a good estimate for the shaded area shown.
      A rectangle with a fraction of it shaded red.
    Ask for volunteers to record their estimate on the board. As they record estimates, ask each student to share their reasoning. Listen, without judgement to the estimate and then discuss why any given estimate might be a good one. Encourage students to share their justifications and ask questions of each other. There is no single correct answer but the estimates need to be reasonable. If the students are having difficulty, encourage them to reflect on the benchmarks developed in the previous sessions. Look for creative methods like estimating that the white area combines to 1/4 so the shaded area must be 3/4
  2. Repeat with some of the following shapes and number lines.
    Three shapes, each with a fraction of them shaded red.
    Three number lines from zero to one, each with a question mark on them indicating a fraction.
  3. Ask the students to work in pairs. Direct one student from each pair to draw a picture of a fraction and the other student to give an estimate with an explanation. Repeat with the students taking turns drawing and giving estimates.
  4. Broaden the selection of shapes that students find fractions of. Include symmetric polygons like hexagons and octagons, as well as circles and other ellipses (ovals).

Session 4

In this activity students identify which fraction of a pair is larger. The comparisons rely on an understanding of the top and bottom number (numerator and denominator) in fractions and on the relative sizes of the fractional parts. Equivalent fractions are not directly introduced in this unit but if they are mentioned by students they should be discussed.

  1. Write the following two fractions on the board and ask the students to tell you which is larger.
    2/5 or 2/8
    Encourage explanations that show that the students understand that the fractions have the same number of parts but that the parts are different sizes. In this example 2/8 is smaller than 2/5 because eighths are smaller than fifths. Some students may know that 2/8 = 1/4. Use Fraction Strips to check students predictions.
  2. Write the following two fractions on the board and ask the students to tell you which is larger.
    4/5 or 4/6.
    Encourage explanations that show that the students understand that both these fractions have the same count (numerator) but fifths are larger than sixths. Therefore 4/5 is greater than 4/6. Write 4/5 > 4/6. Use Fraction Strips to check students' predictions.
  3. Repeat with 5/8 and 7/8. In this case the size of parts is the same (the denominator) but the number of parts (numerator) is different. Record 5/8 < 7/8 or 7/8 > 5/8. Check with Fraction Strips, if needed.
  4. Repeat with 10/9 and 9/10.
    In this example the students can draw on their understanding of the benchmark of 1 and notice that 10/9 is larger than 1 and 9/10 is smaller than 1.
  5. Give the students pairs of fractions and ask them to make decisions about which fraction is larger. Support students with fraction strips if necessary but encourage prediction before using the materials.
    7/10 or 6/10
    6/8 or 6/12
    3/8 or 4/10 (more difficult)
    9/8 or 4/3 etc
  6. Provide students with this open challenge.
    One fraction is greater than the other.
    The two fractions have different numerators and different denominators.
    What might the fractions be?

Session 5

In this session the students draw on their conceptual understanding of fraction benchmarks (0, 1/2, 1) and their understanding of the relative sizes of fractional parts to line fractions up on a number line.

  1. Ask students in pairs to draw five fractions from a "hat". Suitable fractions are available on Copymaster 1. Their task is to put the fractions in order and also to locate the fractions on a number line that is marked 0, 1/2, 1 and 2. Support students with Fraction Strips but only if necessary.
    A number line with locations of the fraction benchmarks zero, one half, one, and two marked on it.
  2. Ask the students to write a description of how they decided on the order for the fractions and where to place them on the number line. When placing the fractions on the number line, students should justify their choice with logical arguments. For example, three tenths is closer to one half than zero because 3/10 is 2/10 away from 5/10 and 3/10 away from zero.   
  3. Ask each pair of students to join with another pair to see if they agree with one another’s order and placement of fractions.

Worm Wipe-out


This is a level 4 number activity from the Figure It Out series. It relates to Stage 7 of the Number Framework.

A PDF of the student activity is included.

Achievement Objectives
NA4-4: Apply simple linear proportions, including ordering fractions.
Student Activity


Click on the image to enlarge it. Click again to close. Download PDF (442 KB)

Specific Learning Outcomes

use linear proportions to solve problems

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Links
Use this activity to:
• help the students who are beginning to use advanced additive strategies (stage 6) to become confident at this stage in all three operational domains (addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and proportions and ratios).
• encourage transition from advanced additive strategies (stage 6) to advanced multiplicative strategies (stage 7)

Required Resource Materials

FIO, Levels 2-3, Number Sense and Algebraic Thinking, Book One, Worm Wipe-out, pages 10-11


A classmate


In this activity, the students can use a variety of strategies for simple ratio and proportion problems, ranging from advanced counting approaches to early proportional thinking. They will also consolidate their understanding of simple mixed fractions.
This activity should be introduced through guided teaching rather than as an independent activity unless students are confident at stage 7 or above on the Number Framework.
Begin with some mental exercises to check that the students understand how to find quarters and halves in mixed fractions and equivalences between halves and quarters. For example: How many quarters are in 3/4? How many halves are in 1 1/2 ? So how many quarters are in 1 1/2? You should also check that the students understand that fractions can equally well be expressed as decimals. They may use both in this activity.
Introduce the context using the vet’s instructions. The students could act out this initial situation using large paper circles folded or marked in quarters to model the tablets. Have them mark each quarter of the cat’s tablet as 1 kilogram. This is a good opportunity to introduce the students to the concept of “rate” as a multiplicative relationship between two or more different measurement
units. Here it is tablets per kilogram, but another common example is kilometres per hour, as in 60 km/h.
Send the students to their small groups to work out how many kilograms they need to link to each quarter of the dog’s tablet. Have the students report back on their strategies. If they cannot solve this, give each group 10 rectangular labels of the same size labelled “1 kg of dog”. Have them share these out onto the quarters of one of the dogs’ tablets and insist that they assign all 10 equally to the quarter tablets.
Use the diagram below and ask: How do we share these 2 kilograms among 4 quarters?

Send the students back to their groups to attempt question 1 and then report back on their strategies. Encourage a number of strategies, for example: “I counted the kilograms on each quarter” or “I divided the total cat kilograms by 4 because 4 kilograms makes 1 tablet, and I divided the dog kilograms by 10 and then looked at the remainder.” Rocky’s mass doesn’t fit neatly into the 1/4 tablet rate, so his dosage has to be rounded up.

Question 2 extends the problem by adding the relationship of cost. This involves using two different rates simultaneously, the rate of mass to dose and the rate of tablets to cost. Send the students into their groups with the question: What will you need to know to work out the cost of 1 dose? When they realise that it depends on the number of tablets, they should attempt questions 2a and 2b and report back on their strategies.
For question 3, ask the students: What will you need to know to work out the mass of Brock the dog? After the students have responded, sketch the complete set of relationships used in this problem (using multiples of 1/4 of a tablet):


In question 4, you may need to show the students how to record their trials systematically so that they can use each result as a hint until they find the best result.


Before the students attempt question 5, have them record the cost of each fraction of a tablet for a dog and a cat, for example:


They can use this information to help them make a table (as in question 4) or set up a double number line. For example:

double number line.


The students may be able to see that the 35 in $3.50 is the lowest common multiple of 7 x 5. You could also ask them why the answers for questions 3 and 4 are approximate. The reason is that the cat mass doesn’t go up in 1 kilogram steps to match the tablets. A cat weighing 1.1 kilograms would also get tablet. This also introduces the concepts of limits of accuracy and rounding, which is also needed for question 1c.

Answers to Activity

1. a. 1 1/2 tablets
b. 2 1/2 tablets
c. 2 tablets. (Rocky needs 1 4/5 tablets, so 1 3/4 won’t be quite enough.)
2. a. $3.50. ($2 + 3/4 of $2)
b. $15.60. (2 x 1 + 2.80 x 2 + 2.80 x 2
= 3 + 7 + 5.60
= $15.60)
3. More than 5 kg and less than or equal to 7 1/2 kg. (It costs $1.40 per tablet for 5 kg, and 70c per tablet for 2.5 kg. $1.40 + 70c = $2.10)
4. a. Approximately 6 kg (cat) and 15 kg (dog)
b. One strategy is to draw up a table and use trial and improvement. For example:


5. a. The most likely answer is: cat 7 kg and dog 12.5 kg.
b. Strategies will vary. You might use a table, increasing the cost in both the cat and dog columns:



Kapa Haka Practice


This is a level 3 number activity from the Figure It Out series. It relates to Stage 6 of the Number Framework.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-1: Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
Student Activity


Click on the image to enlarge it. Click again to close. Download PDF (170 KB)

Specific Learning Outcomes

find fractions of a number

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Links
Use this activity to:

• help the students who are beginning to use early additive strategies (stage 5) to become confident at this stage in all three operational domains (addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and proportions and ratios)

• encourage transition from early additive strategies (stage 5) to advanced additive strategies (stage 6)

• help your students to consolidate their knowledge of ordering unit fractions and simple equivalences (fractional numbers, stages 5 and 7).


Required Resource Materials

FIO, Levels 2-3, Number Sense and Algebraic Thinking, Book One, Kapa Haka Practice, page 17


A classmate


This activity creates a context in which students work out fractions of a set. They can use a range of strategies in the process, including repeated halving, equal sharing, and using known addition and multiplication facts.
Introduce this activity through a guided teaching group rather than as an independent activity unless your students have strategies at stage 6 or above on the Number Framework. Begin with some mental exercises to practise finding 1/2 and 1/4 of a set, for example, 1/2 of 10, 20, and 30 and 1/4 of 8, 16, and 24.
The students who need to use materials can use the hexagon in a set of international pattern blocks to model the whole group. The trapezium will then represent the 1/2 (the poi), whereas the rhombus will be the using 1/3 rakau. Complete the hexagon with a triangle and ask the students: How much of the whole hexagon is the triangle? When they can see that it represents 1/6 of the whole, make sure that they identify the 1/6 with the rest of the students who will be in the group practising waiata.

When the students understand that 1/6 of the group will practise waiata, check that they understand the connections between the numbers of students and the number of poi, ràkau, and waiata sheets mentioned in the problem.
Send the students into small groups to attempt question 1. They should report back before doing question 2. Some students may need to sketch a large hexagon showing the division into 1/2, 1/3, and 1/6. They could use 60 beans or counters to represent the team members and model the solution by sharing out the beans over the hexagon. Encourage the students to use number properties to anticipate the result of equal sharing before they use materials.

bean diagram.

The students who use number properties to find 1/3 of the set will either divide by 3 or change the question to 3 x  = 60 and ask themselves: “What is the value of the box?”
In question 2, have the students look for an easy way to solve the problem. If necessary, prompt them to use question 1 to help them work out question 2. Note that the number of waiata sheets should be rounded up to the nearest whole number to be sensible.
Question 3 will be more of a challenge. Remind the students that if 204 is too hard to work with, they can split it into easy parts. Send them into groups to find some good splits and report back on these. They may see that 204 = 60 + 60 + 60 + 24, so they only have to work out what share the 24 get because they know what 60 members get from question 1. Similarly, 204 = 180 + 24, so they could use twice the answer for question 2 plus the shares for the extra 24.

Answers to Activity


4. Strategies will vary. First you need to find the number of students in each group. You could use a box diagram to help you. This example uses the 60 students from question 1:

Or you could divide 60 by 2 and 3. Once you have the numbers in each group, you can double or divide by 2 to find out how much equipment is needed. For the 90 students, you could use 1 times the 60-student numbers.


Pet Boasting


This is a level 2 number activity from the Figure It Out series. It relates to Stage 5 of the Number Framework.

Achievement Objectives
NA2-1: Use simple additive strategies with whole numbers and fractions.
Student Activity


Click on the image to enlarge it. Click again to close. Download PDF (170 KB)

Specific Learning Outcomes

Find fractions of a number

Use a variety of operations to solve problems

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Links
Use these activities to:

• encourage transition from advanced counting strategies (stage 4) to early additive strategies (stage 5)

• help the students who are beginning to use early additive strategies (stage 5) to become confident at this stage in all three operational domains (addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and proportions and ratios)

• help your students to consolidate and apply their knowledge of basic multiplication facts.

Required Resource Materials
  • FIO, Levels 2-3, Number Sense and Algebraic Thinking, Book One, Pet Boasting, pages 2-3
  • A classmate

These activities expose students to a range of strategies, from simple addition to multiplication and division with single-digit factors and multiplication using simple unit fractions. To do these activities, the students need a basic understanding of multiplication and a knowledge of simple unit fractions.

Activity One

Question 2 challenges students to understand the relationship between halves, quarters, and the whole as a set.
If you are using materials and images, fraction pieces such as those in the Numeracy Project Material Master 4-19 (see Related Resources) or commercial fraction
pieces will be useful. Ask the students: How can we use this model or diagram to find the total number of birds?


As an extension using number properties, have the students record equations showing how many of each type of bird there are, that is, 1/2  x 24 = 12 blue birds and 1/4 x 24 = 6 yellow.
Ask them: What happens to a set if you multiply it by a half or a quarter? The students should notice that multiplying by a fraction makes the number smaller. Try to generalise this observation by exploring multiplying by fractions less than 1 and then by fractions greater than 1. This will help the students gain the critical understanding that multiplying by 1 is the point at which the quantity remains constant.

Activity Two

If you are using this activity for guided teaching, encourage the students to first make sure that they understand the problem. They must be able to find the relationships that connect the clues presented by the characters. Use small groups (discussed in the notes for “Wrapping up Wontons”) and have them present a report with diagrams that explain these connections. The students could then return to their groups to attempt the problems and report back on their strategies.
If you think materials will help the students, you could encourage the groups to act out the characters and use counters or beans to represent their pet. Animal strips like those in the Numeracy Project Material Master 5-2 could also be used or adapted to help solve the problems.

Answers to Activities

Activity One
1. 21. (Using a “make tens” strategy, this is 8 + 2 + 6 + 4 + 1.)
2. 24. ( 1/2 + 1/4  = 3/4 , so are red. 6 are red, so 6 are yellow and 12 are blue. 6 + 6 + 12 = 24)

Activity Two
1. 108
2. Strategies may vary. A possible strategy is:
Harry has 3 goats. Tanya has 3 x 3 or 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 pigs.
Mari has 9 x 2 or 9 + 9 = 18 lambs.
Losi has 18 ÷ 3 = 6 calves (3 x ? = 18).
3 + 9 + 18 + 6 = 36. (You could use a tens strategy here:
2 + 10 + 20 + 4 = 10 + 20 + 6
= 36.)
Sonya has 2 x 36 or 36 + 36 = 72 rabbits (30 + 30 = 60, 6 + 6 = 12, 60 + 12 = 72). The total number of pets is therefore 36 + 72 = 108. On a number line, the
addition could be shown like this:

number line.
3. Problems and strategies will vary.


DVD Decisions


This is a level 3 number activity from the Figure It Out series. It relates to Stage 6 of the Number Framework.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-1: Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
Student Activity


Click on the image to enlarge it. Click again to close. Download PDF (170 KB)

Specific Learning Outcomes

find fractions of money amounts

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Links
Use this activity and investigation to:
• help the students who are beginning to use early additive strategies (stage 5) to become confident at this stage in all three operational domains (addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and proportions and ratios)
• encourage transition from early additive strategies (stage 5) to advanced additive strategies (stage 6).

Required Resource Materials

FIO, Levels 2-3, Number Sense and Algebraic Thinking, Book One, DVD Decisions, page 12

A classmate


By combining the money context with different numbers of friends sharing costs, this activity allows a variety of strategies to be used with subtraction, division, and fractions.
The students at stage 6 (advanced additive) or above could attempt this activity independently in groups and report back.
Introduce this activity to a guided teaching group by pointing out that the DVD prices have been rounded up to a tidy dollar amount even though shops almost always price them at so many dollars and 95 cents. This rounding enables the students to calculate the shared costs better because we cannot split 5 cents in real money.
Introduce or revise , , and of $1.00 as 25 cents, 50 cents, and 75 cents respectively. These facts will be useful in solving some problems. The students could record these with other facts that they need to memorise.
The students who need to use materials could act out the scenarios in each question with play money and a card representing each DVD. When they report back, discuss different ways to split the cost equally. Ideas may include sharing out dollars in units of $1, $5, or $10 notes, one at a time, and then sharing out coins in the same way, as needed, to meet the price.
For imaging, have the students pretend that their money is being carried by an adult and that they have to ask for the notes and coins they will use to buy each DVD. They receive the money after they have solved the sharing problem by imaging the money they need.
To encourage the students to use number properties, put them in small groups and ask them to find and share different ways of using and recording numbers and operations to solve the problems.

