Year 8: week 2 (number knowledge and measurement)

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This week we focus on multiplication and division basic facts, and working with length, area, volume and weight (mass).

This page suggests activities for each day. Click to download a printable PDF to help keep track of progress.

Day 1

Number facts

  • Go to the number facts pathway in e-ako maths.
  • Choose the multiplication and division learning tool.
  • Click “Check all facts” and answer the questions. The green ticks show the facts you know.

Measurement e-ako

  • Go to the measurement pathway in e-ako maths.
  • Choose e-ako M4.2 (the second yellow button on the fourth row).
  • Work through pages 1-10 which are about calculating volume.
  • Look on page 5 again. Could Connor use multiplication instead of addition? How?
  • Find a cardboard box or packet at home. Measure the edges with a ruler. Write how you can find the volume of the box. Explain to a family member how you did it.

Measurement activity

  • Go to the activity Claws and follow the instructions. Make sure you have your screen on 100% before you measure the crabs.
  • Check your answers at the bottom of this page
  • Is it more sensible to measure the width of crab shells in centimetres or millimetres? Why?

Day 2

Number facts

  • If you have facts to learn go back to the multiplication and division learning tool.
  • Click “Learn a new fact” and complete the mini lesson. Do this three times.
  • Click “Check recent facts” and answer the questions.
  • Return to the number facts pathway and play the “Number Facts” game “All Numbers” a few times.
  • If you have no facts to learnplay the game Four in a row multiplication
  • You need someone to play with. If it is a younger child let them use a calculator. 

Measurement e-ako

  • Go back to e-ako M4.2 on the measurement pathway in e-ako maths.
  • Work through pages 11-17 which are about calculating with area, volume, and mass.
  • Write the mass of 1 litre and 1 cubic metre of water. Find a plastic bottle in your home. Describe to a family member the mass of the bottle when it is full of water.

Measurement activity

  • Go to the rich task Perimeter = area rectangles. Scroll down to the activity and find as many answers as you can.
  • Once you have some answers look at the work samples to get further ideas.

Day 3

Number facts

  • If you have facts to learn go back to the multiplication and division learning tool.
  • Click “Learn a new fact” and complete the mini lesson. Do this three times.
  • Click “Check recent facts” and answer the questions.
  • Return to the number facts pathway and play the “Number Facts” game “All Numbers” a few times.
  • If you have no facts to learnplay the game Four in a row multiplication.

Measurement e-ako

  • Go back to e-ako M4.2 on the measurement pathway in e-ako maths.
  • Work through pages 17-23 which are about connecting volume with the mass of water.
  • Find a 1L or 2L bottle at home. Fill it with water. Compare it’s mass to the mass of other objects you know the mass of. Record your ideas.

Measurement activity

  • Go to the activity Cylinder Collection and complete the task.
  • Check your answers at the bottom of this page.
  • Find some cylinders from around your home. Work out the volume of those cylinders. You may need to find out how to do that by searching the internet.

Day 4

Number facts

  • If you have facts to learn go back to the multiplication and division learning tool.
  • Click “Learn a new fact” and complete the mini lesson. Do this three times.
  • Click “Check recent facts” and answer the questions.
  • Return to the number facts pathway and play the “Number Facts” game “All Numbers” a few times.
  • If you have no facts to learnplay The Remainder Game with a family member. You will need a dice you can change or another way to randomly choose numbers.

Measurement e-ako

  • Go back to e-ako M4.2 on the measurement pathway in e-ako maths.
  • Work through pages 23-29 to finish the e-ako.
  • Record three facts you learned about measurement this week.

Measurement activity

  • Go to the task Fuel for thought. If you don’t have a measurement container at home use a dessertspoon which holds 10 mL of water.
  • Check your answers at the bottom of this page.
  • You might try different containers from around your home. Can you predict the shape of the graph.
  • Are the graphs of level and capacity for a bottle the same if it is filled, rather than emptied? Discuss this with a family member.

Day 5

Number facts

  • Go back to the multiplication and division learning tool and “Check all facts” again. Hopefully you’ve got more green ticks now. Make a set of Flash Cards for the facts you still don’t know. Practice!
  • Return to the number facts pathway and try to beat your score on the “Number Facts” game.
  • If you have no facts to learnplay The Remainder Game.

Measurement activity:

  • Go to the activity The Big Drip. You will need to print this Copymaster.
  • Complete the task, then check your answers at the bottom of this page.
  • Look at the section that your house is on. Estimate the length of each side of the section in metres. If 10 mm of rain fell on your section how much water would that be altogether? Record your calculations and share your ideas with a family member.