Rock, Scissors, Paper

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You can help your child to instantly recall the addition facts up to 10.

What you need:

  • Calculator (to add scores)
  • Paper to record scores

What to do:

Like the game rock, scissors, paper both players count aloud 1, 2, 3, and on 3 display any number of fingers on one hand. The first player adds the numbers together. This is their score for the first round. Record the score on a piece of paper. The second player then has a turn. At the end of 5 rounds each player adds their 5 scores together (using the calculator) and the winner is the player with the highest total score.

What to expect your child to do:

Over time expect your child to instantly recall the addition facts.


The older player uses two hands and the younger player uses one hand.

He Kupu Māori:

tāpiri (hia)

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Tatau ake ki te toru. Tahi, rua, toru. (Count up to 3. One, two, three.)
  • Whakaaturia ētahi matimati ki tētahi ringa. (Show some fingers on one hand.)
  • E hia katoa ngā matimati e whakaaturia ana i ō tāua ringaringa? Tāpirihia. (How many fingers altogether are shown on both our hands? Add them.)
  • Tuhia te tapake ki te pepa ki raro i tō ingoa. Māu tēnā tapeke. (Write the total on the paper under your name. That’s your total.)
  • Māku tēnei tapeke. Tuhia ki taku ingoa. (This total is mine.Write it under my name.)
  • Kua rima ināianei ngā tapeke ki a koe, kua rima ki ahau. (You have 5 totals now and I have 5.)
  • Tāpiria ngā tapeke e rima katoa. Whakamahia te tātaitai. (Add up all of the five totals. Use the calculator.)

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