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Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8

The following examples of student work illustrate achievement at the mathematics standards for years 1 and 2.


The task used in this illustration was part of a unit called All about Me in a year 1–2 class. The task was based on level 1 of the health and physical education learning area in The New Zealand Curriculum, with a focus on personal identity and relationships.

The task relates to achievement objectives for Measurement and Number from the mathematics and statistics learning area.

The Task

Tall Tales

Using the questions below, encourage the students to explore various ways of comparing and measuring height.

  1. Compare the heights of two of your friends: Who is taller?
  2. Find a way to measure the height of one of your friends: How tall is your friend?

Some features of students’ work used to make judgments in relation to the mathematics standards are described below.

Tall Tales: Illustrating the year 1 standard
Tall Tales: Illustrating the year 2 standard

PDF of this task and Illustrations of the year 1 and 2 standards (1.06MB)