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We are preparing to close this site by the end of August 2024. Maths content is still being migrated onto Tāhūrangi, and we will be progressively making enhancements to Tāhūrangi to improve the findability and presentation of content.

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Anthony, G. & Walshaw, M. (2007). Effective Pedagogy in Mathematics/Pāngarau: Best Evidence Synthesis Iteration [BES]. Wellington: Ministry of Education.

Anthony, G. & Walshaw, M. (2009). Effective Pedagogy in Mathematics: Educational Practices Series, 19. International Academy of Education & International Bureau of Education, UNESCO.

Dweck, Carol S. (2008). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York: Ballantine Books.

Ministry of Education (2007). The New Zealand Curriculum. Wellington: Learning Media.

Sullivan, P. (2011). “Teaching Mathematics: Using Research-informed Strategies”. Australian Education Review, 59. Victoria: Australian Council for Educational Research.

Zevenbergen, R., Dole, S., & Wright, R. (2004). Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools. Crow’s Nest: Allen & Unwin.

Alton-Lee, A., Pulegatoa-Diggins C., & Sinnema, C. (2010). Draft Case 1: Developing Communities of Mathematical Inquiry. Wellington: Ministry of Education. Accessed from


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