Measure of proportion

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A sample proportion used to make comparisons among sample distributions.


An online questionnaire was completed by 727 students enrolled in an introductory Statistics course at the University of Auckland. It included questions on their actual weight, gender and ethnicity.

The measurement variable ‘actual weight’ was recategorised with one category for actual weights less than 60kg. It was concluded that 56.7% of the females weighed less than 60kg compared to 7.6% of the males. This is an example of bivariate data with one measurement variable (actual weight) and one category variable (gender).

As part of a comparison between the ethnicity sample distributions for females and males it was concluded that 5.4% of the females were Korean compared to 10.9% of the males. This is an example of bivariate data with two category variables.

Curriculum achievement objectives references

Statistical investigation: Levels 5, (6), (7), (8)