Te Poutama Tau Evaluation Report 2007: Research Findings in Pāngarau for Years 1-10

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A compendium of research findings from Te Poutama Tau 2007 has been compiled and is available from this page.  The five papers in this compendium look at a variety of aspects of TPT.

The full documents can be accessed by clicking on the images to the right.  To download individual chapters, use the links below.

These documents are provided in PDF format.  To view them you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.  If you need to get Adobe Acrobat Reader or update your current version please go to the Adobe site.  The Adobe Acrobat Reader software is FREE.  

A pamphlet (837KB) summarising the findings of the research projects around Te Poutama Tau was released alongside the compendium.

Te Poutama Tau Evaluation Report 2007: Research Findings in Pāngarau for Years 1-10

File Author Size (KB)
Te Ara Poutama: An Evaluation of Te Poutama Tau 2007 Tony Trinick and Brendan Stevenson 87
Te Ara Poutama: The impact of the Te Poutama Tau Project on Mathematics Achievement Tony Trinick and Peter Keegan 110
Evaluation of Support for Pāngarau Teachers Working in Wharekura Pania Te Maro, Robin Averill and Joanna Higgins 101
Māori and Mathematics: "Nā te mea he pai mōtō roro!" (Because it’s good for your brain!) Ngāwera Hāwera and Merilyn Taylor 85
Creating Strong Achievement Gains for Māori Students in English-medium Mathematics Classrooms Pania Te Maro, Joanna Higgins, and Robin Averill 86