Hei Tūhura i te Ine: Te Onepū

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Te Kaupae Ako
He Tauira Whakawhitiwhiti Kōrero
Te āhuatanga e inea ana
(Identifying the attribute)
You notice children are playing in the sand area.  Take the opportunity to draw their attention to the attributes of the objects they are using. Extend children's understanding by naming the attributes you are focusing on. For example:
When the children are digging:
Can you please pass me the shovel with the short handle?
Homai te kāheru kakau poto.
Kathryn's ditch is long. Can you dig a long one too?
He roa te awarua a Maioha. Māu e keri tētahi awarua roa.
Elizabeth's hole is really deep. Can you make a deep one too? Let's see.
He tino hōhonu te rua kua keria e Iritana. Māu anō e keri tētahi rua hōhonu.
Look, Sally’s made a shallow trench. Let’s drive our cars in it.
Titiro. Kua keria e Hera he awarua pāpaku. Taraiwahia ō tātou motukā ki roto.
When the children are making roads:
Look at Jenny's long road. Can you make a long road too?
Titiro ki te ara roa a Hēni. Māu anō e hanga tētahi ara roa.
Tai’s made a short road. Let’s all make a short road.
He poto te ara kua mahia e Tai. Mā tātou katoa e hanga ētahi ara poto.
This road has to go from my house all the way to the supermarket over there, that’s a long way. Let’s make the long road together.
Ka haere tēnei ara mai i taku kāinga ki te hokomaha ki korā. He tino tawhiti. Me mahi tahi tātou ki te hanga i te ara.
When the children are filling and tipping
This tip-truck needs to be filled up. Can you fill it with sand please? Now let’s empty it over there.
Me uta atu he onepū ki tēnei taraka. Whakakīia te taraka ki te onepū. Me whakangita/waiho te onepū ki reira.
Ann's bucket is full. Can you fill your one up too?
Kua kī te pākete a Ani. Māu anō tāu e whakakī.
Can everybody find an empty bucket? Now let’s fill them up.
Kimihia he pākete tahanga, karekau he mea o roto. Whakakīia ki te onepū.
Te whakatairitenga mata ki te mata
(Direct comparison)
Children are running cars down a spouting or plank into the sandpit. Encourage them to compare the distances different cars travel to find out whose car goes the furthest.
Ben, has your car gone a longer way than Amy’s into the sandpit? How do you know?
E Pene, he roa ake te haere a tō motukā ki te rua onepū i tō Arihia? He aha koe i mōhio ai?
Whose car has gone the shortest distance? How can we check?
Nō wai te motukā he poto rawa atu te haerenga? Me pēhea e āta tirotiro ai?
Your car’s gone a long way Faliqh. Is it longer than Anna’s? Let’s find out together.
He tawhiti tonu te haere a tō motukā e Whina. He tawhiti ake i tō Ana? Me āta tirotiro e tāua.
What happens if we use a shorter plank? Let’s find a shorter one. Now let’s see what happens.
Pēhea mēnā he poto ake te papa ka whakamahia hei ara. Kimihia he papa poto ake. Ka ahatia?
You see children filling containers with sand.  As appropriate, encourage them to lift and hold containers to find out which  is the heaviest.
Is your container heavier than mine? Let’s check?
He taumaha ake tō ipu onepū i tāku, kāore rānei? Me āta tirotiro e tāua.
Can you make your container lighter than mine? Is it lighter? How can you tell?
Mahia kia māmā ake tō ipu onepū i tāku. He māmā ake? He aha koe i mōhio ai?
Let’s all make a cake in our container. Who has the heaviest cake? Let’s find out.
Kia mahi keke tātou i ā tātou ipu. Kei a wai te keke taumaha rawa atu? Me āta tirotiro e tātou.
Who has the lightest cake? Let’s feel all the cakes to find out.
Kei a wai te keke māmā rawa atu? Hīkina ngā keke katoa kia rongo ai tātou i te taumaha o tēnā keke o tēnā.
