Assessment resources

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We are preparing to close this site and currently expect this to be in June 2024
but we are reviewing this timing due to the large volume of content to move and
improvements needed to make it easier to find different types of content on
Tāhūrangi. We will update this message again shortly.

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JAM: The Junior Assessment of Mathematics assesses the achievement of a student in relation to levels one and two of The New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) and the mathematics standards for years 1–3.

GloSS Forms:  Can be used to determine which global strategy a student uses.

IKAN Forms:  The Individual Knowledge Assessment of Number can be used to assess students' global knowledge stage.

Student Profiles: (PDF, 247KB)  Previously known as 'I Cans' (Word version of Profiles (658KB)).

Number Sense Item Bank: (PDF, 129KB)  Items for assessing students' number sense.

Portfolio Examples: (PDF, 393KB)  Can be used for assessing students' strategies.