Subtraction & Operations

Level/Framework stage/Group



3 weeks

Planning notes
Upper end
Focus Achievement Objectives
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Level Five
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Identify highest common factors and least common multiples.

Solve problems that involve adding and subtracting fractions.

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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
In this unit students work out their own generalisations of the properties of number operations through their exploration of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Consolidate understanding of simple properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Discover and use some more complex properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Problem solving activities
This problem solving activity has an algebra focus.
  • Select and use a problem solving strategy (e.g. use equipment, work backwards, draw a picture).
  • Identify patterns used in solving the problem (multiples of 3).
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies (draw a picture, use equipment, think, work backwards).
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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Figure It Out activities
This is a level 3 algebra activity from the Figure It Out series.A PDF of the student activity is included.

explore patterns in numbers

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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Rich learning activities
The purpose of this activity is to engage students in using operations on whole numbers to investigate a given context.
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Level Three
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
In this unit students work out their own generalisations of the properties of number operations through their exploration of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Consolidate understanding of simple properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Discover and use some more complex properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
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Level Five
Number and Algebra
Numeracy activities

Solve problems by finding the prime factors of numbers.

Source URL:

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Achievement Objectives
NA5-2: Use prime numbers, common factors and multiples, and powers (including square roots).
NA5-3: Understand operations on fractions, decimals, percentages, and integers.
Specific Learning Outcomes

Identify highest common factors and least common multiples.

Solve problems that involve adding and subtracting fractions.

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Stage 8

Required Resource Materials
Addition/Subtraction of Fractions (Material Master 8-26)

The fact that many students struggle to understand how to add and subtract fractions.   The basic notion required is that when fractions have different denominators, they must be renamed to have a common denominator.

Using Number Properties

Problem: “Mele wants to find  1/2 + 1/6. Why can’t the fractions be added directly?” (Answer: Halves and sixths are unlike.)

“How will Mele proceed?”
(Answer: She will convert 1/2 to 3/6, so 1/2 + 1/6 = 3/6 + 1/6 = 4/6.)

Examples: Work out 1/2 – 1/6,  1/8 + 1/2, 7/8 – 1/2, 11/12 – 5/6, 2/3 – 5/12 …

Problem: “Mele wants to work out 8/9 – 5/6 . How will Mele get around the problem of  unlike denominators?” (Answer: Mele must find a way to convert both fractions to  have a common name.)

List the equivalent names for and on the board.

(Answer: 8/9 = 16/18 = 24/27 = 32/36 = 40/45 = 48/48 ...
5/6 = 10/12 = 15/18 = 20/24 = 25/30 = 30/36 = 35/42 = 40/48 = 45/54 ...)

Discuss which denominators appear in both lists. (Answer: 18, 36, 54 ...)

Discuss why 8/9 = 16/18 and 5/6 = 15/18 are the best fractions to use to rename and 8/9 and 5/6  why 8/9 – 5/6 = 1/18.

Examples : Worksheet (Material Master 8–26).

Understanding Number Properties:

Make up an addition problem for fractions with unlike denominators and then solve it.


Properties of operations


In this unit students work out their own generalisations of the properties of number operations through their exploration of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-6: Record and interpret additive and simple multiplicative strategies, using words, diagrams, and symbols, with an understanding of equality.
NA3-7: Generalise the properties of addition and subtraction with whole numbers.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Consolidate understanding of simple properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Discover and use some more complex properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Description of Mathematics

Patterns are used in the curriculum for several reasons: to develop facility with numbers and calculations, to work on generalisations, and to explore the properties of number operations (which is the focus of this unit). It is important to develop a strong arithmetic basis for interpreting algebraic expressions. This enables students to carry out algebraic manipulations with understanding. For example, the distributive law:

(a + b) x c  = a x c + b x c

The distributive law is used constantly in algebraic manipulation, and is a formal statement of a property of addition and multiplication. It states that adding two numbers and then multiplying the answer by 3 (for instance), gives the same answer as if both the numbers were first multiplied by three and then added together. Similarly, students already intuitively know the algebraic equivalence below:

a - (b + 1) = (a - b) – 1

This can be seen in situations such as “if I take 101 away from a number, I get one less than if I take 100 away from it”. At this level, the properties are not expressed with letters, but are illustrated with examples, as the intention is to build up a strong intuition for how the four operations behave.

