5 Plus

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You can help your child to practise the 5 plus addition facts.

What you need:

  • One die
  • A pack of cards – use the 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 cards.

What to do:

Shuffle the cards and deal 5 cards to each player.

The first player rolls the dice and adds 5 to the number. Throw again if a 6 comes up. For example, if you roll a 3, then 3 + 5 = 8. If the player has the total, for example 8, she or he can put the card on the table. The next player has a turn.

The winner is the first player to put all their cards on the table.

What to expect your child to do:

Over time expect your child to instantly recall the addition facts of 5 plus.


Roll the dice and ask your child to quickly add 5 to the dice number.

He Kupu Māori:

riwhiriwhi (~a)
toha (~ina)
deal, distribute
pīrori (~a)
roll (e.g. a dice)
mataono tau
tāpiri (~hia)
kāri tau
number card

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Riwhiriwhia ngā kāri. (Shuffle the cards.)
  • Tohaina kia rima ngā kāri ki tēnā ki tēnā o tātou. (Deal 5 cards to each of us.)
  • Kei a koe i te tuatahi. Pīroria te mataono tau. (Your turn first. Roll the dice.)
  • Tāpirihia te rima ki tēnā tau. (Add 5 to that number.)
  • He aha te tapeke? Kei a koe tēnā kāri tau? (What’s the total? Have you got that number card?)
  • Whakatakotoria ki te tēpu. (Put it down on the table.)
  • Kei ahau ināianei. Māku e pīrori te mataono tau. (My turn now. I’ll roll the dice.)
  • Kua whakatakotoria katoatia aku kāri. Ko au te toa. (All my cards have been put down. I’m the winner.)

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