Early level 1 plan (term 3)

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Planning notes

This plan is a starting point for planning a mathematics and statistics teaching programme for a term. The resources listed cover about 50% of your teaching time. Further resources need to be added to meet the specific learning needs of your class, to support your local curriculum and to provide sufficient teaching for a full term.

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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
In this unit students explore lines of symmetry in pictures, shapes and patterns and use their own words to describe the symmetry.
  • Identify lines of symmetry in objects.
  • Make patterns which have line symmetry.
  • Describe line symmetry in their own words.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
The purpose of this unit is to make connections between the different grouping arrangements for five and the symbolic recording associated with these.
  • Quickly recognise patterns within and for five.
  • Record an expression, using ‘and’, the symbol +, and 0.
  • Use the equals = symbol and understand that it means ‘is the same as’.
  • Record word stories and equations that describe a situation.
  • Record an unknown using ☐ in addition equations.
  • Record word stories...
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
The purpose of this unit is to build upon the knowledge students have of combining and separating groupings to five and to use this as a building block to knowing combinations within and up to ten.
  • Instantly recognise and describe a group of five in multiple representations of numbers within and to ten. 
  • Apply and record the operation of addition for groupings within ten.
  • Understand the language of subtraction and apply the operation of subtraction to groupings within ten.
  • Make connections...
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
In these five activities the ākonga explore sequences of time and the concept of faster and slower. These are teacher-led, whole class activities.
  • Sequence events within a day.
  • Describe a duration as long or short.
  • Name and order the days of the week.
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
This unit comprises 5 stations, which involve ākonga developing an awareness of the attributes of volume and mass. The focus is on development of the language of measurement.
  • Push, pull, lift and handle objects in order to become aware of mass.
  • Compare masses by pushing and lifting.
  • Pack materials and fill containers.
  • Pour liquids from and into containers.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
The unit uses the poem “Ten in the Bed” as a context for the students to begin to explore patterns in number and patterns within texts.
  • Identify a number pattern.
  • Identify repeating patterns in texts.
  • Guess and check for the next number in a pattern.
  • Predict "what comes next" based on the understanding of the pattern in number and text.
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