Highlight the connections between ideas. For example, question 1 can be solved by having the three friends sharing out $5, $5, and $5, then $2, $2, and $2, and finally, $2, $2, and $2 again while they keep a running total. The students who know  x 3 = 27 should see that this is the same as sharing out $9, $9, and $9.
Question 1b provides an opportunity to discuss and reinforce the connection between $27 ÷ 4 and finding 1/4 of $27. Students don’t automatically understand that dividing by a number and multiplying by its inverse (reciprocal) are just two different ways of viewing the same thing. (Dividing by 4 is accessible to early additive students if they use halving and halving.)
When students see that dividing by 4 has the same effect as multiplying by and vice versa, create a pattern by extending this to dividing by 2 and multiplying by and other pairs of reciprocals, such as 1/3 and 3. Encourage the students to describe the pattern.


Remind the students before they begin the investigation to round the cost of the DVDs to the nearest whole dollar

Answers to Activity

1. a. $9
b. i. $6.75. Methods will vary. Continuing Kinesha’s thinking, you could say $3 is
the same as $4 – (4 x 25c), so of the $3, each person pays $1 – 25c or 75c.
$5 + $1 + 75c = $6.75
ii. Strategies will vary. For example:
$28 ÷ 4 = $7, and $1 ÷ 4 = 25c. $27 = $28 – $1, so 1/4 of $27 is $7 – 0.25c, which is $6.75
Another strategy is 8 + 8 + 8 + 3 = 28. 1/4 of each of these bits is
2 + 2 + 2 + 0.75 = 6.75
2. $27.50. One way to work this out is:
30 + 25 = $55. 55 ÷ 2 = $27.50. Another way is to work out of 30 + of 25.
15 + 12.50 = $27.50
3. $24. (32 ÷ 4 = 8. 32 – 8 = 24 or 30 – 10 + 4 = 24)
4. a. $9. (39 – 30)
b. Answers will vary. For example, she could pay for 1/2 of Making Masks with 1 other. If Alana doesn’t mind paying more than the others, she could pay $9 towards a video, and her friends could share the rest. For example, she could pay $9 towards Smash Hits, and 2 of the others could pay $8 each (9 + 8 + 8 = $25).
Results will vary.


Birthday cakes

Achievement Objectives
NA3-1: Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
Specific Learning Outcomes

Find fractions of a set using multiplication and division.

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Stage 6

Required Resource Materials
Counters (to represent candles)

Paper circles (to represent cakes)


Background Maths

Fractions involve a significant mental jump for the students because units of one,which are the basis of whole-number counting, need to be split up (partitioned) andrepackaged (re-unitised). It is crucial that the students have significant opportunitiesto split up ones through forming unit fractions with materials and are required torecombine several of these new units to form fractions like two-thirds and five quarters.

In this way, the students are required to co-ordinate the link between the numerator
and denominator in fraction symbols.
Early additive students are progressing towards multiplicative thinking. Fraction
contexts offer opportunities for these students to appreciate the links between addition
and multiplication. This can be achieved through requiring the students to anticipate
the results of equal sharing and involving fractions like thirds, fifths, and tenths,
where addition methods are less efficient.
It’s important that you require the students to construct the whole unit from given
parts. For example, if a student is given a Cuisenaire rod or pattern block and told that it’s one-quarter of a length or shape, they should be able to reconstruct the whole.
Similarly, given two red cubes and being told that the cubes are one-fifth of a stack,
students can make the whole stack.
Understanding the relationship between fractions, as numbers, and the number one is
critical for further learning. Ensure that the students know that a whole, as referred to
in fraction work, means the same as the number one.

Using Materials

Problem: “Four people are at Carla’s birthday, so they will get one quarter
(one-fourth) of the cake each. Carla has 16 candles to put on the cake so that each
person gets the same number of candles on their piece of cake. How many candles
will each person get on their piece of cake?”
Give the students 16 counters and a paper circle to fold into quarters.
Ask, “How many candles do you think each person will get?” “How do you know?”
Look for the students to use adding-related strategies, such as halving and halving
again, like “Eight and eight is 16, so one-half of the cake has eight candles. Four and
four is eight, so one-quarter has four candles.”
Confirm the answers by equally sharing the counters onto the paper circle. There is noneed to do this if the students are able to use partitioning strategies.
Pose similar problems like:
“Five people are at the party. There are 25 candles.”
“Three people are at the party. There are 21 candles.”
Record the answers using symbols, for example, 1/5of 25 is 5.
Vary the problems by using non-unit fractions, like, “At the party the cake is cut into
quarters (fourths). Twelve candles are put on the cake.
Greedy Greg eats three-quarters of the cake. How many candles does he get?” Recordthe results using symbols, that is, 3/4 of 12 is 9.

Using Imaging

 Problem: (Show the students one-fifth  of a paper circle with four counters on it.)

“Here is a piece of Rongopai’s birthday cake. Each piece of cake has the same
number of candles. How old is Rongopai?”

Reconstructing: Listen to the students’ ideas about how many candles were on the whole cake. Fifths have been deliberately chosen because they are easily confused with quarters. Ask the students to justify their answers. 

“I think the cake was cut into five pieces.”

“What would each piece be called?” (one-fifth)
“If there are five pieces, then there are 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 candles on it.
That’s 20.”
“How did you work out that was 20?”
The whole cake can be constructed, if necessary, to confirm the answers.
Record the answer as: 1/5 of ?  is 4, so ? is 20. This means that Rongopai is 20 years
Pose similar problems and ask the students to work out the number of
candles on the whole cake.
1/3 of ? is 6
3/4 of ?  is 9
3/5 of  ? is 6

Using Number Properties

Ask similar word problems and record them using symbols.

For example:
“Two-thirds of the cake has eight candles on it. How many candles are on the whole
cake?” 2/3 of ? is 8, so ? is 12.
“Three-quarters of the cake has nine candles on it. How many candles are on the
whole cake?” 3/4 of  ? is 9, so ? is 12.

Independent Work

The students will benefit from playing the games Chocolate Chip Cheesecake (see Material Master 7-1, and Mystery Stars Material Master 7-8)



Fraction Benchmarks


In this unit students develop important reference points or benchmarks for zero, one half and one. They use these benchmarks to help compare the relative sizes of fractions, through estimating, ordering and placing fractions on a number line.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-5: Know fractions and percentages in everyday use.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • State which of two fractions is larger.
  • Explain why a fraction is close to 0, 1/2 or 1.
Description of Mathematics

This unit builds on the following key conceptual understandings about fractional parts.

  • Fractional parts are equal sized parts of a whole or a unit. A whole or unit can be an object or a collection of things and is counted as "1".
  • Fractional parts are named by the number of equal parts that are needed to make a unit. For example, fifths require five equal parts to make a one (whole unit).
  • The more fractional parts used to make a whole, the smaller the parts. For example, tenths are smaller than sixths.
  • A fraction tells us about the relationship between the part and the whole, or about the relationship between two parts.

An understanding of fractional parts supports students to develop a sense for the size of fractions. This unit helps students develop an intuitive feel for zero, one-half and one, as useful benchmarks for ordering fractions. Understanding why a fraction is close to zero, one half or one helps students develop a number sense for fractions.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

Students can be supported through the learning opportunities in this unit by differentiating the complexity of the tasks, and by adapting the contexts. Ways to support students include:

  • providing a physical model, particularly Fraction Strips (length model), or regions and area models (e.g. cubes, counters, etc.), so students can see the relative sizes of fractions
  • connecting lengths from zero with the number line, and recognising that the space between zero and one is always visible on a number line for whole numbers
  • discussing, and explicitly modelling the use of mathematical vocabulary and symbols, particularly the role of numerator as a count, and the denominator as giving the size of the parts counted
  • encouraging students to work collaboratively (mahi-tahi) and share their ideas
  • altering the complexity of the problems by simplifying the difficulty of the fractions and whole numbers that are used. Begin with fractions, such as halves, quarters, thirds, and fifths that students may be most familiar with.

The contexts for this unit are purely mathematical but can be adapted to suit the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students. Fractions can be applied to a wide variety of problem contexts, including making and sharing food, constructing items, travelling distances, working with money, and sharing earnings. The concept of equal shares and measures is common in collaborative settings. Students might also appreciate challenges introduced through competitive games or through stories.

Required Resource Materials

Session 1

In this session students begin to develop benchmarks for zero, half and one.

  1. Write the following fractions on the board:
    1/20, 6/10, 10/8, 11/12, 1/10, 3/8, 2/5, 9/10.
    As the difficulty of this task depends on the fractions, begin with fractions that are clearly close to zero, half or one.
  2. Ask the students in pairs to sort the fractions into three groups: those close to 0, close to 1/2 and close to 1.
  3. As the students sort the fractions, ask them to explain their decisions.
    Why do you think 6/10 is close to half? How much more than a half is it? Why do you think 1/20 is close to zero? How much more than zero? Why is 11/12 close to one? Is it more or less than one? How much less?
  4. As the students explain their decisions encourage them to consider the size of the fractional parts and how many of these parts are in the fraction. For example, "9/10 is 9 parts and the parts are tenths. If we had one more tenth it would be 10/10 or 1 so 9/10 is very close to 1".
  5. Use Fraction Strips to physically model each fraction, if needed. Locate the fractions on a number line using the one unit as the space between 0 and 1.
  6. Repeat with another list of fractions. This time use fractions that are further away from the zero, one half, and one benchmarks so students need to think more carefully about their decisions:
    3/10, 5/6, 5/9, 4/9, 18/20, 13/20, 2/8, 9/12, 1/5
    Once more encourage the students to explain their decision for each fraction.
  7. Add 1/4 and 6/8 to the list of fractions. Ask the students which group each fraction fits into. Use Fraction Strips to support students to understand why these fractions are exactly in between the benchmarks. Locate the 'between' fractions on the number line you created previously.
  8. Challenge the students to work in pairs, and develop a story that demonstrates how different fractions are close to 0, close to 1/2 and close to 1. Students could use the fractions provided in the earlier questions, or come up with a new list of fractions to use (or for another pair of students to use). This opportunity to investigate fraction benchmarks, in a relevant and meaningful context, will help to reinforce students’ understandings and can be used as formative assessment. During this task, take the opportunity to work with smaller groups of students and rectify any misunderstandings. At the conclusion of the session, pairs of students could be challenged to solve the questions created by other pairs of students.

Session 2

In this session the students continue to develop their sense of the size of fractions in relation to the benchmarks of zero, half and one by coming up with fractions rather than sorting them.

  1. Ask the students to name a fraction that is close to one but not more than one. Record this on the board. For example:
    How do you know that fraction is close to one?
  2. Next ask them to name another fraction that is closer to one than that. Record on the board:
    5/6         7/8
    How do you know that 7/8 is closer to one than 5/6?
    Students might comment on how much needs to be added to each fraction to make it equal to one. "7/8 is closer to one because eighths are smaller parts than sixths and 7/8 is 1/8 smaller than 1 and 5/6 is 1/6 smaller than one. As 1/8 is smaller than 1/6, 7/8 is closer to one."
  3. Continue for several more fractions with each fraction being closer to 1 than the previous fraction.
    Do you notice a pattern as the fraction gets closer to one? (5/6, 7/8, 9/10, 11/12)
    Which fraction is closer to one 99/100 or 999/1000? Why?
  4. Repeat with fractions that are close to 0 but still greater than zero.
    Which of these fractions is closest to zero, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, or 1/6? Explain why?
    Can a fraction have 5 as a numerator but still be close to zero? Give an example.
  5. As the students nominate fractions encourage them to give explanations that focus on the relative size of the fractional parts.
  6. Ask the students to work in pairs. Direct one student from the pair to record a fraction that is close to, but under, 1/2 on a piece of paper. The other student then records a fraction that is closer to 1/2 and explains why it is closer. Encourage the pairs to continue to record fractions that are progressively closer to 1/2. Consider pairing more knowledgeable students with less knowledgeable students to encourage tuakana-teina.
  7. As the pairs work, circulate checking that they are expressing an understanding of the relative size of the fractional parts.

Session 3

In this session students estimate the size of fractions.

  1. Draw the representation below on the board. Ask the students to each write down a fraction that they think is a good estimate for the shaded area shown.
      A rectangle with a fraction of it shaded red.
    Ask for volunteers to record their estimate on the board. As they record estimates, ask each student to share their reasoning. Listen, without judgement to the estimate and then discuss why any given estimate might be a good one. Encourage students to share their justifications and ask questions of each other. There is no single correct answer but the estimates need to be reasonable. If the students are having difficulty, encourage them to reflect on the benchmarks developed in the previous sessions. Look for creative methods like estimating that the white area combines to 1/4 so the shaded area must be 3/4
  2. Repeat with some of the following shapes and number lines.
    Three shapes, each with a fraction of them shaded red.
    Three number lines from zero to one, each with a question mark on them indicating a fraction.
  3. Ask the students to work in pairs. Direct one student from each pair to draw a picture of a fraction and the other student to give an estimate with an explanation. Repeat with the students taking turns drawing and giving estimates.
  4. Broaden the selection of shapes that students find fractions of. Include symmetric polygons like hexagons and octagons, as well as circles and other ellipses (ovals).

Session 4

In this activity students identify which fraction of a pair is larger. The comparisons rely on an understanding of the top and bottom number (numerator and denominator) in fractions and on the relative sizes of the fractional parts. Equivalent fractions are not directly introduced in this unit but if they are mentioned by students they should be discussed.

  1. Write the following two fractions on the board and ask the students to tell you which is larger.
    2/5 or 2/8
    Encourage explanations that show that the students understand that the fractions have the same number of parts but that the parts are different sizes. In this example 2/8 is smaller than 2/5 because eighths are smaller than fifths. Some students may know that 2/8 = 1/4. Use Fraction Strips to check students predictions.
  2. Write the following two fractions on the board and ask the students to tell you which is larger.
    4/5 or 4/6.
    Encourage explanations that show that the students understand that both these fractions have the same count (numerator) but fifths are larger than sixths. Therefore 4/5 is greater than 4/6. Write 4/5 > 4/6. Use Fraction Strips to check students' predictions.
  3. Repeat with 5/8 and 7/8. In this case the size of parts is the same (the denominator) but the number of parts (numerator) is different. Record 5/8 < 7/8 or 7/8 > 5/8. Check with Fraction Strips, if needed.
  4. Repeat with 10/9 and 9/10.
    In this example the students can draw on their understanding of the benchmark of 1 and notice that 10/9 is larger than 1 and 9/10 is smaller than 1.
  5. Give the students pairs of fractions and ask them to make decisions about which fraction is larger. Support students with fraction strips if necessary but encourage prediction before using the materials.
    7/10 or 6/10
    6/8 or 6/12
    3/8 or 4/10 (more difficult)
    9/8 or 4/3 etc
  6. Provide students with this open challenge.
    One fraction is greater than the other.
    The two fractions have different numerators and different denominators.
    What might the fractions be?

Session 5

In this session the students draw on their conceptual understanding of fraction benchmarks (0, 1/2, 1) and their understanding of the relative sizes of fractional parts to line fractions up on a number line.

  1. Ask students in pairs to draw five fractions from a "hat". Suitable fractions are available on Copymaster 1. Their task is to put the fractions in order and also to locate the fractions on a number line that is marked 0, 1/2, 1 and 2. Support students with Fraction Strips but only if necessary.
    A number line with locations of the fraction benchmarks zero, one half, one, and two marked on it.
  2. Ask the students to write a description of how they decided on the order for the fractions and where to place them on the number line. When placing the fractions on the number line, students should justify their choice with logical arguments. For example, three tenths is closer to one half than zero because 3/10 is 2/10 away from 5/10 and 3/10 away from zero.   
  3. Ask each pair of students to join with another pair to see if they agree with one another’s order and placement of fractions.

Getting partial


In this unit we explore fractions of regions as well as fractions of sets. We look for, and develop understanding of, the connection between fractions and division.

Achievement Objectives
NA2-1: Use simple additive strategies with whole numbers and fractions.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Find fractions of regions.
  • Find fractions of sets.
  • Identify equivalent fractions.
  • Locate fractions on a number line.
Description of Mathematics

Fractions are one of the first departures from whole numbers that students will see. This unit introduces a number of important concepts relating to fractions. The first of these is that fractions represent parts of one whole, and can be represented in a variety of ways including regions and sets. This makes them useful in a large variety of situations where whole numbers by themselves are inadequate. 

