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Time is a measure but it is a different from the other measures in that it cannot be seen or touched. However, we are surrounded by the effect of time passing, for example, day to night and one season to another. There are two aspects of time students must develop:

  • time as an instant which can be named, for example, 6:15
  • time as a duration which describes an amount of time that has passed, for example, a minute, the afternoon, the year.

Level 1 Time

Achievement Objectives Learning Outcomes Unit title


  • sequence events within a day
  • describe a duration as long or short
  • name and order the days of the week

Passing time

  • directly compares the duration of two events
  • uses non-standard units to compare the duration of two or more events
  • tell time to the hour and half hour using analogue clocks

How long now

Level 2 Time

Achievement Objectives Learning Outcomes Unit title


  • recognise the length of a minute
  • recognise the length of a second
  • tell time after the hour by counting minutes

Just a minute

  • tell time to the hour and half hour using analogue clocks
  • tell time to the hour and half hour using digital clocks
  • solve time problems involving hours and half hours

Clock wise



  • estimate the time taken for daily activities in hours and minutes
  • use advanced counting or partitioning strategies to solve problems involving minutes and hours
  • check the reasonableness of answers obtained using a calculator

How Long Does it Take?

Level 3 Time

Achievement Objectives Learning Outcomes Unit title


  • measure time in periods of up to 15 minutes
  • compare non standard and standard measurements for time

Calibrating Clocks

Level 4 Time

Achievement Objectives Learning Outcomes Unit title



  • read and use a variety of timetables and charts
  • perform calculations with time, including 24-hour clock times and time zones

Time Zones




  • calculate speed from measured distance and time
  • solve multiplication problems using doubling and halving strategies
  • use known multiplication facts to solve multiplication problems

How fast is fast?