Year 6 week 5 (number)

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This week we focus on improving your knowledge of number facts and solving multiplicative problems.

This page suggests activities for each day. Click to download a printable PDF to help keep track of progress.

Day 1

Number facts

The aim of the number facts learning tools are to improve your recall of facts so that you can use them to solve problems. The tools work by first finding out the facts that you know and then teaching you facts that you don’t know. 

  • Go to the number facts pathway in e-ako maths.
  • Choose the multiplication and division learning tool.
  • Click “Check all facts” and answer the questions. The green ticks show the facts you know.
  • If you have checked your facts on this tool recently, then click “Learn a new fact” and complete the mini lesson. Do this three times.

Multiplicative thinking e-ako

  • Go to the multiplicative thinking pathway in e-ako maths.
  • Choose e-ako G3.70 (the seventh blue button on the third row).
  • Work through pages 1-12.

Multiplicative thinking activity

  • Go to the activity What a View! and follow the instructions.

Day 2

Number facts

  • Go back to the multiplication and division learning tool.
  • Click “Learn a new fact” and complete the mini lesson. Do this three times.
  • Click “Check recent facts” and answer the questions.
  • Return to the number facts pathway and select one of the games, below the tool, to play.

Multiplicative thinking e-ako

  • Go back to e-ako G3.70 on the multiplicative thinking pathway in e-ako maths.
  • Work through pages 13-17.

Multiplicative thinking activity

  • Go to the activity Fun Rides and follow the instructions.

Day 3

Number facts

  • Go back to the multiplication and division learning tool.
  • Click “Learn a new fact” and complete the mini lesson. Do this three times.
  • Click “Check recent facts” and answer the questions.
  • Go to the activity Multiplication Bingo follow the instructions to play the game with somebody in your family.

Multiplicative thinking e-ako

  • Go back to e-ako G3.70 on the multiplicative thinking pathway in e-ako maths.
  • Work through pages 18-24.

Multiplicative thinking activity

Day 4

Number facts

  • Go back to the multiplication and division learning tool.
  • Click “Learn a new fact” and complete the mini lesson. Do this three times.
  • Click “Check recent facts” and answer the questions.
  • Return to the number facts pathway and select one of the games, below the tool, to play.

Multiplicative thinking activity

  • Go to the activity Aim Straight and follow the instructions.

Multiplicative thinking activity

  • Go to the problem The rock pool and work to find  a solution.
  • Think carefully about the number of arms, eyes, and tails each creature has. How can you use this information?
  • You might find it helpful to draw a diagram or a table. You could also try a “guess and check” strategy, improving your guesses until you find a solution.

Day 5

Number facts

  • Go back to the multiplication and division learning tool.
  • Click “Learn a new fact” and complete the mini lesson. Do this three times.
  • Click “Check recent facts” and answer the questions.
  • Go to the activity Total Recall and follow the instructions to play the game with somebody in your family. You might need to draw the game board and make some counters.

Multiplicative thinking activity

Multiplicative thinking activity

  • Go to the problem My Dogs and work to find a solution.
  • You will find it helpful to first identify the numbers that can be multiplied together to get 45.
  • If you can solve the problem quickly you may like to solve the problem again with different numbers. This time the dog’s ages add together to get 14 and multiply together to get 84.