The second useful concept is that a given number can be represented as a fraction in many ways. Knowing that fractions such as ½ can be disguised as 2/4 or 3/6, etc is important both for recognition purposes and for use in calculations.

Finally, students should know that fractions can be represented both as one whole number divided by another whole number and as points on the number line. Having a knowledge of the different representations of fractions provides connections across mathematics for students and so increases their level of understanding.

In this unit we also introduce the idea of a fraction of 100. This lays the groundwork for the decimal representation of fractions at Level 3, and percentages at Level 4. These ideas are developed further in the units Getting the Point, Level 3 and Getting Percentible, Level 4. Facility with fractions is also an important precursor for algebra. Algebraic fractions have a wide range of uses. Without a good understanding of how fractions work, students will be restricted in their work at higher levels when fractions occur in algebraic settings.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

This unit can be differentiated by varying the scaffolding provided or altering the difficulty of the tasks to make the learning opportunities accessible to a range of learners. For example:

  • supporting students thinking by clearly and deliberately modelling how to partition a whole into equal parts, and the result of the partitioning
  • supporting students to describe the process of partitioning and their understanding of equal parts in their own words.
  • introducing relevant mathematical terms naturally, alongside students' explanations (whole, equal parts, fractional names such as one half and one third)
  • using the terms “numerator” and “denominator” only once the underlying ideas are understood, and can be articulated in students’ own words
  • providing additional experiences of physically partitioning materials and discussing the resultant parts, until students understand the underlying ideas.

The context for this unit can be adapted to recognise diversity and student interests to encourage engagement. Consider making links between the learning in these sessions and relevant learning from other curriculum areas (e.g. number of children competing in different events at the School Athletics championship, numbers of different native birds observed in a week). For example:

  • when considering fractions of sets, contexts such as, students in kapa haka or sports teams, vegetables planted in a school or community garden, or plates of food needed for a hangi could be used
  • when considering fractions of lengths, contexts such as eels, sub sandwiches, or tree trunks could be used.

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as hautau (fraction), haurua (half), hauwhā (quarter), haurima (fifth), hauwaru (eighth) and hautekau (tenth) as well as numbers in Māori could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning.

Required Resource Materials
  • Beads
  • Small plastic jars
  • Plastic cups and bottles
  • Paper circles and strips
  • Sand or oil timer
  • Uni-fix cubes or multi-link cubes
  • Toy money (10 cent coins)
  • Plasticine, kitchen scales, ruler
  • Paper clip, pencil
  • Pattern blocks
  • Toothpaste packets
  • Copymaster 1
  • Copymaster 2
  • Copymaster 3
  • Copymaster 4

Session 1

Here we look at different representations of 1/2.

  1. Write the fraction 1/2 on the board. Ask students what the number is and what they think it means. Put them into groups of three or four to brainstorm ideas they have about one-half. Ensure that they record their ideas as words, numerals or diagrams to share with the whole class.
  2. Get each group to report back to the class on their favourite idea about one-half. Use this reporting back session to develop a class chart. Expect many of the students to have region ideas such as cut pies and apples, half of a length, and possibly half time. 
  3. Set up the following quick challenges around the room as stations that each group of students must attempt. Introduce the challenges briefly. Allow the students three minutes on each station. It is critical that they record how they solved each challenge.
  4. The station cards are included as Copymaster 1. Ensure that the following materials are available for each challenge:
    • a plastic jar with twelve beads or counters in it
    • two clear plastic cups and a small plastic bottle of water
    • paper circles marked with ten divisions 
    • a sand or oil timer
    • a stack of 16 Uni-fix or multilink cubes
    • twenty toy 10-cent coins in a plastic jar
    • a 400 gram blob of playdough, kitchen scales, and a 30 cm ruler
    • spinner (Copymaster 2), paper-clip, and a pencil
    • a trapezium-shaped pattern block and a set of blocks
    • a toothpaste packet and multilink or Uni-fix cubes
  5. Get the students to report their answers and the strategies they used to find them, back to the class. Highlight the equal sharing aspect of finding one half. Tell them that you want them to try each challenge again only instead of finding one-half they need to find three-quarters. Write 3/4  on the whiteboard and discuss what it means (four equal parts and three chosen). For challenge number 8 the students have to think of what will happen to the spinner three-quarters of the time.
  6. Check the students recording to see how many of them have generalised three-quarters from one-half. Look for connections like two quarters make one-half so three-quarters is one-half and one-quarter.

Session 2

Here we look at fractions other than 1/2 and consider ways to represent these fractions that involve 100.

  1. Remind the students how they found a half and three-quarters of a circle in Session 1. Discuss how many marks around the ant walked to get halfway around the circle and how this could be used to divide the circle in half. Similarly the circle could be divided into quarters by marking spaces two and a half marks around and connecting the marks to the centre.
  2. Give the students several circles marked with one hundred spaces around (Copymaster 3). Tell them that they can use any method they like to fold one circle into quarters, one into fifths, and another into tenths. Allow them to solve this challenge in groups.
  3. Share the results of their investigations. Some students will use geometry to fold the circles while others will use measurement (dividing the number of spaces around the outside). Either method is valid as one informs the other. Use the folding to make equivalent fraction statements, like 1/4 = 25/100 . Challenge the students to write other equivalence statements, particularly with fractions that have other than one as their numerator (top line), e.g. 2/5 =40/100.
  4. Hold onto the paper circles for Session 3.

Session 3

This session involves fractions in problem situations.

  1. Pose this problem for the students, There are 12 kūmara in the hangi. There are four people wanting kūmara on their plate. If everyone gets one quarter of the kūmara, how many kūmara do they get?" Get the students to solve the problem with counters and their paper circles from the previous session.
  2. Discuss the strategies that the different students used. These might include sharing twelve counters evenly onto the sections of the quarter circle, using addition (6 + 6 is 12 so 6 is a half so 3 is a quarter), or division (12 ÷ 4 = 3).
  3. Give the students other set problems (see Copymaster 4). Get them to record their strategies as they solve the problems. Students who use sharing strategies should be encouraged to anticipate the result of their sharing before it is complete.
  4. Students may like to write their own problems for others to solve. These can be made into a class book or digital resource (e.g. Google Classroom post, Padlet Board) of problems for independent activity.

Session 4

Another way to represent numbers is the number line. Here we use the number line to show the relative positions and sizes of fractions.

  1. Draw a number line from 0 to 10 on the board (about 1 metre long). Build up the number line by getting students to write where different numbers might be. Once the whole numbers are in place, ask students to think about where numbers like 1/2, 3/4, 3/2, and 4 ½  might be. This will help students to realise how fractional numbers extend the existing set of whole numbers and can be represented on a number line in the same way.
  2. Give the students several paper strips of the same length cut from scrap paper. Ask them to fold one strip in half, one into quarters, and one into eighths. This is relatively easy as they can be folded by repeated halving. Ask the students to label each strip using symbols: 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8.
  3. Take a full strip and use it to draw the number line from 0 to 1 by marking each end. Shift the strip to the right and mark 2 at the right-hand end, shift it again and mark 3, etc. (0 – 5 is sufficient). Ask the students if they can use their strips to show exactly where one-half would be. Expect students to align the strip folded in half to do this. Ask this for other fractions like one-third, three quarters, two-thirds, and extend it to fractions greater than one like five-halves, four-thirds, and three and seven-eighths.
  4. Pose these problems for students to solve using their strips:
    • Draw a number line to show 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8. Mark where you think 1/3, 1/5, and 1/10 would go on your number line. Explain where you placed them. Why do fractions with one on the top line get smaller as the number on the bottom gets larger, e.g. one-half is larger than one-third?
    • Which of these fractions is closest to one, 1/2, 2/3, or 3/4? Why?

      These problems will highlight students’ knowledge of the relative size of fractions. For example, a student might find half of the distance between 0 and 1/5  to see where 1/10  should be or half the distance between 1/2  and 1 to see the location of 3/4 . The problems will also highlight their understanding of the role of the numerator (top number) as the selector of the number of parts and the role of the denominator (bottom number) as nominating how many equal parts the whole is separated into.

Session 5

Here we try to link the concepts of fractions in length and sets by dividing up a big worm.

  1. To link the concept of fractions as they apply to lengths and sets, tell the story of the two early birds who caught a worm. Produce a stack of one hundred Uni-fix cubes or multilink cubes joined together so that sections ten cubes long are in the same colour. Tell the students that this is the worm and when the birds measured it they found that it was very long. How long? Ask, "Suppose the two birds wanted to share the worm equally. How could they do that?" Students should use the idea of half of 100 being 50. Ask, "If they caught three worms this size and shared them out, how much would each bird get?" Record their responses using equations like 1/2 of 300 is 150.
  2. Extend the problem. Ask, "Suppose that it took four birds to pull this worm out of its hole. How much of the worm will each bird get? What if there were five birds, ten birds?" Record the students’ strategies using symbols and diagrams.
  3. Pose a series of problems for them to solve independently, such as:
    1. There were three birds. The worm was 18 cubes long. How much did each bird get?
    2. There were four birds. Each bird got six cubes of worm. How long was the worm?
      The worm was 18 cubes long. Each bird got three cubes of worm. How many birds were there?
  4. Students will enjoy making up birds and worm problems for others to solve. It is vital that they record their solutions using fraction symbols. Use their responses to these problems to assess which type of strategies (sharing, adding or dividing) each student uses. Try to extend the number of strategies that each student has.

Equivalent Fractions


In this unit we are exploring ways to find equivalent fractions. We use the concept of equivalent fractions to convert fractions to the benchmark fractions of halves, quarters, thirds, fifths and tenths. From these benchmark fractions it is easier to convert fractions to decimals and percentages. We use equivalent fractions to compare fractions. 

Achievement Objectives
NA4-4: Apply simple linear proportions, including ordering fractions.
NA4-5: Know the equivalent decimal and percentage forms for everyday fractions.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Explore and know equivalent fractions including halves, thirds, quarters, fifths, tenths and hundredths.
  • Use equivalent fractions to convert fractions to decimals and percentages.
  • Use equivalent fractions to order fractions with different denominators.
Description of Mathematics

Fractions are an extension of whole numbers and integers. Fractions are needed when wholes (ones) are not adequate for a task. Division often requires equal partitioning of ones. Sharing two chocolate bars equally among five people requires that the bars be cut into smaller equal parts. The operation might be recorded as 2 ÷ 5 = 2/5. Note that the number two fifths, is composed of two units of one fifth. In practical terms the equal share can occur by dividing each of the two bars into fifths, then giving each person one fifth from each bar.

If the bar was made up of ten pieces then each person might be given two tenths from each bar, giving them four tenths in total. Four tenths are the same quantity of chocolate as two fifths. Any fraction can be expressed as an infinite number of equivalent fractions that represent the same quantity and occupy the same position on the number line.

Fractions are important to measurement, especially where whole units are not precise enough for the purpose. The symbolic expression does not explain why equivalent fractions represent the same amount. Consider these equivalent fractions: 2/3 = 4/6 = 8/12 . A fraction strip (length) model of the relationships looks like this:
A fraction strip model showing the relative size of thirds, sixths, and twelfths.

Sixths are half the size of thirds so twice as many sixths fit into the same length as thirds.

Twelfths are quarter the size of thirds so four times as many twelfths fit into the same length as thirds.

The relationship between two thirds and eight twelfths can be represented in this equality.
An equation showing the relationship between two thirds and eight twelfths.

Four times as many twelfths comprise one as thirds. Therefore, each third can be divided into four twelfths.

Understanding equivalent fractions is critical to making sense of decimals and percentages. Consider the names for 3/4 = 0.75 = 75%. Both 0.75 and 75% represent 75/100 which is an equivalent fraction to 3/4. If each quarter is equally partitioned into 25 parts, those parts are called hundredths since 4 x 25 of those parts fit into one.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to students and by varying the task requirements. Ways to support students include:

  • varying the level of abstraction
  • altering the complexity of the numbers involved, or the relationships between numerators and denominators
  • allowing use of scientific calculators that can process fractions
  • encouraging sharing and discussion of students’ thinking
  • using collaborative grouping so students can support each other and experience both tuakana and teina roles
  • encouraging mahi tahi (collaboration) among students.

Adaptation involves changing the contexts used for problems to meet the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students. Where contexts such as food and ratios of orcas and dolphins may not be appropriate for your students, find other situations likely to engage them. Birthday cakes might be replaced by areas of land, dart boards, or gold coins. Orcas and dolphins might be replaced by other animals that need conservation. Linear models are easily applied to journeys that students make, or physical objects such as tape and rope.

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as hautau (fraction), hautau ōrite (equivalent fraction), rārangi tau (number line), and haurua, hautoru, hauwhā, haurima… (half, third, quarter, fifth…) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning.

Required Resource Materials

Session One

  1. Begin by writing the fractions 2/3 and 3/4 on the whiteboard.
    How do we read these fractions? (two thirds and three quarters)
    What picture do you see when you think …about two-thirds? ...about three quarters?
    Invite individual students to draw representations of the fractions.
    Main points to bring out are:
    • Two thirds consist of two copies of one third and three quarters is made of three copies of one quarter.
    • The numerators (top numbers) are counters of the number of parts, two and three, respectively.
    • The denominators give the size of parts, three in 2/3 indicates that the part is one of three equal parts that form one, and four in 3/4 indicates that the part is one of four equal parts that form one.
    • Both fractions can be represented as areas (e.g. squares or circles), lengths, sets, and a variety of other ways.
  2. Use Slide One of PowerPoint 1 to introduce this problem: 
    Nia and Ashanti are identical twins.
    Each birthday they each get identical birthday cakes.
    Nia eats two thirds of her cake and Ashanti eats three quarters of her cake.
    Who eats the most? 
    How much more cake does she eat than her sister?
  3. Let students collaborate (mahi tahi) to solve the problem in pairs. Expect them to record how they solved the problem using drawing, symbols, or a combination. As they work, roam the room. Look for students’ understanding that:
    • Three quarters is more than two thirds (Why?)
    • Twelfths are needed to find the difference between 2/3 and 3/4.
  4. After a suitable time, gather the class to discuss their solutions. You might use a fraction circle manipulative online, or fold squares or rectangular pieces of paper to find the difference between the two fractions.
    Diagram of fraction circle manipulatives showing the difference between two thirds and three quarters.               Diagram showing how to fold rectangular pieces of paper to find the difference between two thirds and three quarters.
  5. Discuss why the difference is one twelfth (more obvious with the pre labelled circle pieces). Students might notice that the denominators multiply to give 12 (3 x 4 = 12).
  6. Ask each student to take two rectangular pieces of paper to represent the birthday cakes. Fold one lengthways into thirds, and shade two thirds. Fold the other rectangle in quarters lengthways and shade three quarters.
    Diagram showing rectangular paper folded into thirds with two thirds shaded, and folded into quarters with three quarters shaded.
  7. Fold the pieces of paper back to the unit fractions thirds and quarters. 
    Diagram showing how to fold one third into four equal parts, and one quarter into three equal parts.
  8. Fold the thirds into four equal parts lengthways. 
    What fraction of the whole cake is each piece? (twelfths – Why?)
    How many twelfths are shaded?
    Two thirds equals how many twelfths?
  9. Fold the quarters into three equal parts lengthways. 
    What fraction of the whole cake is each piece? (twelfths – Why?)
    How many twelfths are shaded?
    Three quarters equals how many twelfths?
  10. Open the pieces of paper up to align the partitions.
    Diagram showing paper folded to compare eight twelfths and nine twelfths.
    How much greater is three quarters than two thirds? (one twelfth)
    You might record 3/4 > 2/3 because 9/12 > 8/12 and ask students to explain the meaning of the symbols.
  11. Slides Two and Three of PowerPoint 1 provide other examples of comparing fractions in the same way.
    The Po and Mangu story compares 3/5 and 5/8. Students should realise that both fifths and eighths can be equi-partitioned into fortieths. 
    3/5 = 24/40 and 5/8 = 25/40 so 5/8 is 1/40 greater than 3/5. Some students might use division on a calculator to check the comparison. 3/5 = 0.6 and 5/8 = 0.625. This means of comparison might open up a conversation about fractions as decimals.
    The Thalia and Andreas story compares 2/3 and 7/10. Both thirds and tenths can be equi-partitioned into thirtieths. 2/3 = 20/30 and 7/10 = 21/30 so 7/10 is greater by 1/20. The decimal conversions are 2/3 = 0.6666... and 7/10 = 0.7.
  12. Let students work on Copymaster 1, either individually or in pairs. Look to see that students can make comparisons symbolically and diagrammatically. Roam the room to see that students are converting fractions to equivalent forms to solve the problems and creating diagrams that match their calculations. After a suitable time, gather the class and discuss the solutions.

