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Rugby Scores: Illustrating the year 4 standard

The following examples of student work illustrate achievement at the mathematics standard for year 4.

The task used in this illustration was part of a whole-school integrated studies unit to build on student interest in the Rugby World Cup 2011. It was adapted from Figure It Out, Number Sense and Algebraic Thinking: Book One, Levels 2–3, pages 6–7.

The task relates to achievement objectives for Number and Algebra from the mathematics and statistics learning area in The New Zealand Curriculum.

The Task

Rugby Scores

Discuss with your students the scoring system used in rugby to make sure that they understand it: 5 points for a try, 2 for a conversion (that is, 7 for a converted try), and 3 for a penalty or a drop goal.

The Aroha Primary School rugby team won their last game 28–5. Find at least two scoring combinations that could have given them their 28 points.


Some features of students’ work used to make judgments in relation to the year 4 mathematics standard are described below.  There is also an illustration of the year 3 standard for this task. 

New Zealand Curriculum: Level 2 National Standards: By the end of year 4
In solving problems and modelling situations, students will:
Number and Algebra
  • use simple additive strategies with whole numbers and fractions (number strategies)
  • know the basic addition and subtraction facts (number knowledge)
  • communicate and interpret simple additive strategies, using words, diagrams (pictures), and symbols (equations and expressions)
Number and Algebra
  • apply basic addition and subtraction facts, simple multiplication facts, and knowledge of place value and symmetry to:
    - combine of partition whole numbers
    find fractions of sets, shapes, and quantities

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Breakdown of Waste, Year 5

PDF of this task and Illustrations of the year 3 and 4 standards (1.46MB)