The questions in this unit are present in algorithm form. However, you should value and build on whatever strategies your students are confident using to add, subtract, divide, and mutiply whole numbers.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to students and by varying the task requirements. Ways to support students include:

  • varying the type of questions asked and the numbers involved (higher or lower) to vary the complexity
  • sharing visuals to demonstrate the problems
  • providing equipment to support their learning.
  • grouping students in flexible groups to support and extend students
  • checking and drawing on students’ prior knowledge
  • using digital tools to model concepts and demonstrate learning
  • providing sentence starters for general statements.

The context for this unit can be adapted to suit the interests and experiences of your students. For example, you might use the context of native animals or native marine life for the problems. Consider how you might make links to a context that is relevant to the learning interests and cultural backgrounds of your students, or to learning from another curriculum area.  

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as tāpiri (addition), tango (subtraction), whakarea (multiplication), and whakawehe (division) and the te reo Māori words for numbers could be used in this unit and throughout other mathematical learning.


Session 1: Biscuits

Here the students try to find general rules relating to a subtraction problem disguised as a problem involving eating biscuits. Reframe the context of this problem as appropriate.

  1. A family bought a packet of 20 biscuits and they ate 6. There were 14 left. 20 – 6 = 14. Illustrate this by using biscuit. for remaining biscuits and biscuit with cross through it. for eaten biscuits.
    20 biscuits, 6 of them with crosses through them.
    When you know that 20 – 6 = 14, what other subtractions do you immediately know the answer to?
    It might be useful to construct a table of students’ suggestions that may include:
 20 biscuits, 6 of them with crosses through them.20 – 6 = 14
If they ate one more, there would be one fewer left20 biscuits, 7 of them with crosses through them.20 – 7 = 13
If they ate two more, there would be two fewer left20 biscuits, 8 of them with crosses through them.20 – 8 = 12
If they ate one fewer, there would be one more left20 biscuits, 5 of them with crosses through them.20 – 5 = 15
If they had 5 more to start with, but ate the same number, there would be 5 more left25 biscuits, 6 of them with crosses through them.(20 + 5) – 6 = 14 + 5 = 19
If they had 5 more to start with, and ate 5 more, there would be the same number left25 biscuits, 11 of them with crosses through them.(20 + 5) – (6 + 5) = 14
If they had bought twice as many and eaten twice as many, there would be twice as many left40 biscuits, 12 of them with crosses through them.(2 x 20) – (2 x 6) = (2 x 14)
If they had bought half as many and eaten half as many, there would be half as many left10 biscuits, 3 of them with crosses through them.Half of 20 – half of 6 = half of 14


  1. Discuss students’ suggestions and get them to illustrate why their idea works using the diagram (or models) of the biscuits.
  2. Some of the students’ suggestions will be true only for the actual numbers involved. They will not demonstrate general properties of subtraction. Someone may, for example, suggest that if the family ate four more biscuits, there would only be ten left. Draw attention to general properties, where possible, that will hold for all numbers of biscuits. For instance, all of the suggestions in the table above are general. This is because the verbal statements would apply to any number of biscuits you care to choose for the initial subtraction. General statements can be tested by trying other numbers of biscuits and seeing if the verbal statement still holds true.
  3. Summarise the general properties and test them on other numbers.

Session 2: Subtraction

In this session, students explore and test properties of subtraction.

  1. Ask a student to come and write a complicated subtraction on the board and work out the answer. For example:

    Written algorithm used to solve 2358-473

  2. Ask students to suggest other subtractions they can now do easily, using this answer. They might suggest that the top line can be increased (e.g. by 1, 2, 100, 1000, see below), or decreased (e.g. by 30, see below) giving corresponding increases and decreases in the answers. Such examples can be done mentally and checked with a calculator or written algorithm.

    Examples of written algorithm used to solve subtraction problems.

  3. Ask the students to explain the reason behind this property of subtraction with reference to another relevant context such as buying sports equipment worth $473 from a bank account containing $2358.
  4. Ask students to explain, in their own words, why increasing (or decreasing) the number subtracted causes the answer to be decreased (or increased) by the same amount.
  5. Ask the students to explain the reason behind this property of subtraction, with reference to a simple context.
  6. Ask the students to suggest other things that we can easily work out using the answer to this subtraction and to explain their reasoning.

    Examples: if both numbers are increased by the same amount, the answer is not changed, if both numbers are doubled or halved, the answer would be doubled, if both are multiplied by ten, the answer is multiplied by ten.

  7. Students can now choose their own complicated subtraction, work it out and make up some other subtractions that they can now easily do. Support students as necessary and allow them to check their solutions with a calculator. Then they write down the ten favourite subtractions that they have found and explain how they knew they would be correct.