Session Two

  1. Write the words “equivalent fractions” on the board.
    When we say that two or more fractions are equivalent, what do we mean?
  2. Invite ideas with the aim that students recognise that equivalent fractions are different names for the same quantity.
    Do you know any pairs of equivalent fractions already?
  3. Make a list of three pairs offered by students. For example:
    Examples of pairs of equivalent fractions.
    What patterns are true for all three pairs?
    Students might notice that there is always an equals sign. What does that symbol mean?
    Some might notice that the numerators and denominators are multiplied by the same number, e.g. by four in the pair 2/3 = 8/12.    
    What does the multiplication mean? In the example, four times as many twelfths fit in one as thirds, so four times as many twelfths fit into the same space as two thirds.
  4. Direct your students to practise converting fractions using the examples on Slide One of PowerPoint 2. You might print out that page for students who find board to page translation difficult. Allow calculator use for students who do not know their basic facts, and consider using collaborative grouping and/or a teacher led group for increased student support. Answers are on Slide Two. Note that the last four examples have a range of solutions. One correct answer is given.
  5. Slide Three shows the following “Hay There” problem. The type of division is quotative or sharing.
    Three goats share two hay bales equally. Each goat gets the same amount.
    Six sheep share four hay bales equally.
  6. Which animal gets more hay, a goat or a sheep?
  7. Let students attempt the problem in pairs and discuss what they notice. Bring the class together at a suitable time and share answers. Discuss:
    How could we record the problem using a diagram? (Students often draw lines connecting animals and bales)
    How could we record the problem using symbols? Sharing can be represented by division; 2 ÷ 3 = 2/3 (goats) and 4 ÷ 6 = 4/6 (sheep). Do your students recognise that two thirds of a bale is equivalent to four sixths of a bale? The shares are equal since 2/3 = 4/6.
  8. Slides Four and Five of PowerPoint 2 provides other quotative contexts.
    Work through each problem with your students. Let them attempt the problem first before sharing strategies. 
    Students may get confused by which number is the divisor in the kiore and heihei problem. Three kiore sharing four kumara should be represented as 4 ÷ 3 = 4/3 = 1 1/3.
    Nine heihei sharing 12 kumara should be represented as 12 ÷ 9 = 12/9 = 1 3/9.
    Since 1/3 = 3/9 the shares are equal.
    Shares for the kotare and kiwi are as follows:
    4 ÷ 5 = 4/5 (kotare) and 9 ÷ 10 = 9/10 (kiwi)
    A qualitative judgement is needed to establish that kiwi get more worms each.
    4/5 = 8/10 so kiwis get 1/10 of a worm more than kotare.
  9. Provide students with Copymaster 2 to work from in pairs. Roam the room and look for students to:
    • Use division to work out equals shares
    • Compare the shares using equivalent fractions
    • Share, discuss, and justify their thinking with a partner.
  10. After a suitable time, gather the class to share solutions. The answers are:
    1. 3 ÷ 6 = 3/6 = 1/2         4 ÷ 8 = 4/8 = 1/2
      The shares are equal.
    2. 10 ÷ 6 = 10/6 = 1 4/6 = 1 2/3             15 ÷ 9 = 15/9 = 1 6/9 = 1 2/3
      The shares are equal.
    3. 12 ÷ 8 = 12/8 = 1½   8 ÷ 5 = 8/5 = 1 3/5
      Albatrosses get more, 1/10 of an oyster more.
    4. 9 ÷ 12 = 9/12 = 3/4  5 ÷ 9 = 5/9 
      Goats get more, 7/36 of a bale more.
    5. Any fraction equivalent to 4/5 works, if the denominator is greater than 15.
      4/5 = 16/20 = 20/25 = 24/30 etc.
    6. 5 ÷ 8 = 5/8 so any fraction equivalent to 5/8 works.
      5/8 = 10/16 = 15/24 etc.

Session Three

  1. Begin the session by creating a number line using equal lengths of tape (adding machine tape is ideal). Start by creating the space between zero and one, then continue to include two and three on the whiteboard.
    Diagram of a number line showing the whole numbers between zero and three.
    Where does the number one half live on the number line?
    Be aware that some students may think you mean one half of the whole line, i.e. one half of 3 or 1 ½. This common issue is about confusing 1/2 as an operator with 1/2 as a number.
    How can we locate one half exactly?
  2. Let students estimate the location first then confirm their estimate by folding a strip in half lengthwise and marking where the fold comes to when one end is located at zero.
  3. Mark the location of other fractions by estimating first then folding strips to locate the fractions exactly. Check that students remember that the numerator is a count of how many parts iterate (copy end on end) to create the fraction. Good fractions to use are:
    Three halves (3/2)          three quarters (3/4)              five quarters (5/4)          ten quarters (10/4)
    Five eighths (5/8)           eleven eighths (11/8)              two thirds (2/3)              seven thirds (7/3)
  4. Pose this challenge:
    You will get a set of cards (Copymaster 3: Set One).
    Your job is to draw a line and organise the cards in order along the line. 
    Students might use a large sheet of paper and glue stick to create their number lines in pairs.
  5. Provide fraction strips or Copymaster 4 (Paper strips) to students.
  6. Roam as students work on Set One. Provide Set Two for students who complete the initial challenge.
    Add these extra fractions to your number line.
    Look for students to:
    • Recognise where two fractions are equivalent.
    • Locate equivalent fractions in the same location (arrange vertically).
    • Recognise that a fraction with a numerator of zero equals zero.
    • Recognise that a fraction with the same numerator as denominator, e.g. 5/5, equals one.
    • Work on the fraction set systematically, starting with the most familiar fractions.
    • Justify the positions they put the fractions in.
  7. After sufficient time, gather the class to share number lines.
    Which fractions are the hardest to locate? Why?
    Is there a way to simplify those fractions so the task is easier?
  8. Discuss looking for a common factor in the numerator and denominator. For example, in 8/12 both 8 and 12 share a factor of four. Dividing both numbers by four gives the equivalent fraction 2/3.
  9. Finish the lesson with a riddle.
    I am a fraction.
    I am between two thirds and three quarters.
    My denominator is 24.
    Who am I?
  10. Student pairs could create their own fraction riddle to share with another pair. 

Session Four

  1. Use PowerPoint 3 to introduce the context of orca and dolphin numbers. Slide Three shows these data:


    What do you notice about the data?
    Students might comment that the numbers of creatures is much less in July compared to January. Why? 
    Compared to January, what fraction of the total number of creatures were in July? 
    12/24 = 1/2 so there are half as many creatures in July.
    Are the fractions the same for both months?
    8/24 (8 out of 24 for orcas) and 16/24 (16 out of 24 for dolphins) in January
    3/12 (3 out of 12 for orcas) and 9/12 (9 out of12 for dolphins) in July
    Can we simplify these fractions to make them easier to compare?
    8/24 = 1/3 and 16/24 = 2/3
    3/12 = 1/4 and 9/12 = 3/4
    The fraction of orcas is slightly less in July than in January. Perhaps orcas prefer cooler water.

  2. Slide Four shows how the January data can be grouped to form different fractions.
    What fractions can you see? Explain where you see those fractions.
  3. Slide Five shows the July data. 
    Draw a diagram to show how the fractions ¼ and ¾ can be seen in the orca and dolphin data.
    Let students draw their own diagram before animating the slide.
  4. Slide Six shows a survey in a different location, Otago Harbour.
    Which month has the greatest fraction of orcas in the whole group?
    Do students recognise that the fraction of orcas equals three fifths for both months?
  5. Provide your students with Copymaster 5 to work on individually or in pairs. The worksheet applies equivalent fractions of sets. Roam the room as students work to see that they can:
    • Express the proportions for each creature as fractions
    • Simplify the fractions by re-unitising (finding common factors)
    • Compare the fractions for orcas and dolphins using fractions as numbers.


Kawhia Harbour

January                                                                     July

Fraction of orcas = 1/2                                             Fraction of orcas = 1/2

Fraction of dolphins = 1/2                                       Fraction of dolphins =1/2

Is there a change in the fraction for each creature comparing July to January? Same

Whitianga Coast

January                                                                    July

Fraction of orcas = 10/25 = 2/5                              Fraction of orcas = 4/10 = 2/5

Fraction of dolphins = 15/24 = 3/5                        Fraction of dolphins = 6/10 = 3/5

Is there a change in the fraction for each creature comparing July to January?       Same

Queen Charlote Sound

January                                                                          July

Fraction of orcas =  6/24 = 1/4                                     Fraction of orcas = 4/16 = 1/4

Fraction of dolphins = 18/24 = 3/4                              Fraction of dolphins = 12/16 = 3/4

Is there a change in the fraction for each creature comparing July to January?       Same

Kaipara Harbour

January                                                                 July

Fraction of orcas = 10/20 = 1/2                          Fraction of orcas = 4/10 = 2/5

Fraction of dolphins =10/20 = 1/2                     Fraction of dolphins = 6/10 = 3/5

Is there a change in the fraction for each creature comparing July to January?

The fraction of dolphins increases and the fraction of orcas decreases.

Akaroa Harbour

January                                                                  July

Fraction of orcas = 4/24 = 1/6                             Fraction of orcas = 2/16 = 1/8

Fraction of dolphins = 20/24 = 5/6                     Fraction of dolphins = 14/16 = 7/8

Is there a change in the fraction for each creature comparing July to January?

The fraction of dolphins increases and the fraction of orcas decreases.

Hawke Bay

January                                                                 July

Fraction of orcas = 12/40 = 3/10                         Fraction of orcas = 9/21 = 3/7

Fraction of dolphins = 28/40 = 7/10                   Fraction of dolphins = 12/21 = 4/7

Is there a change in the fraction for each creature comparing July to January?

The fraction of orcas increases and the fraction of dolphins decreases.

Session Five

  1. Use the following Figure It Out pages to set independent work for your students. Whilst students work independently, you could use small group teaching to support students who have not yet to develop the foundational understandings necessary to succeed in the independent tasks. Consider choosing one or two Figure It Out activities, and explicitly modelling and explaining how to complete these tasks. You could use the work samples as evidence of student progress on the Achievement Objectives of the NZC and on the Multiplication and Division aspect of the Learning Progressions Framework.
  2. The links take you to teachers’ guide pages with a PDF of the student page/s and answers.


Getting Percentible


This unit explores the connections between percentages, decimals, and fractions. It focuses on strategies for solving problems involving percentages and applies these strategies to real life contexts.

Achievement Objectives
NA4-3: Find fractions, decimals, and percentages of amounts expressed as whole numbers, simple fractions, and decimals.
NA4-5: Know the equivalent decimal and percentage forms for everyday fractions.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Use double number lines, ratio tables, and converting to equivalent fractions to solve percentage problems.
  • Use a calculator to solve problems with percentages.
Description of Mathematics

Percentages are commonly used in real life. Many of these applications involve money. So in this unit students investigate applying percentages to sales, discounts and investments.

This unit provides practice in using percentages in a range of situations and develops the link between percentages, decimals and fractions. Prior to using this unit, students should be familiar with decimals and fractions. The Level 4 units: Getting Partial to Fractions, Getting Partial to Decimals, and Getting Partial: Fractions of sets form a good foundation for the content in this unit. Getting Partial to Percentages is a parallel unit to this one. You may wish to use parts of each.

Percentages are rates out of 100 (per hundred). 50% means at a rate of 50 out of 100, a rate that is equivalent to one half. This means that 50% of a quantity (say, 40) can be calculated by multiplying the quantity by 50/100 (say, 40 x 50/100). The answer, 20, reflects the fact that 50 out of 100 and 20 out of 40 are equivalent rates, just like the fractions 50/100 and 20/40 are equivalent.

50% can be represented as an infinite number of equivalent fractions, such as 50/100 = 1/2 = 2/4 = 23/46, …. Percentages can be written as decimals, using the structure of the place value system. 50/100 also means 50 hundredths which is 5 tenths or 0.5 (note that 5 is in the tenths place). As a decimal, 50% can be represented as 0.5. Converting percentages to decimals can sometimes assist in calculation, such as 0.6 x 80 = 48 is an equivalent calculation to 60% x 80 = 48.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to students and by varying the task requirements. Ways to differentiate include:

  • beginning with commonly used percentages, such as 50%, 25%, 10%, to build up students’ fluency and confidence
  • using models for recording, especially the ratio table and double number line used in the unit
  • encouraging students to use a variety of recording methods to illustrate their thinking, and encouraging them to share their representations with others
  • providing opportunities for students to work in mixed groupings and pairs, in which they can benefit from peer learning and scaffolding, and the sharing and justification of individual’s ideas
  • providing opportunities for small group and individualised instruction that addresses specific gaps in knowledge
  • providing access to calculators to allow students to confirm their estimations and experiment with more complex percentages.

The contexts for activities can be adapted to suit the interests and experiences of your students by:

  • using the members of the class to create percentage problems
  • creating scenarios with contexts (e.g. sports, shared interests, links to other current curriculum areas) that interest your students
  • involving students in financial literacy  contexts in which percentages are important, such as saving money or budgeting.

Te reo Māori kupu such as ōrau (percent), hautau (fraction), hautaunga ā-ira (decimal fraction), and whakahekenga ōrau (percentage discount) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning

Required Resource Materials
  • Calculators
  • Computer spreadsheets
  • One hundred squares (Copymaster One)
  • Plastic containers or jars (large enough to hold the coloured cubes in session 2)
  • Unifix, multilink cubes, (coloured counters will suffice)
  • Deci-links, deci-cubes, deci-pipes, or paper tape and metre rulers, or 1 metre lengths of square dowel and orange and white Cuisenaire rods (optional)
  • Brochures and examples of ‘shopping percentages’ from the media (for session 4)
    Pre-prepared spreadsheets and copies for students (for session 5)

Session 1

Today we explore the relationship between percentages and fractions.

  1. Ask your students what 50% means. Many of them will know that 50% is equivalent to one-half and be familiar with “fifty-fifty” referring to an even chance.  Ask them what they think the % sign means.  Point out, if necessary, that the sign is derived from the symbol /, meaning "out of", and the two zeros from one hundred. Ask where in real life the word “per” is encountered. Students might offer ideas such as kilometres or minutes per hour, the cost of a meal per person, and dollars per litre or kilogram.
  2. Generally speaking, in mathematics “per” refers to a uniform rate, meaning “for every”. 40% means 40 measures for every 100 measures. The measures refer to the same unit, so percentages connect to ratios. If a student gets a ratio of 60 correct to 40 wrong in a test (60:40) they get 60% correct, since there are 60 correct answers in every 100 questions. Explain this to your students, with reference to the contexts that they have listed in discussion.
  3. Ask students to fold or shade a one-hundred (10 x 10) square (Copymaster One) in half and check that the area of one-half of the square is 50 out of 100.  Represent this with a double number line and a place value table:
    Image of a double number line displaying 0%, 50%, and 100% against fraction equivalents.
    Image of a place value table displaying 0.50.
    You may need to revisit a material model of decimal place values, such as deci-lengths or decimats to show why 50 hundredths equals 5 tenths.
  4. Ask the students to predict what one-quarter and three-quarters will be as percentages.  Have them fold or fold the 10 x10 square paper and then open it up to check the areas taken up by these fractions. Add the fraction to percentage conversions to the number line and place value table:
    Image of a double number line displaying 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% against fraction equivalents.
    Image of a place value table displaying 0.50, 0.25, and 0.75.
  5. The fractions ½ and ¼ form the start of an interesting progression.
    Ask students to predict what fractions and percentages occur if the halving continues.
    What is half of one quarter? 
    What is one eighth as a percentage? (Half of 0.25 equals 0.125 or 12.5%)
    Deci-lengths or deci-pipes are useful to show the halving.
    Extend the pattern to sixteenths.
  6. Write the following fractions on the board and ask the students to express each of the fractions as percentages and decimals. Encourage them to use any representation (100 square, double number line, place value table) that they think will be helpful.
    1/5, 3/5, 3/2 (1 1/2), 9/4 (2 1/4), 1/10, 1/8
  7. After a suitable time, discuss students’ solutions. Highlight strategies used, such as:
    1. Non-unit fractions as iterations (cumulative copies) of unit fractions, such as 1/5 = 0.2 = 20% so 3/5 = 0.6 = 60%
    2. Fractions with numerators greater than the denominator are greater than one so the percentage is greater than 100%, for instance, that 3/2 = 150%.
      Image of a double number line displaying 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, and 2 against percentage equivalents.
    3. Use of equivalent fractions, like; 1/5 = 2/10 = 20/100 = 20%.
    4. Use of double number lines as above.
    5. Use of ratio tables:
      Image of a table displaying 1, 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 against percentage equivalents.
      From this table we see that 1/8 = ½ x 25% = 12.5 %.
    6. Use of calculators to check predictions developed by other means. For example, to find the percentage of 3/4 calculate 3 ÷ 4 = 0.75 = 75%. Scientific calculators have a S↔D button that changes decimal form to fraction form and vice versa.
  8. To consolidate students’ ability to convert from fractions to percentages and vice versa give them the following percentages to convert to fractions:
  • 60%, 90%, 37.5%, 175%, 250%, 35%

Students may use any of the previously-introduced strategies to solve these problems.

