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  • To develop the children’s understanding of estimation skills and counting.

You need:

  • Paper bag containing a collection of up to 10 plastic bottle tops.


  • Count the bottle tops with your child as you place them one at a time into the bag.
  • Ask your child to put their hand in the bag and ‘grab’ a handful of the tops.
  • Ask them to ‘guess’ how many they think they have collected.
  • Then ask them to show them to you and together count how many they have.
  • Repeat as often as you like.


  • Try collecting two handfuls and checking how many by counting the two groups together.
  • You could use more bottle tops.
  • Remember to guess first and then check by counting or adding together.
  • You could put numbers on each bottle drop and get the child to pick out one in each hand and add the two numbers together.

Download a file of this activity:

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