Numeracy activities

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Teaching and learning activities from the Numeracy Development Project books, focused on number strategy and knowledge. Each activity is linked to the NZC and the Number Framework.

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Level Two
Level Three
Level Four
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Identify numbers in the range 0–1000.

Identify all of the numbers in the range 0–1 000 000.

Identify and order decimals to three places.

Say the number one–thousandth, one–hundredth, one–tenth, one, and ten, etc, before and after any given number.

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Level One
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Identify all of the numbers in the range 0–100, at least.

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Level One
Level Two
Level Three
Level Four
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Form a set of objects in the range 1–10.

Identify all of the numbers in the range 0–10.

Say the forwards and backwards number word sequences in the range 0–100.

Identify numbers in the range 0–1000.

Say the forwards and backwards number word sequences by ones, tens, and hundreds in the range 0 – 1000.


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Level One
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Form a set of objects in the range 1–10.

Identify all of the numbers in the range 0–10.

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Level One
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Form a set of objects in the range 1–10.

Identify all of the numbers in the range 0–10.

Identify all of the numbers in the range 0–20.

Identify all of the numbers in the range 0–100, at least.

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Level One
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Form a set of objects in the range 1–10.

Identify all of the numbers in the range 0–10.

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Level One
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Solve addition problems to 20 by joining sets and counting all the objects.

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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Solve addition and subtraction problems using decomposition, leading to a written algorithm.

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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Solve addition and subtraction problems using decomposition, leading to a written algorithm.

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Level Four
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Use multiplication to solve addition and subtraction problems.