Session 3: Multiplication

This session follows the same steps as the above session on subtraction, with a stronger emphasis on checking a variety of numerical examples.

  1. Both relationships that work and relationships that do not work should be discussed. For example, if one number is multiplied by ten, then the answer is multiplied by ten. However, if one number is increased by ten, then the answer is not (usually!) increased by ten
  2. Test proposed relationships on a variety of easy numbers e.g. to test proposal that “ if I double one number and have the other, the product remains the same” check: 10 x 6 = 60, 20 x 3 = 60, 5 x 12 = 60 and 4 x 5 = 20 and 2 x 10 = 20 and 8 x 2.5 = 20.
  3. Calculators can be used to check harder examples too.

Session 4: Division

This session follows exactly the same steps as the above sessions on subtraction and multiplication.

Session 5: Addition and consolidation

Here the students work by themselves on addition problems. This session is an attempt to bring together the ideas of the previous sessions.

  1. Remind the class what has been done in the last four sessions. Ask them to work with another member of the class but this time concentrate on addition. Remind them that they have to guess a rule and then check it.
  2. Get the various groups to report back to the class.
    What did you find?
    Why did it work?
    Will it always work?
  3. Recall the different things that worked for the four operations.
    Are there any rules that are the same?
    Are there any rules that are different?
  4. Get the class to summarise what they have found on a poster. Display the posters.

Take two


This problem solving activity has an algebra focus.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-7: Generalise the properties of addition and subtraction with whole numbers.
Student Activity

Play the strategy game "take two".

5 counters.Place five counters in a row.

With a partner take turns, removing one or two counters each turn.

The person to remove the last counter is the winner.

Can you find a game strategy so that the first player always win?

Is this a fair game? [In a fair game, each player has an equal chance of winning.]

Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Select and use a problem solving strategy (e.g. use equipment, work backwards, draw a picture).
  • Identify patterns used in solving the problem (multiples of 3).
  • Devise and use problem solving strategies (draw a picture, use equipment, think, work backwards).
Description of Mathematics

This is an open problem presented as a game that involves decisions and fairness.  Students learn that if it is fair, then it doesn’t matter who starts and each player is equally likely to win. If the game is not fair, then a decision must be made about who will win, the first player or the second player. By playing a number of games students have the opportunity to begin to see a pattern, and to identify a strategy.


The Problem

Play the strategy game "take two". 

Place five counters in a row. With a partner take turns, removing one or two counters each turn. The person to remove the last counter is the winner.

  1. Can you find a game strategy so that the first player always win?
  2. Is this a fair game? [In a fair game, each player has an equal chance of winning.]

Teaching Sequence

  1. Introduce the problem by playing one game with the class.
  2. Read the problem.
  3. Let the students play the games in pairs. It is important to stress that they are playing the game together to see if they can work out a winning strategy for the first player. By doing this you are encouraging them to analyse the game rather than just trying to beat their opponent.
  4. As the students play the game, ask questions that focus their thinking on the patterns that they are using to solve the game:
    What have you noticed in playing this game?
    If you are the first player how many counters should you take? Why?
    How can you record this pattern?
  5. If the students are having problems looking for patterns suggest that they start with 3 counters.
  6. When the students think that they have a strategy for "winning" the game let them try their strategy out with another pair. At this stage ask the students to keep their ideas to themselves.
  7. Once the pairs have played a couple of games ask them to share and discuss their ideas with the other pair. Encourage the group of 4 to write down their method for "winning" the game and their ideas about whether the game is fair or not.
  8. Share strategies for playing the game.
  9. Discuss: Do you think that the game is fair? Why or why not?


Change the number of counters to 7 or any other number you prefer.


This is an opportunity to work backwards. The person who takes the last counter or the last two counters is the winner (Person A.) Person B, who goes just before this will have had three counters in front of them. (If they had had two, they would have taken away the two and have won. If they had had four, they would have taken away one and left three and so put themselves in the winning position or have taken away two and left two – a losing position.)

So three is a losing position. The next highest losing position is six. This is because if person B sees six counters then B can only take one or two counters away to reduce the pile to five or four. Then person A can take two or one counters to reduce the pile to three and put B in a losing position.

There were five counters originally. The first person who plays is the only one who can get the pile down to three and put the second person in a losing position. So the first player can always win. So the game is not fair.