Image of a double number line displaying 0, 60%, and 100% against decimal equivalents.

  1. Provide students with time to summarise the key mathematical understandings and ideas that have been covered in the session.

Session 2

In this session students solve percentage problems using a range of strategies and share those strategies.

  1. Revise what key mathematical content was introduced in the previous session. Look for students to recall key fraction-decimal-percentage relationships (e.g. around 50%, 25%, 75&, 100%) and those relating to more complex fractions (e.g. 1 ½, ⅛, 9/4). Look also for students to identify efficient methods for expressing fractions as percentages and decimals (e.g. double number lines, one-hundred square, ratio table, place value table). Make a note of any gaps in students’ knowledge and address these, either throughout this session or in a small-group session.
  2. Give the students the following problem to solve. Change the context of the problem to reflect your students’ interests and the current learning climate.:
    Tāmati is trying to work out the number of goals scored by the Northern Mystics in a netball game against the Southern Steel. His sister tells him that the Northern Mystics scored 25% of the goals. The total number of goals scored throughout the game, by both teams, was 48. How many goals did the Northern Mystics score?
  3. Let the students solve the problem in small co-operative groups and gather the class together to share strategies.  Key strategies are:
    1. Use fractional equivalents to simplify the problem: 25% is equivalent to 1/4 so the problem becomes 1/4 x 48.  Note that x means "of’’ in this case, as in "one-quarter of forty-eight."
    2. Use the double number line or ratio table to model the problem:

      Image of a double number line displaying 0, 12, 24, and 48 against percentage equivalents.
      Image of a table showing 48, 24, and 12 against percentage equivalents.
  4. Pose other similar problems such as:
    Tipene helps his Uncle Kahu check the kōura pots in the boat. He is allowed to keep 20 of the kōura they catch.  One day Tipene and Kahu catch 25 kōura.  How many kōura is he allowed to keep?
  5. Set up the following puzzles using coloured cubes and opaque plastic jars.  Tell the students that they need to work out how many cubes of each colour are in the jars.  Stress the need to record their solutions:
    Jar A:    30 cubes, 50% yellow, 20% green, 30% blue (15 yellow, 6 green, 9 blue)
    Jar B:    36 cubes, 25% red, 75% blue (9 red, 27 blue)
    Jar C     20 cubes, 20% black, 5% blue, 50% green, 25% yellow (4 black, 1 blue, 10 green, 5 yellow)
    Jar D:    16 cubes, 12.5% white, 37.5% red, 50% orange (2 white, 6 red, 8 orange)
    Jar E:    60 cubes, 10% yellow, 20% blue, 30% green, 40% red (6 yellow, 12 blue, 18 green, 24 red)
  6. Gather the class to discuss their strategies for finding common percentages of amounts. Possibilities might include:
    • Change the percentage to a simple fraction, e.g. 25% = ¼.
    • For multiples of 10%, find 10% first through dividing by 10.
  7. Challenge the students to make up their own percentage jar problems for others to solve. Whilst students work on this task, you could engage with small groups of students, or individuals, to address any identified gaps in knowledge.

Session 3

In this lesson students use the percentage key on the calculator to solve problems.  Encourage your students to justify the reasonableness of the answers that they get.

  1. Revise what key mathematical content was introduced in the previous session. Look for students to identify common percentages of amounts (e.g. 50% of 30, 10% of 60) and for them to identify efficient strategies for finding these percentages (e.g. using fractional equivalents to simplify the problem, using a double number line or ratio table, changing the percentage to a simple fraction, using multiples of 10%). Make a note of any gaps in students’ knowledge and address these, either throughout this session or in a small-group session.
  2. Ask the students if they know how to work out 25% of 28 using a calculator.  Use a virtual four function calculator on screen so everyone can see. Key in 28 x 25%.  Note that the factors are reversed in order, just like 3 x 5 = 5 x 3.
  3. Challenge students to find 40% of 35 by first estimating and then performing the operation on the calculator (35 x 40%.)
  4. Pose this problem: "Is 50% of 25 more, less, or the same as, 25% of 50?" Tell the students that you want them to explain their answers.  Discuss the models that students use to solve the problem: Examples might include:
    1. use of equivalent fractions:
      50% is 1/2, so 50% of 25 is one-half of 25;
      25% is 1/4, so 25% of 50 is one-quarter of 50;
      Since 50 is twice as much as 25, and one-quarter is half of one-half, the answers must be equal (doubling and halving argument);
    2. use of operational order:
      50 x 25% gives the same result as 25 x 50% as only the order of the factors is changed. This argument is not strictly correct since 50 x 0.25 is not the same operation as 25 x 0.5.
    3. use of matching double number lines:
      Image of a double number line displaying 0, 12.5, 25, and 50 against percentage equivalents.
      Image of a double number line displaying 0, 12.5, 25, and 50 against percentage equivalents.
  5. Pose problems like those below.  Tell the students that they can use a calculator if they wish but suggest that thinking about each problem may be a more beneficial first step. Note that the problems involve unknown multiplicands and multipliers, and students are likely to employ systematic trial and error strategies at first.
    • 25% of what number is 12? (25% x □ = 12) (Answer: 25% of 48)
    • 40% of what number is 14? (40% x □ = 14) (Answer: 40% of 35)
    • What percentage of 28 is 21? (□% x 28 = 21) (Answer: 75% of 28)
    • What percentage of 18 is 6? (□ %x 18 = 6) (Answer: 33.33% of 18)
  6. Share the strategies that students use to solve these problems.  Continue to describe the strategies using common language like, "Change to equivalent fractions", "Use double number lines", and "Use tidy or unit fractions". 
    • An example of using tidy fractions is to solve "40% of what number is 14", using the fact that 20% or one-fifth must be 7. Since 2/5 of the number equals 14, 1/5 must be 7, and 5/5 must be 5 x 7 = 35.
    • An example of using a double number line is shown below to answer “What percentage of 18 is 6?” Since 3 x 6 = 18, 6/18 = 1/3 and the percentage for 1/3 equals 33. 33%
      Image of a double number line displaying 0, 6, and 18 against percentage and fraction equivalents (0%, 1/3, 33.3% 100%).
  7. Students might enjoy making up problems of these types for others to solve.
  8. Pose contextual problems where the unknown is at the start of the equation or is the whole set. For example:
    Hirini gives 40% of his marbles to Melanie. He still has 21 marbles left. How many marbles did he have to start with?
    Sione uses 45% of his free call minutes for this month in the first week. He has only 88 minutes left. How many free minutes does he get on his mobile plan each month?

Session 4

In this session students apply their knowledge of percentages to solve shopping problems.

  1. Tell the students that they now have enough tools to attempt some problems that occur in real life and involve percentages.  Point out the many shops identify the amount of discount in a sale in terms of percentage off.  Consider the example of a 25% off sale:
    Image of a double number line displaying 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% with arrows attached to each percentage.
    Ask the students which arrow they think matches what you would pay in a 25% off sale.  Look for explanations like, "You would pay 75% of the price since 100% - 25%= 75%".
  2. Move to specific examples from a 25% off sale.  Use examples from sales brochures/media/online sources where possible, though you may wish to round the prices for easier calculation at this stage.  Get the students to work out their solutions in any way they wish and share their strategies with the whole class.  Here is the example of an article costing $34 at normal price:
    Image of a double number line displaying $8.50, $17, $25.50, and $34 against percentage equivalents.
  3. Provide the students with some advertising materials from shops and tell them that they can choose five articles to purchase from the brochure they receive. Tell them that the store is having a 30% off sale and they must work out what the discounted price will be. You might relate this to an engaging and relevant context - such as food to buy for a class party, headphones, books, or devices for the classroom, or gear for the sports shed. Before beginning, ask students if they can think of a way to estimate the sale price easily.  Some may suggest that 30% is close to one-third and that an easy estimate is to take one-third off the price.  An article that normally cost $18 would now cost about one-third ($6) less, that is, $12. Others may suggest using 10% as a benchmark and subtracting 3 amounts of 10% off the price.
  4. As students work, roam the room to look for the following:
    • Do they have a sense of size for what amount is left after 30% is removed?
    • Have students completed both operations? (i.e. finding 30% and subtracting it from 100%)
    • Do they understand that removing 30% results in 70% remaining?
    • Do they use 1/3 and 1/10 as benchmarks to check the answers are reasonable?
    • Can they use a calculator to find the answer, as a way to check?
  5. When the students have had sufficient time to work on these problems, put them in pairs to check each other’s calculations.  You may wish to show them how the problems can be solved on a calculator.  For example, the price of a $72 article could be worked out by keying in 72 x 70% (50.4).  Be sure to ask for the interpretation of 50.4 in terms of the context ($50.40).
  6. To conclude the session, pose this problem.  "Suppose you have $1000.  You want to buy as many computer games as you can.  Normally they cost $100 each.  How many can you buy with no discount, 10% discount, 20% discount, 30% discount, etc? What do you notice about the number of games you can buy as the discount gets greater?" Suggest to the students that they may want to use a table or graph to record their findings.

    Discount (%)Number of items
    Image of a graph displaying the number of items bought with a given discount.

    Students may notice that the impact of discount is not linear.  For example, a purchaser gets twice as many of an article at 70% discount as they do at 40% discount.

Session 5

In today’s session we explore the use of percentages through banking problems.

  1. Ask:
    Why is it important to save money?
    Is it worth it to save money or should you just spend it?
    How does the bank reward you for leaving your money with them?
    Students may or may not know about compound interest. You might demonstrate what an interest rate of 10% per annum is like. Put $100 into a container (Material Master 4-9). Each time a year passes, the bank adds 10% or 1/10 of the amount to the account.
    After 1 year there is $100 + $10 = $110 in the account.
    After 2 years there is $110 + $11 = $121 in the account.
    What will happen at the end of Year 3?
    After 3 years there is $121 + $12.10 = $133.10 in the account.
  2. Use a spreadsheet to show how the amount in the account grows at 10% interest per annum. Ask students to predict the amount at the end of 10 years before ‘filling down.’
    Image of a spreadsheet used to show how the amount in an account grows at 10% interest per annum.
  3. Graph the relation between Year and Amount to see a pattern.
    What do you notice about the amount as the years go by?

Image of a graph showing the relation between Year and Amount.

  1. Motivate your students. Tell them that they have $1 000 000 to invest and they must leave the money invested for ten years.  There are three other investment options for them:
    SafeBank will pay you $60 000 each year for all ten years that your money is with them.
    RegularBank will pay you 5% compound interest at the end of every year.  That means the 5% you earned in the year before will also earn interest.
    StepBank will pay you 1% compound interest at the end of the first year, 2% at the end of the second year, 3% at the end of the third year, and so on until they pay 10% at the end of the tenth year.
    Which bank will give you the most money at the end of ten years?
  2. Support students to use a computer spreadsheet. Using formulae and the fill down function with a spreadsheet can save time and effort, and students can do ‘if-then’ analyses by changing the interest rate and beginning amount.  If calculators are available, support students to organise their calculations in a table to help them see patterns. Note that using the formula =D2*(1+A3/100) in cell D3 (Year 1 for Step Bank) is a quick way to adjust the interest rate each year.
    Image of calculations arranged in a spreadsheet.
  3. Ask the students to explain why they think some investment schemes offered better returns than others.  The effect of compound interest can be demonstrated by getting them to graph the returns of each investment by year.
    Image of a graph displaying the returns of each investment by year.
  4. Students might wish to investigate different investment deals that are available from local banks.  These might include fixed and flexible interest rates.

Adding and subtracting fractions


These exercises and activities are for students to use independently of the teacher to practice number properties.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-1: Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
Specific Learning Outcomes

Add and subtract fractions with like denominators
Identify fractions that equal one
Identify fractions bigger than one

Description of Mathematics

Addition and Subtraction, AA (Stage 6)

Required Resource Materials
Practice exercises with answers (PDF or Word)

Prior knowledge.

  • Identify that the denominator in a fraction tells us how many equal sized parts are in a whole, and the numerator tells us how many of the pieces we are interested in
  • Students can coordinate the numerator and the denominator in a fraction to create and explain meaning for fractions


Before this activity is commenced, students should have learnt that fractions can be smaller than one, can equal one, and be greater than one, and can relate drawings to numeric fractions. It is also useful if they can convert improper fractions to mixed numbers, though as the students are at stage 5 this is likely to be using additive methods rather than multiplicative ones.

Comments on the Exercises

Exercise 1
Asks students to solve addition problems with fraction with the support of diagrams.  Exercise 1 is an exploration that hopes to build on students’ existing knowledge about fractions to help students establish/invent a strategy for adding simple fractions. The first problems have both a word story and a set of drawings to represent the story mathematically. Some students may need to be introduced to the idea that both of these representations show the same thing. The next problems rely simply on the drawings. Once students have developed a strategy for adding such fractions, they are then invited to use this on some numeric fractions

Exercise 2: Parts in a whole
Asks students to revisit the idea that n/n = 1

Exercise 3
Asks students to solve problems involve addition of fractions with like denominators. Many have answers that are greater than one. Students who have learned to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers should be challenged to make this conversion, even though the answers do not provide this format. Likewise, answers are not simplified as students at this stage cannot be expected to understand multiplicative processes.

Asks students to think about subtraction of fractions with like denominators, again starting with story problems and drawings that show these. Some students may find it challenging to make up the word problems required, or how this could be represented with drawings. This investigation can form part of a teaching session which covers the same concepts.

Exercise 4
Asks students to solve basic subtraction problems with like denominators

Legs in the barn


This problem solving activity has a number focus.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-1: Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
Student Activity

Decorative image of a pig and a chicken.


One third of the animals in the barn are chickens. The rest are pigs.

There are 20 legs in all.

How many pigs are there?


Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Find fractions of whole numbers.
  • Devise and use problem-solving strategies (draw a picture, guess and check).
Description of Mathematics

The focus of this problem is on fractional parts of a set. The problem encourages students to approach fraction operations through number sense and logical thinking rather than through the memorisation of rules. Other contexts for this problem could include bicycles, tricycles and a number of wheels, or spiders and bugs, and a number of legs.

Required Resource Materials

The Problem

One third of the animals in the barn are chickens. The rest are pigs. There are 20 legs in all. How many pigs are there?

Teaching Sequence

  1. Use the animal models or pictures to introduce the problem to the class.
  2. Brainstorm possible approaches to solving the problem (e.g. draw, guess). Encourage the students to plan ways of recording their work so that others will be able to understand what they have done.
  3. As the students solve the problem, ask questions that focus them on their thinking about fractions.
    How do you work out a third?
    What is the total number of legs? Will this number be the numerator or denominator of a fraction?
    How many thirds make up 1 whole?
    How many legs make up our '1 whole'?
  4. Share solutions and records.


Write your own barn fraction problem which has 6 as the answer.


4 pigs

One way to do this problem is to use a table. Before we start though, notice that: (1) if one third of the animals are chickens, then two thirds are pigs, and (2) since there are a whole number of chickens, there must be three times a whole number of animals.


Noticing part (2) makes it possible to get the answer very quickly.


Addition, subtraction and equivalent fractions


The purpose of this series of lessons is to develop understanding of equivalent fractions and the operations of addition and subtraction with fractions.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-1: Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
NA3-5: Know fractions and percentages in everyday use.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
  • Explore and record equivalent fractions for simple fractions in everyday use.
  • Recognise that equivalent fractions occupy the same place on the number line.
  • Recognise and apply the multiplicative relationship between simple equivalent fractions.
  • Understand that fractions can have an infinite number of names.
  • Apply knowledge of the inverse nature of multiplication and division to simplify fractions.
  • Apply knowledge of equivalent fractions to solving problems which involve comparing, adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators.
Description of Mathematics

In this unit students learn to find equivalent fractions and apply equivalence when adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators. A fundamental idea about addition and subtraction is that the units that are combined, separated, or compared are of the same size. In a simple addition problem such as 6 + 7 = 13 it is assumed that 6, 7, and 13 refer to the same units, such as apples, or centimetres.

