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  • To practice groupings within 10.

You need:

  • Game board (PDF, 492KB)
  • 1 – 10 dice or spinner
  • 5 counters per player (Each player needs their own colour. You could also use green and blue milk bottle tops.)
  • 10 peanuts (counters, walnut shells, plastic beans)
  • Two players

How to play:

  • Each player has a turn to throw the dice or spin the spinner.
  • For each number they throw/spin they have to say how many more they would need to make 10. For example, if they threw a 6 they would say 6 and 4 more makes 10.
  • If the 4 is not covered on the circus game board they are allowed to cover it with their coloured counter. If the 4 is already covered they miss a turn and pass the dice to the next player.
  • Once all the numbers are covered the player with the most counters on the board is allowed one peanut.
  • The game starts again.
  • The winner is the first player to collect 5 peanuts.

Download a file of this activity:

PDF (7KB) or Word (31KB)