Connected Statistics, level 4

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Under the Sea

Connected Level 4, 2018: Digital Space
ContextMarine life on a reef
MathematicsStatistics: Using a survey to estimate the numbers of plants and animals living on a reef.
Cross CurriculumScience: Living world  

Sensing Data

Connected Level 4, 2017: Where to Next?
ContextAir pollution
MathematicsStatistics: Interpreting data presented in a variety of ways.
Cross CurriculumScience: Nature of science  

Winning Ways: Presenting Scientific Data

Connected Level 4, 2016: Getting the Message
ContextScience fair project
MathematicsStatistics: Ways to present data.
Cross CurriculumScience: Nature of science

The Great Marble Challenge

ContextMaking a ramp at the correct gradient such that a marble, when rolled, will travel down it and stop at a given distance.
MathematicsMeasurement/Statistics: Collecting measurement data, graphing variables on a dot plot and using results to inform a successful strategy.
Cross CurriculumScience

Training for Success

ContextAn athlete collects data to inform training and to improve performance.
MathematicsStatistics: Collecting measurements, graphing performance data, calculating means and evaluating results.
Cross CurriculumHealth and PE

Keep your cat inside

Connected Level 4, 2013: Are You Sure?, p.27
ContextYour cat: predator or pet?
MathematicsStatistical Literacy: Sample size, and the reliability and validity of evidence are examined within the context of two studies that gather data about the predation of domestic cats in Wellington and Dunedin.
Cross CurriculumScience: Living World

An Ecologist on Ice

Connected Level 4, 2013: Are You Sure?, p.10
ContextRoss Sea Adélie penguin population
MathematicsStatistical Literacy: In interpreting Adélie penguin population data, the computer model explores response and predictor variables, and helps to make sense of the birds’ responses to changes in their environment.
Cross CurriculumScience: Living World

Power Alternatives

Connected 3, 2010: Wind Power, p.24
ContextIdentifying energy sources in NZ and their costs
MathematicsStatistical Literacy: The reader interprets a pie graph and a line graph.
Cross CurriculumScience: Physical World

Making Decisions with Bubble Graphs

Connected 3, 2008, p.10
ContextMaking informed choices about school playground equipment.
MathematicsStatistical Investigations/Literacy: Data on year level suitability of equipment, costs, flexibility and popularity are presented on bubble graphs and on a table. The reader interprets and compares the displays, and is asked to make a decision.
Cross CurriculumHealth and PE

Down for the count

Connected 3, 2004, p.15
ContextThe close monitoring of the numbers of rare Māui’s dolphin is documented.
MathematicsStatistical Investigations/Literacy: Questions about the population data, the error rates, population modeling and conservation strategies, engage the reader in calculations of rates and averages.
Cross CurriculumScience: Living World


Connected 3, 2002, p.28
ContextThe discovery of a huhu beetle prompts a game of beetle.
MathematicsProbability: Probability is explored in this story as the game of Beetle is played out.
Cross CurriculumScience: Living World

The Black Caps Make History

Connected 3, 2000, p.10
ContextThe 1999 NZ men’s cricket game defeats England at Lords for the first time in history.
MathematicsStatistical Investigations: Match data are given and performance is shown in line graph and on a histogram.
Cross CurriculumHealth and PE

In the Dark, Seeing the Clues

Connected 3, 1999, p.30
ContextA covert operations probability problem and cracking a number code
MathematicsProbability: Using a tree diagram to solve a probability problem, and logic to solve a code problem.
Cross CurriculumN/A