Addition and subtraction of fractions involves greater complexity than with whole numbers.

For example, 3/4 + 2/5 = ? involves two fractions composed of different units. Three quarters refer to three units that are one quarter in size, while two fifths refer to two units that are one fifth in size. Since quarters and fifths are different sized units they cannot be added. Key to this, is understanding that the denominator in a fraction describes the size of units the fraction is made up of.

Renaming the fractions in units of the same size involves creating a common or "like" denominator. A common denominator can be any common multiple of the denominators of the fractions being added or subtracted. For example, to solve 4/5 – 2/3 = ? the common denominator of 3 and 5 could be 15, 30, 45, etc. For simplicity, the least common multiple, 15, is commonly used. Partitioning fifths into three equal parts creates fifteenths, so 4/5 can be rewritten as 12/15. Partitioning thirds into five equal parts creates fifteenths, so 2/3 can be rewritten as 10/15. Note that renaming a fraction in equivalent form is like multiplying by one, in fraction form. 4/5 x 3/3 = 12/15 and 2/3 x 5/5 = 10/15. 3/3 and 5/5 are names for one.

Once 4/5 and 2/3 are renamed as equivalent fractions with the same denominator the units are of equal size and can be separated or compared. So, 4/5 – 2/3 can be rewritten as 12/15 – 10/15 = 2/15. Therefore the problem becomes 12/15 – 10/15 and gives the answer 2/15.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to students, by varying the task requirements. Ways to support students include:

  • continuing work on multiplication and division basic facts through diagnosis and practice of missing facts. Within this, consider what basic facts knowledge your students can easily apply when working with fractions.
  • using concrete materials, such as paper strips or sheets, number lines, magnetic fraction tiles, fraction strips or circles, consistently, and with an emphasis on students anticipating the results of actions
  • explicitly modelling actions on the materials with appropriate questioning about the fractions involved and the size of one
  • linking words and materials to symbols, so that students connect fraction symbols to quantity
  • using of a variety of situations to which addition and subtraction are applied. The situations include joining, separating, and comparing quantities
  • using more complex fractions and longer, multi-step word problems to extend very capable students. 

Tasks can be varied in many ways including:

  • beginning with fractions that occur through symmetric partitioning of one, i.e. halves, quarters, eighths, etc., before using more difficult partitions such as thirds, fifths, and sevenths
  • working at first with addition and subtraction problems where the equal partitioning of units is easy to enact and visualise, e.g. halves, thirds, quarters
  • using physical and diagrammatic models before the use of symbols, then using both together
  • grouping students purposefully to encourage supportive tuakana-teina relationships, and collaborative learning. 
  • prompting explanation and justification from groups of students
  • reducing the demands for a product, e.g. diagrams with less reliance on writing equations at first but progressing to fluency with equations
  • using digital technology, such as virtual manipulatives, to facilitate visualisation and risk taking.

The contexts for this unit can be adapted to suit the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students. Fractions arise from equal sharing and measuring. Fair shares are a common feature of many cultures, particularly Pasifika communities where effort and reward are communally owned. Sharing food is a cultural universal. With your class, you might come up with a list of contexts in which your students share food (e.g. marae visits, birthday parties, picnics, Christmas). Use these contexts to enhance how the maths learning in the following sessions reflects the cultural diversity of your students. For example, in Polynesian cultures, shares given to families from collective food and materials gathering or hunting, are often based on the number of family members, so the fractions are often unequal.

Measurement contexts are ubiquitous in modern life, due to the use of metric measures. Length, area, mass, volume and capacity occur in everyday settings from allocating water, to creating items from fabric, to calculating loads. Historical measures, such as arm spans, head circumferences, and foot lengths, also provide contexts for use of fractions, arising from the need for accuracy.

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as haurua (half), hautoru (third), hauwhā (quarter), hautau ōrite (equivalent fraction) and hautau (fraction) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning. In te reo Māori, the prefix ‘hau’ refers to how many parts a whole has been divided into. Therefore, number terms such as rima (five) can be added to the ‘hau’ prefix to make ‘haurima’ (fifth). The te reo Māori term for a whole number is tauoti. To talk about non-unit fractions (for example, 2/3), we use the same number-words as we would for counting in te reo Māori. Therefore, two-thirds can be called rua hautoru.

Required Resource Materials

Session 1


  • Explore and record equivalent fractions for simple fractions in everyday use.
  • Recognise that equivalent fraction occupy the same place on the number line. 
  • Add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
  1. Begin this session by consolidating students' understandings of where fractions fit on a number line, by skip counting forwards and backwards in common fractions (e.g. 1/2), improper fractions (e.g. 8/2) and mixed fractions (e.g.1 1/2).
    For example: “one quarter, two quarters, three quarters, one, one and one quarter, one and two quarters, one and three quarters, two, two and one quarter…”
    Use a set of fractions strips (Copymaster 1) to build up a number line model as you count.
    Why is 4/4 called one?
    Why is 6/4 called 1 ½?
  2. Ask “How do we write 1 using quarters?” (4/4). How do we write 2 (8/4), 3 (12/4) and 4 (16/4)?
    Write on the class/group chart in words and symbols:
    Four quarters is the same as one: 4/4 = 1,
    Eight quarters is the same as two: 8/4 = 2, etc.
    Highlight the equals sign. Ask students to discuss the meaning of = (is the same as, the amount on one side is equivalent in value to the amount on the other side).
    Record their ideas.
    Equals means the same quantity. So, 8/4 and 2 are two ways to record the same number. At this stage, you could draw on students’ understandings of algebraic equations, if they are familiar with equations such as 2a = 4, so a=2. The equals sign can also be linked to familiar measurement contexts (e.g. weighing items on scales to see if they are equal).
  3. Pose and write this problem on the class/group chart. “There is a pizza party at Elijah’s house. These bits of the pizzas are left over: 1 1/8 vegetarian, 3/4 meat lovers, 1 5/8 pepperoni, 1/2 Hawaiian, 1 1/4 margarita, and 7/8 seafood. Altogether, how much pizza is left over?”
    Ask students to work in pairs to reach a solution. Provide Copymaster 2: Pizza Pieces for students to use if needed. Share the strategies as a class and summarise those strategies on the class chart. Encourage students to think flexibly. Prompt thinking with questions like the following:
    Are any pairs of fractions easy to add? (e.g. 1 1/8 + 7/8). Why?
    How many eighths of a pizza, altogether, are left over?
    Can you think of any ways to combine the 1/2 of Hawaiian pizza and 1/4 meat lovers pizza? Would this make it easier or more difficult to count?
    Students might divide the total of 6 ½ pizzas and convert that amount into 52/8. Alternatively, they might change each fraction into eighths and total the number of eighths.
  4. Provide each student pair with sticky tape and two strips of paper of A3 length (42cm).
    Make your own fraction number line, starting at zero and finishing at eight, where the right-hand edge is. Tape both strips together to get a good length. 
    What number will go on the join?
    Where will you locate 1? 7? 4 ½, 6 3/4?
    Please show all the halves, quarters, and eighths from 0 to 8.
    Watch that students locate all numbers, including fractions, on the marks and not in the spaces.
  5. Once students complete their number lines, refer to the fractions in the pizza problem posed in part 3 above.
    Have students begin at zero and add 1 1/8 (the vegetarian pizza left over) on the number line. They might use a peg to mark the total amount of pizza each time, as each fraction is added. 
    How can we figure out where a jump of ¾ more will land? This jump can represent us, adding on the leftover meat lovers pizza?
    Three quarters (i.e. 6/8) more than 1 1/8 equals 1 7/8. Then, 1 whole pizza can be added to get 2 7/8 pizza. One might be added first then 7/8 and the answer is the same.
    Use your number line to add the fractions of leftovers. Check to see that our original answer is correct.
    Roam the room to see that students add the fractions correctly, renaming ones, halves, quarter, and eighths as needed, and recognising when another one (whole) is created.
  6. Pose other problems; e.g. 2 1/2 + 3/4 + 3/4 + 1 3/4 + 3/4 = ☐
    For some students, it may be appropriate to present these questions orally. However, other students may benefit from questions written on mini whiteboards or sticky notes.
    Ask your students to solve the problem by imaging the number line. Ask students to share their results with a partner. Model solving the question - making explicit links to fraction materials to show the relationship between halves, quarters, and wholes. Ensure the recorded fractions are visible for students to see.
    Repeat with other examples involving halves, quarters, and eighths. Use pizza pieces to confirm the sums if necessary.
  7. Provide each group with two more strips and a piece of sticky tape. Pose the following challenge:
    Make a new number line starting at zero and finishing at eight. Join the strips like last time.
    This time your number line must show halves, thirds, and sixths.
    How will you divide each length of one into thirds?
    How will you divide thirds into sixths?
  8. Roam the room as students work. 
    Do they locate the whole numbers correctly?
    Is the one third unit made by dividing one into three equal lengths?
    Are students aware that one half of one third equals one sixth?
  9. Gather the class and discuss and chart key learning from this session. Focus students’ attention on the need for a common denominator when joining fractions (addition) and that the same quantity may be represented with different fractions.
    You might align the first and second number lines.
    Using our number lines, how many names for 1 ½ can we find?
    1 2/4, 6/4, 1 4/8, 12/8, 1 3/6, 9/6.
    What would happen if we added 3/4 and 5/6? What would the answer be?
    Students should recognise that the answer, 19/12, cannot be expressed as an exact number of quarters or sixths. You might use a fraction strips to show that twelfths are needed to express the answer.

Session Two


  • Add and subtract fractions with like denominators
  • Explore and record equivalent fractions for simple fractions in everyday use. 
  • Recognise that equivalent fractions occupy the same place on the number line.
  • Recognise and apply the multiplicative relationship between simple equivalent fractions.
  • Understand that fractions can have infinite number of names.
  1. Begin the session by posing a subtraction problem in which the denominators are the same.
    For example: John says he needs 3 1/4 of the playing field to set up for a game of Kī-o-Rahi. He sections off the playing field. What portion of the playing field remains?
    Let students calculate an answer then check their responses with fractions strips (Copymaster 1). The physical action is removal. Taking away 1 1/4 is straight forward. This leaves a remaining 2/4 to be taken away, leaving a total of 1 2/4 or 1 1/2 of the playing field remaining.
    Review strategies from Session 1. Just like with addition, units of the same denominator are needed for subtraction of fractions.
  2. Pose a problem in which the denominators are not easily related.
    For example: Ihaia is carving a new whakairo for the marae. He has a 4 3/4 metres length of wood. He cuts off 2 1/3 metres. What length of wood is left?
    Ask students to work in pairs to attempt the problem. Encourage access to their previous number lines and fraction strips. 
  3. Support students using the strip model and scaffolding questions like:
    How might you find the length that remains? (Either add on to 2 1/3 until you reach 4 ¾ or remove 2 1/3 from 4 ¾).
    Estimate the length that remains. (2 metres and a fraction of a metre)
    What fraction is ¾ with 1/3 taken away? What sized pieces might fit? (Twelfths)
  4. After an appropriate time, gather the class and discuss their strategies. Model the problem with fraction strips so symbols can be related to quantities. Be explicit in your description of subtracting the fractions. 
    Record the problem using an empty number line to capture the removal of parts. 
    A fraction strip showing the subtraction of 2 ⅓ from 4 ¾.
    What is the problem with 3/4 - 1/3? (Different denominators means different sized pieces)
    Could we rename both 3/4 and 1/3 using a different denominator? Which denominator?
    Students may have already discovered that twelfths fit the gap between 2 and the answer on the number line.
    How many twelfths equal 3/4? How many twelfths equal 1/3? (Align fraction strip pieces if needed to check that 3/4 = 9/12 and 1/3 = 4/12)
  5. Use equations to model the problem:
    4 3/4 - 1 1/3 = 4 9/12 – 2 4/12 
                         = 2 5/12 (subtracting ones first then twelfths)
    Why did we need a common denominator of twelve to solve this problem? (Addition and subtraction are only possible if the units are the same.)
  6. Write on the class/group chart: “What is meant by an equivalent fraction?”
    It is vital that students recognise that equivalent means of equal value, that is, different expressions of the same quantity. ½ and 5/10 are equivalent because they represent the same amount and occupy the same location on the number line between zero and one.
  7. Record student responses, including examples they give, e.g. 1/2 = 2/4
    Refer to the class/group chart recording from Session 1:
    4/4 = 1, 8/4 = 2, 12/4 = 3, 16/4 = 4, and the highlighted = sign. 
    Do students agree that equals means “is the same as” or “that the amount on one side is equal in value to the amount on the other side”?
  8. Provide students with paper strips of the same length cut from photocopy paper.
    Use lengthwise folding to illustrate how equivalent fractions can be found.
    Here is the example of 2/3 = 4/6 = 8/12 = …
    A paper strip is folded into thirds, sixths, and twelfths.
  9. Record equivalence equations, e.g. 2/3 = 4/6 = 8/12.
    What comes next in the equation? How do you know? (= 16/24 = 32/48 …)
    What patterns do you notice in the numbers?
    Students should notice that both the numerator and denominator are doubling.
    Why did that happen? (With each half fold the number of pieces that make one (denominator) doubled so the number of shaded pieces doubled)
  10. Provide two other examples of folding such as:
    Start with 3/4 and repeatedly halve to get 3/4 = 6/8 = 12/16
    Start with 1/2 and repeatedly third to get 1/2 = 3/6 = 9/18
  11. Provide your students with Fraction Strips (Copymaster 1) and Pizza Pieces (Copymaster 2). 
    Find as many equivalent fractions as you can using these materials. Record the fractions using equations and diagrams. Create a poster of your work explaining how equivalent fractions work.
    Give students plenty of time to explore. Roam the room looking for:
    Are students confident with the meaning of numerator as a count, and denominator as the size of pieces counted?
    Do students anticipate the relationships among different sized pieces?
    Do students anticipate the effect of halving and thirding pieces of a parent fraction?
    Do students record equivalence appropriately using equations?
  12. After a suitable time, gather the class to share their posters. Look for patterns in the equations, particularly the multiplying and dividing of numerators and denominators by the same factor.
    For example: 
    This shows a fraction wall divided into ½, 2/4, and 4/8. It is accompanied by the equation ½ = ¼ = ⅛.
    • These fractions are equivalent
    • They are the same length
    • The fractions have the same value

Session Three


  • Recognise that equivalent fractions occupy the same place on the number line.
  • Recognise and apply the multiplicative relationship between simple equivalent fractions.
  1. Have students relook at their equivalent fraction posters. Together record on the class/group chart what the students notice about equivalent fractions highlighting that equivalent fractions:
    • have the same value
    • have the same length
    • have different numerators and denominators.
  2. Given each pair of students two strips of paper cut longways from A3 paper.
    Here are some equivalent fractions that I found:
    2/3 = 4/6 = 8/12
    I want to mark each fraction on a number line.
  3. Start by using a one length from the fraction strip set to mark zero and one respectively at the left and right ends.
    How will I find the place to mark two thirds? (Two copies of one third from zero)
    How will I find the place to mark four sixths? (Four copies of one sixth from zero)
    How will I find the place to mark eight twelfths? (Eight copies of one twelfth from zero)
    A fraction wall showing the relationships between 8/12, 4/6, ⅔, 1 whole. It is accompanied by a number line with markings at ⅓, ⅔, 4/6, 8/12, and 1.
    What other fractions will be equivalent to two thirds? 
  4. Ask your students to create a number line showing some of the equivalent fractions that they identified. After a suitable time gather the strips and arrange them vertically on a wall or board.
    Look for vertical alignment to check for correct placement of fractions and equivalence.
  5. We have used lengths. I wonder if equivalence also works with areas.
    Provide each student with three blank A4 pieces of paper and ask them to fold the pieces in these ways. 
    You will need to think about how the paper was folded.
    Remember to label each piece with the correct fraction.
    Three A4 pieces of paper. One is folded into ½ and 2/4. One is folded into 2/4 and 4/8. The last is folded into ⅓, 2/6, 2/12, and 4/24.
  6. Gather the class.
    Use your paper pieces to show a partner that:
    • Three quarters are equivalent to six eighths (3/4 = 6/8).
    • Two thirds are equivalent to eight twelfths (2/3 = 8/12).
    • Five sixths are equivalent to twenty twenty-fourths (5/6 = 20/24).
  7. Allow students sufficient time to rehearse their demonstrations of equivalence. Look for signs of students noticing relationships among unit fractions, such as twenty-fourths are quarters of sixths.
  8. Share the results as a class, sticking the appropriate paper pieces on a board to check equivalence of area. You might try less obvious examples where the multiplying numerator and denominator by a whole number factor does not work. Good counter examples are:
    How many sixths are equivalent to three quarters? (3/4 = 9/12 and 1/6 = 2/12. There are 4 ½ sixths in three quarters)
    How many eighths are equivalent to one third? (1/3 = 8/24 and 1/8 = 3/24. There are 2 2/3 eighths in one third)
  9. Add to the points from the start of the activity:
    Equivalent fractions:
    • have the same value
    • have the same length or area
    • have different numerators and denominators
    • occupy the same place on a number line.
  10. Write on the class/group chart: 1/2 = 2/4 = 4/8
    Ask the students what they notice happening to the numerator (it is doubling each time) and what is happening to the denominator (it is doubling each time).
    Ask students how this could be shown. Accept their suggestions, reaching an understanding that it could be shown in this way.
    A flowchart showing how the numerator and denominator of ½ can be doubled to make 2/4, and how the numerator and denominator of 2/4 can be doubled to make 4/8.
    ½ x 2/2 = 2/4 and 2/4 x 2/2 = 4/8.
  11. Together recognise that the value of 2/2  equals 1 and that when any whole number is multiplied by 1 the product equals that number. We can multiply a fraction by 2/2, 3/3, 4/4 etc. to find equivalent fractions without changing the value of the amount represented.
  12. Ask the students to play Fractions Fish. This game can be made from Copymaster 3.
    Purpose: to recognise the multiplicative relationship between equivalent fractions)
    This game is for two or three players and the rules are included with the Copymaster.

