Early level 1 plan

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Level One
Units of Work
This unit provides you with a range of opportunities to assess the entry level of achievement of your students.
  • Use groupings to efficiently count the number of objects in a set.
  • Create picture graphs about category data and discuss patterns in the data.
  • Create and follow instructions to make a model made with shapes.
  • Order a set of objects by mass (weight).
  • Create a sequential pattern and predict further members...
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
In this unit students investigate the different number pairs that numbers can be broken into, using the context of frogs in ponds. They list all possible combinations for a given number, working with numbers up to 9.
  • Give many names for the same number, using the strategies of drawing a picture, acting it out or using equipment.
  • Use the mental image of a given number to work out a missing number in a number pair.
  • Separate a set of up to 9 objects into two or more parts.
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
In this unit the students use a small plastic dinosaur as the unit with which to measure the capacity of containers. They apply their counting strategies and discover that a number of different shaped containers can contain the same number of dinosaurs.
  • Use non standard units to measure the volume of a container.
  • Accurately count a set of up to 20 objects.
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
In this unit students use the traditional tale of the gingerbread man as a context for ordering and comparing lengths. A “sessions” approach is used, with five related but not sequential activities.
  • Compare the length of two objects directly.
  • Order three or more objects by length.
  • Select objects that are the same length as a given object.
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
In this unit students explore movement and position using the popular Lynley Dodd character Hairy Maclary. Students explore the language of position in describing where an object is located and in giving and following sequences of movement instructions. They will move themselves and objects along...
  • Describe the position of an object.
  • Follow and give directions involving 1/2 and 1/4 turns.
  • Follow and give a sequence of instructions related to movement and position.
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Level One
Units of Work
In this unit we explore ways to pose and answer investigative questions about cats by gathering and analysing data and discussing the results.
  • Pose investigative questions with support from the teacher.
  • With the teacher, decide on how to collect the data to answer the investigative question.
  • Sort objects into categories for display.
  • Make a display of the data collected (pictograph).
  • Make statements about data displays.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
This unit supports students to count with both proficiency and conceptual understanding.
  • Understand that the number of objects in a set stays the same as changes are made to the following attributes of each object:
    • spatial layout
    • size
    • colour
  • Understand that the count of a collection of objects can be trusted and worked from as:
    • objects are added or taken away
    • the set is rearranged into parts
  • U...
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
In this unit ākonga describe and classify 2D and 3D shapes. They will use their own language in their descriptions, will explore similarities and differences, and will informally consider sides, corners, curved and straight lines.
  • Sort, compare and classify 2D and 3D objects such as triangle, square, oblong, circle, box, cylinder and sphere.
  • Describe shape attributes in their own language.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
In this unit students explore and create patterns of two and three elements using the rhyme "Mary, Mary Quite Contrary" as a focusing theme.
  • "Read" a repeating pattern and predict what may come next.
  • Create a repeating pattern with two elements.
  • Create a repeating pattern with three elements.
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Level One
Units of Work
This unit consists of mathematical learning, at Level 1 of the New Zealand Curriculum, focused around celebrations of Matariki, the Māori New Year. The sessions provide meaningful contexts that highlight Māori culture and provide powerful learning opportunities that connect different strands of...
  • Assemble parts of a shape to form the whole.
  • Create symmetrical figures (reflection and rotation).
  • Calculate the number of direct ancestors they have.
  • Use fractions to create rhythmic percussion patterns.
  • Order events.
  • Describe the likelihood of outcomes using the language of chance.
  • Measures quantities...
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
In this unit students explore lines of symmetry in pictures, shapes and patterns and use their own words to describe the symmetry.
  • Identify lines of symmetry in objects.
  • Make patterns which have line symmetry.
  • Describe line symmetry in their own words.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
The purpose of this unit is to make connections between the different grouping arrangements for five and the symbolic recording associated with these.
  • Quickly recognise patterns within and for five.
  • Record an expression, using ‘and’, the symbol +, and 0.
  • Use the equals = symbol and understand that it means ‘is the same as’.
  • Record word stories and equations that describe a situation.
  • Record an unknown using ☐ in addition equations.
  • Record word stories...
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
The purpose of this unit is to build upon the knowledge students have of combining and separating groupings to five and to use this as a building block to knowing combinations within and up to ten.
  • Instantly recognise and describe a group of five in multiple representations of numbers within and to ten. 
  • Apply and record the operation of addition for groupings within ten.
  • Understand the language of subtraction and apply the operation of subtraction to groupings within ten.
  • Make connections...
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
In these five activities the ākonga explore sequences of time and the concept of faster and slower. These are teacher-led, whole class activities.
  • Sequence events within a day.
  • Describe a duration as long or short.
  • Name and order the days of the week.
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
This unit comprises 5 stations, which involve ākonga developing an awareness of the attributes of volume and mass. The focus is on development of the language of measurement.
  • Push, pull, lift and handle objects in order to become aware of mass.
  • Compare masses by pushing and lifting.
  • Pack materials and fill containers.
  • Pour liquids from and into containers.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
The unit uses the poem “Ten in the Bed” as a context for the students to begin to explore patterns in number and patterns within texts.
  • Identify a number pattern.
  • Identify repeating patterns in texts.
  • Guess and check for the next number in a pattern.
  • Predict "what comes next" based on the understanding of the pattern in number and text.
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Level One
Units of Work
In this unit we develop the language of probability by considering events which are likely or unlikely. We do this using the context of children's stories.
  • Use everyday language to talk about chance.
  • Classify events as certain, possible, or impossible.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
The purpose of this unit is to develop students’ understanding of numerals as representing a number of items, and their understanding of the symbols for addition and subtraction as representing joining and separating sets of items.
  • Understand that an amount or number of items can be represented with a single unique symbol.
  • To correctly write numerals.
  • Understand that written and oral words can also be represented with numeral symbols.
  • Recognise numbers within story contexts.
  • Understand and use the addition and subtraction symbols...
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
This unit comprises 5 stations, which involve the students in developing an awareness of the attributes of length and area. The focus is on the development of appropriate measuring language for length and area.
  • Compare lengths from the same starting point.
  • Use materials to make a long or short construction.
  • Use materials to compare large and small areas.
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
In this unit we look at the beginning of the concept of angle. As ākonga come to understand quarter, half and full turns, they also begin to see that ‘angle’ is something involving ‘an amount of turn’.
  • Demonstrate a quarter turn, half turn and a full turn in a number of situations.
  • Understand that two quarter turns equal one half turn.
  • Recognise the ‘corner’ of a shape that is equivalent to a quarter turn.
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