Problem solving activities

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Problems for students to solve, accompanied by a suggested teaching sequence, extensions to the problem, and the problem’s solution.

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Level Two
Number and Algebra
Problem solving activities
This problem solving activity has an algebra focus.
  • Identify a pattern and describe this using their own words.
  • Use equipment appropriately when exploring mathematical ideas.
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies to explore situations mathematically (guess and check, make a list).
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Level Two
Number and Algebra
Problem solving activities
This problem solving activity has an algebra focus.
  • Use equipment to work out a problem.
  • Make and describe a repeating pattern to solve a problem.
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies to explore situations mathematically.
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Level Two
Number and Algebra
Problem solving activities
This problem solving activity has an algebra focus.
  • Write and talk about number sentences using =, , >.
  • Make simple deductions.
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Level Two
Number and Algebra
Problem solving activities
This problem solving activity has an algebra focus.
  • Count in twos using odd numbers.
  • Describe a repeating number pattern.
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Level Two
Number and Algebra
Problem solving activities
This problem solving activity has an algebra focus.
  • Use the > = symbols to describe relationships.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Problem solving activities
This problem solving activity has an algebra focus.
  • Describe number patterns.
  • Add numbers to a total of 24.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Problem solving activities
This problem solving activity has an algebra focus.
  • Describe and continue a repeating and sequential patterns.
  • Draw a picture or use equipment to solve a problem.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Problem solving activities
This problem solving activity has an algebra focus.
  • Identify and continue a repeating number pattern (1, 3, 5, 7...).
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Problem solving activities
This problem solving activity has an algebra focus.
  • Describe and continue a repeating number pattern.
  • Use ordinal numbers (i.e. numbers used to represent order).
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies to explore situations mathematically (guess and check, make a drawing, use equipment).
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Level Five
Problem solving activities
This problem solving activity has a statistics focus.
  • Find certain probabilities relating to rolling two dice.
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies to explore situations mathematically (be systematic).