Session Four


  • Understand that fractions can have an infinite number of names.
  • Understand the inverse nature of multiplication and division and how this knowledge can be used to simplify fractions.
  • Use multiplication and division to calculate equivalent fractions.
  1. Begin this session by reading together the final statement made in Session 3.
    Refer to this expression and have the students suggest how the pattern of equivalent fractions continues.
    A flowchart showing the pattern of doubling the numerator and denominator of a fraction to identify equivalent fractions (e.g. ½ = 2/4) up to 16/32.
    How long can this pattern of making fractions that are equivalent to one half continue? 
  2. Have students discuss this in pairs and agree on their answer. “Forever. We can just keep on going”.
  3. Ask: Which of these fractions would be in the list equivalent to one half?
    How do you know? (note that some fractions equal 1/2  but do not arise in the doubled list)
    50/100                         64/128             36/72               256/512                       22/44
    The common property of all fractions equivalent to 1/2 is that the denominator is twice the numerator.
  4. Discuss and conclude that there are an infinite number of names for any fraction. You might try other fractions such as 2/3 and 3/5 to see if you run out of possible equivalent fractions.  For example: 2/3 x 3/3 = 6/9 = 18/27 = 54/81 = …
  5. Write 9/12. 
    Is there a simpler way to write this fraction?
    Let students investigate the question in pairs and record their ideas.
    Ideas might be:
    • We went ‘backwards’ (divided the numerator and denominator by 2 several times).
    • We know that 3/12 is the same as ¼.
    • We know that 9 is three quarters of 12.
  6. Create a fraction strip picture of the problem: 
    A fraction strip showing the relationship between 1 whole, ¾, and 9/12.
    If we look at the numerators and denominators of the fractions can we know the simplest fraction without using strips?
    Record the equality as:
    9/12 = 3/4
    We know that we can change three quarters into nine twelfths through multiplying by one. We use 3/3 as a name for one.
    What would undo multiplying both the numerator and denominator by three?
    Students might recognise that 9 ÷ 3 = 3 and 12 ÷ 3 = 4 which gives the numerator and denominator of 3/4.
  7. Provide some other examples of simplifying fractions by identifying a common factor. Use fraction strips to model each problem if needed. Note that students will need to consider twentieths as half of tenths, and twenty fourths as halves of twelfths.

    More knowledgeable students may benefit from being extended through the use of word questions. The questions you pose to your students can be enhanced through connections with students’ cultural backgrounds. For example if your learning has involved looking at images of carvings from the local marae, the questions could be posed as “the whakairo (carving) at our local marae is being restored. The artists use grids to divide up the work, but they cannot agree on how much they should work on each. Hone says it is simplest to divide the carving into twelfths, and that he will complete 8/12 of the work. Can you think of a simpler way to write the fraction that Hone has come up with? 

    In a school context, problems could also be posed around the use of the school playing field (e.g. for Friday afternoon sport).
    For example: 
    8/12 (2/3)                     6/10 (3/5)         15/20 (3/4)                  9/24 (3/8)    

  8. Summarise the findings about how to simplify fractions:      
    • To simplify a fraction, you can divide both the numerator and the denominator by the same whole number.
    • Multiplication and division are inverse operations, one undoes the other.
  9. Ask students to play Simplify Secrets in pairs.
    Purpose: To simplify fractions and to identify which fractions can be simplified.
    Student pairs share a deck of shuffled playing cards with picture cards and the jokers removed. They each need a pencil and a sheet of paper.
    Players take turns to turn over two cards. The first card is the numerator and the second is the denominator. The player records their fraction. Beside the fraction they write a simpler equivalent fraction if they can, showing what they divided both numerator and denominator by. If their partner agrees they tick their recording.
    Fractions for which they can find no simpler fraction are recorded and nothing further is added.
    For example:
    If a player draws a 6 and then an 8, they write 6/8 = ¾, justifies the division factor, and once their partner agrees they can add a tick ✔. 
    If a player draws a 7 and then a 9, they write 7/9 but no tick is given. 
    If the fraction is an improper fraction that is changed to a mixed numeral without simplification, no tick is given as this is not simplifying the fraction. For example: 7/2 = 3 ½ earn no tick bit 9/3 = 3/1 does earn a tick. 
    Students play and record 10 rounds (at least). They should then look closely at the fractions they were able to simplify (✔) and the ones they were not.
    They must discuss, agree, and write the ‘Secret to simplifying fractions is…’
  10. Bring the class together after the game to generalise that a fraction can be simplified if both numerator and denominator share a common factor.
  11. For practice in finding equivalent fractions, ask students to independently complete MM8-9 part 1, Equivalent fractions: Equation and Explanation. 
  12. On the class/group chart summarize what has been learned in this session.
    For example:
    • A fraction can have an infinite number of names if we keep on multiplying the numerator and denominator by the same number.
    • Some fractions can be simplified by evenly dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number.

Session Five


  • Recognise and apply the multiplicative relationship between simple equivalent fractions.
  • Apply knowledge of equivalent fractions to solving problems which involve comparing, adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators.
  1. Begin by posing the question: 
    When would it be useful to know about equivalent fractions
    Record the students' suggestions and ask them to provide examples. They may offer problems like these:
    • If we are comparing different kinds of fractions to see which fraction is greater. Like you might have 3/4 of metre of fabric and you need 2/3 metre. Will you have enough?
    • If we are adding different fractions. Say you had 3/4 of a pizza and another 1/3 of a pizza. Does that make 1 whole pizza?
    • If you have an amount and gave away a fraction, and you want to work out what you have left. Like you have 5/8 of something and you gave away 1/4. 
  2. Provide these two problems for students to solve in pairs, before sharing with the class.
    • Aria wants to weave a kete. Collecting the harakeke takes 3/4 of an hour learning how to weave from her kuia.
      How much time, in total, has Aria spent creating her kete?
      (3/4 + 2/3 = 9/12 + 8/12 = 17/12 = 1 5/12)
    • Tina has 1 4/5 metres of fabric that she can use to make poi. She uses 3/4 of the fabric.
      How much fabric does Tina have left? 
      (1 4/5 - 3/4 = 9/5 - 3/4 = 1 16/20 – 15/20 = 1 1/20)
  3. Model each problem with fraction strips. Discuss: 
    Why is finding a common denominator necessary to solve both problems?
    Which common denominators did you use? Why did you choose those numbers?
    When did you use equivalent fractions to solve the problems?
  4. Pose the question: 
    What is the best way to find a common denominator? 
    Let’s use 2/3 + 4/5 as an example.
    From previous work students might know that thirds and fifths can be equally partitioned into fifteenths.
    How many equal parts is each third broken into, so that fifteenths are formed? (five)
    You may need to demonstrate the partitioning with fraction strips. Students need to see that the size of the parts comes from considering how many of those parts make one (whole).
    How many fifteenths are equivalent to two thirds? (write 2/3 = 10/15)
  5. Ask the same questions for four fifths (Fifths are cut into three equal parts to form fifteenths so 4/5 = 12/15)
  6. Summarise:
    We look for the least common multiple of 3 and 5 (LCM) so both fractions can be named with the same denominator.
  7. Provide students with Copymaster 4 which is a sheet of hundreds boards. Show how the common multiples of 3 and 5 can be found. Students can copy you on their page.
    Shade the multiples of three in one colour; 3, 6, 9, …
    Shade the multiples of five in another colour; 5, 10, 15,…
    Continue until all the multiples have been found.
    How do we know which numbers are common multiples of 3 and 5? (double colour)
    What is the least common multiple of 3 and 5? (15)
    Let students work on these tasks using Copymaster 4 as support.
    • Find the common multiples of 2 and 3?
    • Find the common multiples of 2 and 5?
    • Find the common multiples of 5 and 6?
    • Find the common multiples of 4 and 6?
    • Find the common multiples of 7 and 13?
  8. Discuss the results. Pay attention to:
    Why are the common multiples of 2 and 5 in the right-hand column?
    Why is 12 the LCM of 4 and 6, when 4 x 6 = 24?
    Why do 7 and 13 have only one common multiple less than 100?
  9. When we solve a problem like 1/3 + ½ = □ what common denominator might we use? Why?
    Note that any common multiple will work but LCM is the simplest to use.
    Record the thinking using a table like this:
    A two-way table identifying a fraction, its multiples, its lowest common multiple, multiplying factors, and equivalent fraction.
  10. Use the same format to capture finding the common denominator for the problems in section 2.
    3/4 + 2/3 =
    1 4/5 - 3/4
  11. Ask your students to do more work with Common Multiples (Copymaster 5). Some students will need support to understand what is required. If necessary, model solving the first problem then encourage students to work independently.
  12. Roam the room and look for:
    Do your students look for pattern in the occurrence of multiples?
    For example, the common multiples of 3 and 8 occur in every eighth cell in the 3 column and row, and every third cell in the 8 column and row.
    Can they identify the LCM in each problem?
  13. Have students play the game, I can make it, in pairs. (Copymaster 6).
    Purpose: To apply knowledge of equivalent fractions to solving problems.
    This is a game for two players. Story cards and fraction cards are shuffled and placed face down in two piles. Each player takes two story cards and 6 fraction cards and places them face up in front of them.
    Players take turns to:
    • Check if one of their fraction cards allows them to answer one of the problems, one the problem card. If so, the player matches the two cards and puts the two cards together as a pair. Player Two checks the match.
    • Whether they can make a pair or not the player adds an extra fraction and problem card from the two piles, or they propose a swap of one of each type of card with the other player.
      The winner is the player that makes the most pairs.
      Note: There will be 7 fraction cards left over because some are ‘trick’ cards.
  14. Ask each student to write at least three contextual addition or subtraction of fractions problems for a partner to solve. Each problem must have a model answer. Make a class book of addition and subtraction problems.

Extra work:

Students could work on some of the Fractions e-ako to consolidate learning of concepts developed in these lessons. These e-ako are at the right hand end of the level 3 shelf on the Additive thinking and Multiplicative thinking pathways.

Students work independently to complete MM8-9 - part 2, explanation of which fraction is larger. Ask them to pair, share, and discuss. 

Students watch the following videos to see how a unifix cubes model can be used to add and subtract fractions:

Equivalent fractions with sets


This unit introduces students to equivalent fractions. Unlike whole numbers that occupy a unique position on the number line, there is an infinite set of fractions that represent the same value. Fraction that are of equal value are said to be equivalent.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-1: Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
NA3-5: Know fractions and percentages in everyday use.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Put fractions on a number line in their correct position in relation to zero and one.
  • Show that equivalent fractions occupy the same place on a number line.
  • Rename fractions as many equivalent fractions.
  • Know how to find equivalent fractions of a set.
Description of Mathematics

Fractions are an extension of the number system beyond whole numbers so that division answers are possible. For example, equally sharing 3 objects among 2 people is only possible if halves are created. In this unit students deal with the complexity of a whole (one unit) that is composed of a given number of parts. The ‘sets’ model of fractions presents conceptual challenges for students as they need to create units and think with those units (described as re-unitising by Lamon, 2007). Fractions of a set inevitably contain different ones, the individual objects a part is made from, and the one that is the whole.

For example, consider a unit of one (the whole) that is made from 12 cubes. One third of the whole is composed of 4 cubes, since 3 lengths of 4 cubes make the whole.


The whole (one) is made of individual cubes but so are the thirds. To see the parts as thirds a student needs to conceptualise them as such, in relation to one. Defining one as invariant (unchanging) is needed in the creation of a number line to show the relative size of fractions. If the length of 12 cubes is called one, then the place of the thirds fractions is found relative to that whole.



The sets model becomes more complicated when the whole is varied. For example, consider these two sets of 12 objects and 20 objects. Both sets have three quarters of the objects shaded.

diagram              diagram

Three quarters represents the relationship between the shaded part and the whole of each set. Realising that the relationship is the same though the number of  objects is different presents a significant conceptual obstacle yet is essential to students’ understanding of ratio. Notice also that equivalence of fractions takes on new meaning in a sets model. 9 twelfths of the left-hand set and 15 twentieths of the right-hand set are shaded. Writing 9/12 = 15/20 is a way to say that the relationship of shaded part to whole is the same for both fractions. Both fractions are equivalent to 3 quarters requires reunitising individual circles as quarters of the whole.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to students, by varying the task requirements. Ways to support students include:

  • Providing connecting cubes for students to manipulate when solving problems.
  • Modelling how to record fraction symbols and drawing attention to the meaning of numerator and denominator.
  • Drawing diagrams to clarify the unit of comparison and the one (whole) in problems.
  • Encouraging students to work collaboratively, and to share and justify their ideas.
  • Providing enabling prompts, as suggested throughout the unit.

Tasks can be varied in many ways including:

  1. Alter the complexity of the whole and fractions students work with. Working with halves and quarters tends to be easier than with thirds and fifths.
  2. Providing 1cm2 grid paper and felt pens to ease the recording demands.

The contexts for this unit can be adapted to suit the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students. The unit uses contexts like fuel gauges on cars, water tanks, mountain biking and kaimoana, that will resonate with most students. Other contexts involving fractions of lengths might also be engaging for your students. For example, the fraction of a race or journey that has been covered at different points is practically useful. Consuming foods that are linear, such as submarine sandwiches, bananas, or sausages, might motivate some learners. Board games, that have a particular number of steps from start to finish, provide opportunities to look at a fraction of a length made of sub-units. Ratios are found in many contexts, such as “What fraction of our class are female?” and “What fraction of the bikes are mountain bikes” and “What fraction of the cows are Jerseys?”

Required Resource Materials
  • 1 cm squared paper.
  • Connecting cubes or coloured counters
  • Rulers and strips of paper
  • PowerPoints One, Two, Three, and Four
  • Copymasters One, Two, Three, and Four

Prior Experience

It is helpful if students have experience with finding fractions of a fixed whole before attempting this unit. Knowing that the numerator is a counter of number of parts and the denominators tells how many of those parts make one, is important to making sense of ideas in this unit.

Units that develop prior experience with fractions are:

Session One

In this lesson students explore names for fractions of length that is divided into a given number of parts.

