Fill in the gaps

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You can help your child practice ordering numbers from 100 to 1000.

What you need:

  • 100s grid
  • Jigsaw pieces.(PDF, 62KB) You can print these or make your own.

What to do:

Have a look at the 100s grid with your child.

Look at how the numbers change by one if you move along the rows. Count forward and backwards along the row.

Look at how the numbers change by ten if you move up and down the columns. Count forward and backwards in the columns.

Choose a specific number from the grid and ask your child what is one more than, one less than, ten more than and ten less than that number.

Cut out or make your own jigsaw pieces.

Help your child to fill in the jigsaw pieces.

Start with the pieces that are the same as the 100s grid.

What to expect your child to do:

  • To be able to read the 100s numbers and order the numbers.
  • They are also practicing to be able to name the number one or ten more or less than a number.


There are more opportunities around the home to practice ordering 100s numbers. For example look the weight or capacity of baking items and order the containers.

He Kupu Māori:

bigger than te rahinga ake
smaller than te itinga iho
to the left whakatemauī
to the right whakatematau
column pou
row kapa
skip counting tatau māwhitiwhiti
skip counting in tens tatau mawhiti-tekau

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Titiro ki te papatau. (Look at the number grid.)
  • Tīmata i te rua rau whā tekau mā ono, ka tatau whakatematau ai. (Start at 246 and count to the right.)
  • Tīmata i te rua rau whā tekau mā ono, ka tatau whakatemauī ai. (Start at 246 and count to the left.)
  • Tīmata i te rua rau rima tekau mā whā, ka tatau whakateraro ai i te pou. (Start at 254 and count downwards in the column.)
  • Tīmata i te rua rau rima tekau mā whā, ka tatau whakaterunga ai i te pou. (Start at 254 and count upwards in the column.)
  • He tatau mawhiti-aha tēnā tatau? (What is that counting in?)
  • He tatau mawhiti-tekau. (Counting in tens.)
  • Titiro ki te rua rau whitu tekau. (Look at 270.)
  • He aha te tau kotahi te rahinga ake? (What number is one bigger?)
  • He aha te tau tekau te itinga iho? (What number is ten smaller?)
  • Tapahia ngā wāhanga o te papatau. (Cut out the parts of the number grid.)
  • Tuhia ngā tau e tika ana ki ngā wāhi wātea. (Write the correct numbers in the clear spaces.)

Download a file of this activity:

PDF (178KB)