Thanks for visiting NZMaths.
We are preparing to close this site and currently expect this to be in June 2024
but we are reviewing this timing due to the large volume of content to move and
improvements needed to make it easier to find different types of content on
Tāhūrangi. We will update this message again shortly.

For more information visit

Frequently Asked Questions for students and whānau

How do I get started? (show)

What do I do if I've forgotten my password? (show)

How do I know which activities to do? (show)

What happens if I don't have time to finish an e-ako? (show)

Frequently Asked Questions for teachers

If you need help setting up and using your account, use the live chat available from the bottom right corner of this page. 

How do I get started? (show)

How should I use e-ako maths adventures? (show)

How can I track my students? (show)

How do I register students? (show)

How do I remove students from my class? (show)

How can we move students from one class to another? (show)

What supporting resources are available? (show)