Click to see an annotated interaction
Te whakatairitenga tipa
(Indirect comparison)
The children are making roads in the sand area.  Encourage them to use string to compare the lengths of their roads. 
Which of these squiggly roads is the longest? Let’s use string to find out.
Ko tēhea o ēnei ara kōpikopiko te mea roa rawa? Whakamahia he aho hei tirotiro.
How far along the string does this road come? Show me.
Ki hea i te aho te roa o tēnei ara? Whakaaturia mai.
Now let’s measure the other road. Is it longer or shorter? How do you know?
Inea tērā ara ināianei. He roa ake, he poto iho rānei? He aha koe i mōhio ai?
The children are making volcanoes out of sand.  Encourage them to use string to compare the distances around the base of their volcanoes.
Hoani has made a huge volcano. It's a long way around the bottom of it. Let’s use string to find out how long.
Te nui hoki o te maunga puia i hangaia e Hoani. He roa hoki huri amio i te pūtake o te maunga. Whakamahia te aho kia kitea ai te roa.
I wonder if Sarah’s volcano is longer around the bottom. Let’s see.
He roa ake pea huri amio i te maunga puia o Hera. Kia tirotirohia e tātou.
Ask children to describe their thinking as they measure:
How are you going to use the string to measure?
Ka pēhea tō whakamahi i te aho hei ine i te pūtake o te maunga?
What are you doing with the string? What are you going to find out?
Kei te aha koe me te aho? E mahi ana koe i te aha? He aha tāu e kimi nā?
How do you know this one is shorter? Show me.
He aha koe i mōhio ai he poto ake tēnei i tērā? Whakaaturia mai.
Te whakamahi waeine aro kē
(Using non-standard units to measure)
The children are making roads in the sand area. Encourage them to use other objects they have available to measure the length of their roads.
How long is your road? Let’s walk along it to find out. We could count our steps.
Pēhea nei te roa o tō ara? Kia hīkoi tahi tāua i tō ara kia kitea ai tōna roa. Tatauria ngā whetoko.
Is Nicole’s longer? Let’s measure it to see. How many steps long do you think it will be? Now let’s try.
He roa ake tō Neitana? Inea kia āta kitea ai. Ki ō whakaaro e hia whetoko te roa o te ara o Neitana?
Which of these squiggly roads is the shortest? Let’s use these blocks to compare. 
Ko tēhea o ēnei ara kōpikopiko te mea poto rawa. Whakamahia ēnei poraka hei whakatairite i ngā ara kōpikopiko.
The children are making volcanoes out of sand.  Encourage them to use available objects to measure the size of their volcanoes. 
You have made a massive volcano. How tall is it? It comes up to my knee. How far does it come up on your body?
Te nui hoki o tō maunga puia e Haki. Pēhea nei te teitei? He rite ki taku pona. Ki hea te ritenga i tō tinana?
How many people can hold hands around our volcano?
Tokohia ngā tāngata ka pupuri ringaringa huri amio i tō tātou maunga puia?
Three people can fit around our volcano. Can we make one that more people can fit around?
Tokotoru ngā tāngata huri amio i tō tātou maunga puia. Hangaia tētahi kia maha ake ngā tāngata.
You see the children filling up containers with sand.  Support them to use cups or other small containers to measure and compare volume.
Tama is making a cake in this container. How many cups do you think he will need to fill it? Let’s try.
E mahi keke ana a Tama i tēnei ipu. Ki tō titiro kia hia ngā kapu hei whakakī i tana ipu? Me mahi tahi tātau.
Look at Trey’s container. How many cups do you think it would take to fill that? Let’s find out.
Titiro ki te ipu a Tio. Ki tō titiro kia hia ngā kapu hei whakakī i tana ipu. Kia tirotirohia e tāua.
Sally's container is full of sand. Let’s empty it with this cup into this other container. I wonder if it will fill it? What do you think? 
Kikī ana te ipu a Hera i te onepū. Whakamahia te kapu hei koko ake i te onepū ki tērā ipu. Ki tō titiro ka uru te onepū katoa? Ka kī anō hoki tērā ipu? Pēhea nei ō whakaaro?