  1. Use PowerPoint One, slide 1 to introduce the story.
    Have you ever been in a car that runs out of fuel?
    What did the driver do?
    How are cars designed so this should not happen?
  2. Slide 2 shows a fuel gauge. The question is ambiguous as students might talk about the amount of petrol/electrical charge that is left or the fraction of the tank that is left.
    What fraction of the fuel tank is left?
    Discuss how the fraction can be found.
    How many parts is the gauge divided into? (12)
    Are the marks in the middle of the parts or at the end of them? (At the end)
    What number does E represent? (Zero)
    What number does F represent? (One – the whole tank)
    What fraction is the arrow pointing to? (About 9/12 or 3/4).
  3. Animate slides 3 to 5 to show how the marks for one half, one quarter, and one third are located. You might like to use a stack of 12 interlocking cubes as a physical representation to supplement the PowerPoint.
    What is always true about the size of the parts that the whole tank is broken into? (equal)
    What do you think the denominator, bottom number of the fraction, means? (The size of the parts, the number of those parts that make one)
    What do you notice about the three fractions? Is there a pattern? (The unit fraction gets smaller as the number of parts increases)
  4. Use slides 6 and 7 to show how non-unit fractions like 2/3 and 3/4 are located by copying (iterating) the unit fraction, just like the marks on a centimetre ruler are located by placing centimetres end on end.
  5. Slide 8 introduces the use of bar models in other contexts like charge on mobile phones or on the batteries of electric cars.
    What does 100% mean?
    What does 0% mean?
    Explain that percentage is like dividing the bar into 100 equal parts, rather than 12, as you did in the fuel tank example.
    What does 75% mean? (Some students might estimate or know that 75% is equivalent to 3/4 since 25% equals 1/4)
  6. Introduce Copymaster 1 and let students work on the problems individually or in pairs. Roam the room to look for the following:
    Can students interpret the denominator of a fraction as the number of equal parts?
    Do students recognise the numerator as a count of parts the size of the denominator?
    Are students able to create correct parts for a given fraction and battery display? For example, 2/5 of ten as 1/5 of ten = 2 bars, therefore 2/5 of ten = 4 bars.
    Do students locate the fractions correctly on the number line?
    Do they recognise equivalent fractions occupy the same position?
  7. After a suitable period bring the class together to process their answers. Focus the discussion on the points above. Ask students to justify their location of fractions using the bar displays as a diagrammatic reference.

Session Two

In this lesson students come to see that equivalent fractions occupy the same location on the number line. They notice patterns connecting the numerators and denominators of equivalent fractions.

  1. Show slide 1 of PowerPoint Two.
    Why is there a tank on the back of this cottage?
    Where is the water collected from?
    Rural students or those living on lifestyle blocks will know the importance of collecting and conserving water. Collecting water in tanks may also become more prevalent in New Zealand as water becomes scarce and charges increase.
  2. Slides 2 and 3 begins a story about farmers comparing how much tank water they have left.
    Is the female farmer correct?
    Do they have more water than the young farmer?
    Ask your students to discuss the questions in small groups. They must be able to justify their opinion.
    Look for students to explain why the two fractions are equivalent, possibly using diagrams to justify their ideas. Use slide 4 to check the relative size of the fractions.
    Focus attention on how the ones (tanks) are of equal size and quarters are found by halving then halving. Twelfths are found by making thirds then partitioning each third into four parts.
  3. Pose two other problems for students to solve in small groups using slides 5 to 8. Let students compare the fractions by drawing their own models before using the answer slide. The comparison of 1/2 and 2/5 shows an inequality since one half is greater.
    How much of a full tank is one half greater than two fifths? (One tenth)
  4. Provide each student with Copymaster 2. Let students work in pairs on the problems. Roam the room to look for the following:
    Do students interpret the numerator and denominator correctly when shading the fractions of a tank?
    Do they write correct equations and inequations?
    Can they equally partition one tank into the correct number of parts, by length?
    Are their partitions sufficiently accurate to compare the two fractions?
    Do they show signs of using multiplication to equally partition, such as ninths are thirds of thirds?
  5. After a suitable time gather the class to share their answers and discuss the points above.
  6. Use slides 9 and 10 to develop ideas about using multiplication to create equal partitions.
    • Slide Nine:
      What fractions are made here? (Halves)
      If I cut each half in half, what fractions will I have? (Quarters)
      If I cut quarters into thirds, like this, what fractions will I have? (Twelfths)
      Watch the tank fill. What fraction of the tank is full? (Eight twelfths)
      Do eight twelfths have another fraction name? (Two thirds)
      Why? (Four twelfths make one third)
    • Slide Ten:
      What fractions are made here? (Thirds)
      If I cut each third in fifths, what fractions will I have? (Fifteenths)
      Watch the tank fill. What fraction of the tank is full? (Nine fifteenths)
      Do nine twelfths have another fraction name? (Three fifths)
      Why? (Three fifteenths make one fifth)

Session Three

In this session students explore naming fractions, and looking for equivalence, when the lengths are different. The context of mountain bike riding is used.

  1. Use PowerPoint Three to provide the focus of the introduction. Use slide 1 to discuss mountain biking.
  2. Slide 2 animates the rides of two cyclists. You might name the cyclists using students’ names if that is appropriate.
    Which cyclist has covered the biggest fraction of their ride?
    Students may raise ideas about the length each cyclist has covered. Some may recognise that the bottom rider has completed most of her hill work while the top one has a big hill to climb.
    If we just think about the length of their ride, which rider has covered the biggest fraction of their journey?
    What makes that difficult to decide? (The tracks are curvy rather than straight)
  3. Animate the slide to show each track divided into kilometre measures.
    Does that help you with the fraction of their journey for each biker?
    Let students work out the fraction of distance covered (top 12/20 and bottom 8/15). Discuss which fraction is greater. Both fractions are just over one half.
    How many twentieths equal one half? (10/20)
    How many fifteenths equal one half? (Half of 15 equals 7½ so 7½/15)
    Looking at how much more than one half 12/20 and 8/15 are, will be helpful. Since 2/20 (1/10) is more than ½/15 (1/30) the male has ridden the larger fraction. You might use a calculator to show each fraction as a decimal. (12 ÷ 20 = 0.6 and 8/15 = 0.533)
  4. Introduce slide 3 that has a simpler scenario for comparison of riders. The top rider has completed 9 of 12 kilometres and the bottom one 6 of 8 kilometres. Therefore, the fractions are the same, as 9/12 and 6/8 are both equivalent to 3/4. Let students work on the problem in pairs or threes. Roam as they work, looking for:
    Do students attend to fractions rather than distances?
    Can they name the fractions of each journey?
    Do they recognise that both fractions are equivalent?
  5. Gather the class to share ideas. Some students may have difficulty seeing that the fractions are equivalent when the distances are different.
    Could each journey be divided into quarters? How? (top: 3km = 1/4, bottom: 2km = 1/4)
    How many quarters of their total journey has each rider gone?
    Slide 4 shows the comparison when each journey is stretched to the same length, despite the number of kilometres being different.
  6. Let students attempt the problem on slide 5. The top cyclist has ridden 7 of the 15 km and the bottom cyclist 4 of the 10 km. The fractions are 7/15 and 4/10 both of which are less than 1/2.
    Both fifteenths and tenths can be joined to form fifths. 3km on the 15km journey equals 1/5 of that journey. 2km on the 10km journey equals 1/5 of that journey. Therefore, 7 out of 15 is 1/15 more than 2/5 and 4 out of 10 is equivalent to 2/5.
    Some students may use a rate to solve the problem. 15km is one and one-half times 10km. The bottom rider has travelled 4km and would be expected to travel 1 ½ x 4 = 6km to have the same fraction of a 15km ride.
  7. Introduce the following investigation.
    Create two strips of paper of different lengths, say 15cm and 20cm.
    Imagine that these two strips are the length of two different bike rides. I am going to shade in a fraction of each strip to show where the rider has got to.
    Use the ruler deliberately to shade 9cm of the 15cm strip and 12cm of the 20cm strip.
    Which rider has travelled the bigger fraction of their journey?
    How could we figure that out?
    Students might observe that the rider in the lower strip has travelled further but they also have further to go. Other might suggest measuring each strip and the length of the shading. The fractions are 9/15 and 12/20 which are equivalent. Look for students to suggest grouping the 15ths and 20ths into fifths or using a calculator to convert the fractions to decimals (Both 0.6).
  8. Your challenge is to make up two different lengths strips and shade in a fraction of each strip to show how far the rider has travelled. Once you create your strips, give them to a classmate to find which strip has the longest fraction shaded. Of course, the fractions could be equivalent.
  9. Let students work with paper strips, rulers, scissors and felt pens to create their strips. Roam the room to encourage students to create lengths that have many factors, such as 24cm, 30cm, 36cm and 48cm since those lengths are easier to partition into familiar fractions.

Session Four

In this session students apply the concept of equivalent fractions to problems with sets of objects. Cooperative logic problems are used to engage students in small group collaborative work. Each group will need three paper plates and a set of interlocking cubes (preferably) though counters will also suffice.

  1. Use PowerPoint Four to introduce the lesson. The first four slides introduce a co-operative logic puzzle.
    There will be four clues and we need to get them all correct to solve the puzzle.
    Slide 1 gives the number of shellfish on each plate (12 and 20). It is easy to match the clue by putting on objects to represent shellfish.
  2. Slide 2 states that the fractions of mussels and oysters are the same on each plate.
    What fractions would work for that clue?
    Let students discuss possibilities, such as one half and one half, one quarter and three quarters.
    Are they the only possible fractions? How do you know?
  3. Slide 3 provides a clue about the comparative numbers of mussels and oysters on each plate.
    What numbers of mussels and oysters work on each plate?
    Students may use trial and error to find 1 + 11= 12 and 5 + 15 = 20 satisfy the clue.
    Which plate is correct? How do you know?
    Students should recognise that only the plate with 20 shellfish matches one of possibilities for fractions found from slide 2.
    Have we got enough information to complete the puzzle?
  4. Let students discuss that question in pairs. Students should know that the 12-mussel plate can be completed because 3 oysters and 9 mussels match the one quarter and three quarters condition.
  5. Show slide 4 to see if their solutions match the final clue. Since both plates have a ratio of one quarter to three quarters the combination of plates has the same ratio. Note that would not be true if the fractions on the different plates were not the same.
  6. Use slide 5 as a cooperative puzzle for the students to work through in team of four. Students will need cubes to represent the mussels and oysters and paper plates to organise the cubes. Roam as students work. Look for the following:
    • Do students use the materials to organise the information?
    • Do students prioritise the clues in order of significance?
    • Do students check that all the clues are satisfied?
  7. Gather the class after a suitable time to share answers and strategies. Solutions is 10 mussels and 5 oysters (left plate) and 9 mussels and 6 oysters (right plate).
    What fraction of the shellfish on the left plate are oysters (tia)? (One third)
    Which clue card did you use first? Why?
    Were any of the clues not needed?
    Run though all the clues to ensure the solution is correct. Ask students to justify that their solution meets each condition.
  8. Copymaster 3 has three different cooperative logic problems for students to solve in teams of four. Ideally the cards are laminated and cut up into sets though paper versions work fine. Let students work on one set, and correctly answer that set before getting another set. Roam the room to support students where needed. Encourage recording to hold the information from the clue cards and the use of cubes and plates to trial possible solutions. Remind students where needed that all the conditions must be met.
    Solutions are:
    • Set A Left plate (6 mussels and 4 oysters), Right plate (12 mussels and 8 oysters)
    • Set B Left plate (10 oysters and 14 mussels), Right plate (10 oysters and 6 mussels)
    • Set C Left plate (16 mussels and 8 oysters), Right plate (27 mussels and 9 oysters)
  9. Gather the class after a suitable time to discuss strategies to solve the problems. Highlight the importance of understanding that a fraction such as two thirds tells us about the relationship between the number of mussels and oysters, or the relative numbers of shellfish on each plate, but not the numbers of each species or on each plate.

Session Five

In this session students are provided with an opportunity to demonstrate their learning about equivalence with fractions, and how to represent fractions on a number line to judge relative size.

  1. Introduce Copymaster 4. Work through the instructions slowly so the task steps are clear.
  2. Let students work on the copymaster individually. Roam the room looking for the following:
    • Can students name fractions where the whole is a length (24cm) or a set of objects?
    • Can students re-unitise the length or set to name equivalent fractions of the same value?
    • Ensure students name their work so you can use the samples for assessment.
  3. After a suitable time, gather the class and share answers and strategies. If possible, display the copymaster on an Interactive Whiteboard so students can record their answers on-screen. Use the drawing functionality to show positions on the number line and to show groupings of circles on the second page. For example, the shaded circles of this set could represent:
    Three fifths (3/5)                        Six tenths (6/10)                  Twelve twentieths (12/20)
  4. Pose a final problem for the students to solve in teams of three or four:
    What fraction am I?
    I am equivalent to a fraction that has four as the denominator.
    I have five as my numerator.
    Let students work on the problem and share their ideas. Look for them to organise the clues, such as recording the first clue as:
    to consider the possible fractions. There are two possible answers 5/10 or 5/20. Either answer is acceptable if it can be justified.
  5. Ask students to create a “What fraction am I?” problem for a classmate to solve.

Equivalent fractions in simple ratios


The purpose of this activity is to support students in recognising when part-whole fractions in two or more ratios are equivalent. In this context, equivalence means the same relationship of two measures, such as the relationship of blueberry to apple juice in a mixture.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-1: Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
NA3-5: Know fractions and percentages in everyday use.
Required Resource Materials
  • Connecting cubes
  1. Introduce this problem. 
    Here are two mixtures of blueberry and apple juice.
    Which mixture tastes most strongly of blueberry?

    Blue and yellow cubes.

    Students should notice that both mixtures are one half blueberry and one half apple. Therefore, both mixtures should have the same taste.
    Percentages are one way to compare the mixtures. Both mixtures have 50% blueberry and 50% apple.
  2. What fractions can you see in the mixtures?
    How can we write the mixtures as ratios?
    What patterns do you see?
    Record students' ideas in an organised way.


    Ideally students will notice that 3/6 and 4/8 are equivalent fractions to one half. They may generalise that all fractions equal to one half have a denominator that is twice the numerator. You might record the equivalent fractions as equalities: 1/2 = 3/6 = 4/8.
    You might introduce relevant te reo Māori kupu such as hautau ōrite (equivalent fraction).
  3. What other mixtures will have the same taste?
    Construct several possible mixtures and record the ratios and part-whole fractions.
    For example, 5:5 is 5/10 blueberry and 5/10 apple.
  4. Pose a more difficult comparison problem.  
    Here are two mixtures of blueberry and apple juice. Which mixture will taste most strongly of blueberry?

    Blue and yellow cubes.

    Students should notice that both mixtures are one third blueberry and two thirds apple. Therefore, both mixtures should have the same taste.
  5. Record the ratios and fractions in an organised way, and record the equivalent fractions as equalities: 4/12 = 2/6 and 8/12 = 4/6.
    What patterns do you notice? 
    Students should recognise the halving of the numerator and denominator across the equals sign. They might also see that the denominator is three times the numerator in 4/12 and 4/12.

  6. Follow a similar procedure using other mixtures. Good examples are:
    1. 6:4 and 3:2 (tenths and fifths)

      Blue and yellow cubes.
    2. 1:3 and 2:6 (quarters and eighths)

      Blue and yellow cubes.
    3. 6:10 and 3:5 (sixteenths and eighths)

      Blue and yellow cubes.

Next steps 

  1. Increase the level of abstraction by progressing from using cube models to working with the symbols alone. Fold back to materials if needed. For example:
    Are these ratios of "blapple" (blueberry apple) juice the same flavour? 3:4 and 9:12
    Explain why.
  2. Progress to comparing mixtures that have different ratios, where the relative strength of flavour can be determined using equivalence. For example, use the ratios 3:3 and 5:4. Since 3:3 represents one half blueberry, an equivalent ratio is 5:5. Since 5:4 contains less apple juice than 5:5 it must have a stronger blueberry taste than 3:3. Similarly compare 2:3 with 4:7 or 3:8 with 2:6.

Equivalent Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages

Achievement Objectives
NA4-4: Apply simple linear proportions, including ordering fractions.
NA4-5: Know the equivalent decimal and percentage forms for everyday fractions.
NA5-5: Know commonly used fraction, decimal, and percentage conversions.
Specific Learning Outcomes

Find equivalent fractions and order fractions.

Know benchmarks for converting between common fractions, decimals and percentages.

Know benchmarks for converting between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Stages 7 and 8

Required Resource Materials
Decimats (Material Master 7-3)

Fractions/Decimals/Percentages (Material Master 4-28)


Show 10% as10/100 on a deci-mat. Discuss why it equals 0.1.

The students do examples from Material Master 4–28.

Discuss the answers in class. In particular discuss why a number like 0.05 means and equals 5%. Extend this to problems like 15% = 15/100 = 0.15. The students continue with examples from Material Master 4–28.

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