Home-School Partnership: Numeracy

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Home-School Partnership: Philosophy

The Kaupapa or underlying philosophy of the Home–School Partnership programme is based on cultural inclusion and partnership in schools. The programme aims to support, develop, and use the richness and diversity that the many cultures making up New Zealand society can add to our school communities.

HSPN Handbook

The Home School Partnership: Numeracy (HSP) handbook has been designed as a guide for schools and communities to plan ways to work together to support children’s numeracy achievement.

The handbook acknowledges parents as first teachers and suggests practical ways that schools and communities can develop an on going partnership based around numeracy practices.

A collection of best practices from around the country form the basis of the handbook. The handbook has been written in a straightforward manner so that schools and communities can implement HSP in a variety of ways, either independently or with support from facilitators based at School Support Services organizations at universities.

Activities written for HSPN

A collection of games and activities have been written specifically for the HSPN programme. They can be used for the community sessions or for children and parents to play at home. A description of each game and how to play it is available.