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You can help your child learn to instantly recall doubles facts, for example 1 + 1, 2 + 2, and 3 + 3.

What you need:

A pack of cards with the joker and picture cards removed. Ace counts as 1.

What to do:

This game is played like snap with players calling out the relevant doubles fact after saying "snap".

Deal all the cards amongst all players, face down.

Play as snap: players take turns to turn over one card at a time onto a pile in the middle of the playing area. When 2 cards in the pile match players race to bang their hands down on the pile and call out "snap". The first player to say snap then calls out the relevant doubles fact. For example "3 and 3 is 6" or "9 and 9 is 18".

If their answer is correct they can collect the pile and add it to the bottom of their own pile of cards.

Play continues until one player has all the cards. They are then the winner.

What to expect your child to do:

Be able to instantly recall their doubles facts without having to count or calculate. They may have to count at first, but encourage them to remember the facts as you play.


  • Doubles +1 / -1:
    When doubles are known, play this game as "Doubles Plus or Minus One". In this version players snap cards that are one number apart, for example 5 + 4 or 7 + 6. Before players collect their cards after a snap they need to call out related number fact, for example "5 and 4 is 9" or "7 and 6 is 13". Children will be able to use their knowledge of doubles facts to help with these "doubles plus or minus one" facts.
  • Doubles +2 / -2:
    Players snap cards that are 2 numbers apart and call out the related number fact. For example "5 and 3 is 8" or "7 and 5 is 12."

He Kupu Māori:

doubles facts meka rearua

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Toru tāpirihia te toru, ka ono. (3 plus 3 equals 6)
  • Rearuatia te iwa, ka tekau mā waru. (Double 9 gives you 18.)

Download a file of this activity:

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