It’s worth noting that the first player will also win if there are four counters. The first player takes one counter and reduces the pile to three. This is a losing position for the second player.

But six counters in the original pile means a winning game for the second player. No matter what the first player does, the second player reduces the pile to three and wins from there.

In general, if the number of counters originally was a multiple of three, the first person will lose if the second player knows how to play the game. On the other hand if the number of counters is not a multiple of three, then the first player wins by reducing the pile to a multiple of three and making sure that each time they play the pile is reduced to a smaller multiple of three.

We show the first person’s strategy for an 11 counter game in the table below.

counters in pile11986431
first player-2 -2 -1 -1
second player -1 -2 -2 
multiple of three986 31first player wins
TakeTwo.pdf84.82 KB

Staircase Capers


This is a level 3 algebra activity from the Figure It Out series.
A PDF of the student activity is included.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-7: Generalise the properties of addition and subtraction with whole numbers.
Student Activity

Click on the image to enlarge it. Click again to close. Download PDF (150 KB)

Specific Learning Outcomes

explore patterns in numbers

Required Resource Materials
FIO, Levels 3-4, Basic Facts, Staircases Capers, page 19

photocopy of the staircases


In this activity, the students are looking for patterns in numbers. They will need to try several squares, crosses, or staircases before they can be sure that they have found the correct pattern.
Students could use a calculator to speed up their operations, but discourage them from using a calculator for simple operations.
As the students investigate different patterns, you could ask the following questions to extend their thinking:
“Will it always work?”
“Would it work on a bigger shape?”
“What other patterns can you make?”
“Can you find out anything about the numbers on diagonal lines?”
“What will happen if you multiply the numbers?”
“What happens for vertical and horizontal lines?”
“Why does it work?”
For example:
Students may also enjoy investigating patterns of numbers in other situations, for example, in calendar months or hundreds squares. Do the same patterns work?
Here is one pattern that compares 3 x 3 grids on the staircases and on a calendar.
Choose a 3 x 3 set of numbers from one of the staircases. For example:

Double the middle number (13 x 2 = 26). Now take any two numbers on the outside of the grid that are directly opposite each other (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally), for example, 7 and 21. Adding them gives 7 + 21 = 28, which is two more than 26. The same is true for 6 and 22, which give 28 when added. Create a new 3 x 3 grid from the staircase and check if the rule holds.
If you do this with a calendar, it gets even more interesting. For example, a grid from the calendar for May 2001 will look like this:

The middle number is 16, and 16 x 2 = 32. Pick a pair of opposite numbers, say 15 and 17. 15 + 17 = 32. Another pair is 10 + 22 = 32.
Use a calendar and check if this rule holds true for any 3 x 3 grid that you pick.

Answers to Activity

1. In each rectangle, pairs of numbers in opposite corners of the rectangle are equal.
2. In each cross, the sum of the two horizontal numbers added is 2 less than the sum of the two vertical numbers added.
3. The sum of the three corner numbers is always 2 more than the sum of the other three numbers in the staircase.
Answers will vary and will include different shapes.
For example:

• triangles, such as


• alphabet letters, for example, Z

• multiplying opposite corners

• comparing a 3 x 3 set of numbers on one of the staircases to 3 x 3 grids on a calendar.


A Close Game


The purpose of this activity is to engage students in using operations on whole numbers to investigate a given context.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-1: Use a range of additive and simple multiplicative strategies with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.
NA3-7: Generalise the properties of addition and subtraction with whole numbers.
Description of Mathematics

This activity assumes the students have experience in the following areas:

  • Adding and subtracting whole numbers.
  • Applying equivalence to solve problems.

The problem is sufficiently open ended to allow the students freedom of choice in their approach. It may be scaffolded with guidance that leads to a solution, and/or the students might be given the opportunity to solve the problem independently.

The example responses at the end of the resource give an indication of the kind of response to expect from students who approach the problem in particular ways.


In the third Bledisloe Cup match between Australia and the All Blacks, in 2014, the game was won by just one point.

  1. The table below shows the number of tries, conversions and penalties each team scored and the number of points each is worth. Use the table to work out which team won the game.
  2. Before 1992, a try was only worth 4 points. If the value of a try was never changed to 5 points, would the same team have won the game?
  3. The earliest scoring system for rugby was just 1 point for a try, 2 for a conversion and 3 for a penalty. If rugby scoring had remained as this original system, who would have won the game?
Points for each523
New Zealand431

The following prompts illustrate how this activity can be structured around the phases of the Mathematics Investigation Cycle.

