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Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8

The following examples of student work illustrate achievement at the mathematics standards for years 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.


The task used in this illustration was part of a geometry unit focusing on position and orientation. It was adapted from a task in the Kiwisport Orienteering Manual called Desktop Map Game (p. 28).

The task relates to achievement objectives for Number and for Geometry and Measurement from the mathematics and statistics learning area in The New Zealand Curriculum.

The Task

Moving Around

On a sheet of A3 paper, arrange small bears and other objects (for example, ice block sticks,  attribute blocks, small model vehicles) to create a model of a scene.

  1. Describe your model and where objects are on it.
  2. Years 1–3: Hide a piece of treasure (such as a counter) under an object on your model and give instructions for moving to it.
    Years 4–6: Give directions for moving an object from one point to another on the model.

(Note: Students working within curriculum level 3 should use grid paper with compass points on it instead of a blank sheet of paper.)

Some features of students’ work used to make judgments in relation to the mathematics standards are described below.

Moving Around: Illustrating the year 1 standard
Moving Around: Illustrating the year 2 standard

Moving Around: Illustrating the year 3 standard
Moving Around: Illustrating the year 5 standard
Moving Around: Illustrating the year 6 standard

PDF of this task and Illustrations of the year 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 standards (1.86MB)