Linking Money and Decimal Fractions

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Achievement Objectives
NA4-6: Know the relative size and place value structure of positive and negative integers and decimals to three places.
Specific Learning Outcomes

Identify and order decimals to three places.

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Stage 7

Required Resource Materials
Play money coins


Give the students calculators. Pose the problem “Jane has $6 to share among five people. How much does each person get?” Write $6 ÷ 5 on the board or modelling book. The students carry out the operation 6 ÷ 5 = on the calculator, and get 1.2. Ask the students what 1.2 means in money. Discuss, with the aid of 10-cent coins if needed, why one-tenth of a dollar is 10 cents. So two-tenths of a dollar is 20 cents, and so 1.2 = $1.20.

Record $6 ÷ 5 = $1.20 on the board or modelling book.

Repeat for: $7 ÷ 5, $6 ÷ 4, $4 ÷ 5, $14 ÷ 4, $13 ÷ 2 ...


“Sarah pays $5 for 4 kilograms of apples. How much is this per kilogram?” Get the students to work out 5 ÷ 4 on a calculator. The answer of 1.25 looks familiar in money. Discuss why one whole and two-tenths and five-hundredths is one dollar 25 cents.

Repeat for: $7 ÷ 4, $13 ÷ 4, $3 ÷ 4, $14 ÷ 8, $20 ÷ 16.

Extension Activity

The students use calculators to solve problems like $23 ÷16;  $13.89 ÷ 11;  $345.78 ÷ 17; $14,567.67 ÷32; $290 ÷ 64 ...

The students then round the answers to the nearest one cent, or to the nearest five cents. Drawing decimal number lines may help the students visualise the rounding.




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Level Four