Addition Bingo

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You can help your child to remember addition basic facts up to 10 + 10.  

What you need:

  • A set of Bingo Cards (PDF, 28KB). You can print these or make your own.
  • 6 counters for each player - buttons, bottle tops, pebbles or shells

What to do:

Cut out the bingo question cards and place in a pile face down.
Give a bingo board to each player. 
Players take turns to take a bingo question, and read it out loud. Players answer the questions out loud.
Encourage your children to answer the question as quickly as they can.
Players who have the answer on their bingo board can cover it with a counter.
The winner is the first person to cover all of their bingo board and call “Bingo”.

What to expect your child to do:

To answer the addition questions quickly. They should progress to instantly recalling the answer.


  • Swap bingo cards and play again. 
  • Have a “caller” who reads the bingo questions.
  • Players can only cover the number on their bingo board if they are the first to answer the bingo question.

He Kupu Māori:

tekau mā tahi
tekau mā rua
tekau mā waru
tekau mā iwa
papa tau
number board
tāpiri (hia)

He Whakawhitinga Kōrero:

  • Māu e tīmata. Tangohia tētahi kāri. (You can start. Take a card.)
  • Kei ahau ināianei. (My turn now.)
  • Kei a koe. (Your turn.)
  • Pānuihia mai tō tāpiritanga. (Read your addition.)
  • Tāpirihia te rua me te whitu, ka iwa. (Add 2 and 7 to get 9.)
  • E ono, tāpirihia te waru, ka tekau mā whā. (6 plus 8 equals 14.)
  • He aha te otinga? Kei te mōhio koe ki tēnā tāpiritanga? (Whats the answer? Do you know that addition?)
  • Mēnā kei a koe tēnā otinga i tō papa tau, uhia ki te porotiti. (If you’ve got that one on your board, cover it with a counter.)
  • Mēnā kua uhia katoatia ō tau, karangatia ‘Bingo’! Ko koe te toa. (If your numbers are all covered, call out Bingo! You are the winner.)

Download a file of this activity:

 PDF (264KB)