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  • To reinforce addition facts to 12 and encourage children to recombine numbers in a different way to that shown on the dice.

You need:

  • Game board (one per player) (PDF, 371KB)
  • Two dice
  • Counters

How to play:

  • Players take turns to roll the two dice and add the two numbers shown.
  • Players can choose to cover the total number thrown in a number of ways. For example, if a 5 and 4 are thrown, they can cover the total (9) OR they can cover the numbers shown on the dice (5,4) OR they can cover any combination of numbers that add to 9 (for example 2, 1, 6, or 4, 2, 3, or 6, 3).
  • They can cover one combination per throw.
  • If they are unable to make a combination to cover their total, then they are out.
  • The winner is the person with the least points showing on their game board at the end of the game.


  • Play the best of 3 games and keep a running total. The person after 3 games with the least points is the winner.

Download a file of this activity:

PDF (8KB) or Word (28KB)