Make sense

Introduce the problem. Allow students time to read it and discuss in pairs or small groups.

  • Do I understand the situation? (Students who are unfamiliar with rugby will need help understanding what the terms “try”, “conversion” and “penalty” mean.)
  • Does the table make sense? Can I explain it?
  • Do I expect that changing the points for each action (try, penalty, conversion) will make a difference to a team’s total score? Why will it make a difference?
  • Do I expect there to be a pattern to the effect of changes?
  • What will my solution look like? (The solution will be decisions about which team won under each scoring scheme that are supported by calculations of total numbers of points.)

Plan approach

Discuss ideas about how to solve the problem. Emphasise that, in the planning phase, you want students to say how they would solve the problem, not to actually solve it.

  • What strategies will be useful to solve a problem like this? (A table is given and might be used to organise the calculations. However, equations might also be a good representation if the numbers and operators can be explained.)
  • How do I expect the scoring schemes will change the total? Can I anticipate the effect?
  • What tools (digital or physical) could help my investigation?

Take action

Allow students time to work through their strategy and find a solution to the problem.

  • Am I recording systematically so my calculations are easy to understand?
  • Have I looked for efficient ways to find the total number of points? 
  • Which operations am I using? Do the operations make sense?
  • Has my prediction, about the effect of changing points for each action, worked?

Convince yourself and others

Allow students time to check their answers and then either have them pair share with other groups or ask for volunteers to share their solution with the class.

  • Do I have a solution that meets the requirements of the task?
  • Is my working clear for someone else to follow?
  • How would I convince someone else I am correct?
  • Is my rule expressed in a mathematical way? 
  • Is there some mathematics I need to learn to solve similar problems?
  • What have I noticed that seems to work all the time in these types of problem?
  • Can I recommend a good points scheme? What is my argument for that scheme?

Examples of work

Work sample 1

The student uses chains of addition to find the total number of points for each team. They compare total number of points for each team under the different scoring schemes.

Click on the image to enlarge it. Click again to close. 

Work sample 2

The student combines multiplication, addition and subtraction to find the total number of points for each team. They compare total number of points for each team under the different scoring schemes.

Click on the image to enlarge it. Click again to close. 


Properties of operations


In this unit students work out their own generalisations of the properties of number operations through their exploration of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Achievement Objectives
NA3-6: Record and interpret additive and simple multiplicative strategies, using words, diagrams, and symbols, with an understanding of equality.
NA3-7: Generalise the properties of addition and subtraction with whole numbers.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Consolidate understanding of simple properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Discover and use some more complex properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Description of Mathematics

Patterns are used in the curriculum for several reasons: to develop facility with numbers and calculations, to work on generalisations, and to explore the properties of number operations (which is the focus of this unit). It is important to develop a strong arithmetic basis for interpreting algebraic expressions. This enables students to carry out algebraic manipulations with understanding. For example, the distributive law:

(a + b) x c  = a x c + b x c

The distributive law is used constantly in algebraic manipulation, and is a formal statement of a property of addition and multiplication. It states that adding two numbers and then multiplying the answer by 3 (for instance), gives the same answer as if both the numbers were first multiplied by three and then added together. Similarly, students already intuitively know the algebraic equivalence below:

a - (b + 1) = (a - b) – 1

This can be seen in situations such as “if I take 101 away from a number, I get one less than if I take 100 away from it”. At this level, the properties are not expressed with letters, but are illustrated with examples, as the intention is to build up a strong intuition for how the four operations behave.

The questions in this unit are present in algorithm form. However, you should value and build on whatever strategies your students are confident using to add, subtract, divide, and mutiply whole numbers.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to students and by varying the task requirements. Ways to support students include:

  • varying the type of questions asked and the numbers involved (higher or lower) to vary the complexity
  • sharing visuals to demonstrate the problems
  • providing equipment to support their learning.
  • grouping students in flexible groups to support and extend students
  • checking and drawing on students’ prior knowledge
  • using digital tools to model concepts and demonstrate learning
  • providing sentence starters for general statements.

The context for this unit can be adapted to suit the interests and experiences of your students. For example, you might use the context of native animals or native marine life for the problems. Consider how you might make links to a context that is relevant to the learning interests and cultural backgrounds of your students, or to learning from another curriculum area.  

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as tāpiri (addition), tango (subtraction), whakarea (multiplication), and whakawehe (division) and the te reo Māori words for numbers could be used in this unit and throughout other mathematical learning.


Session 1: Biscuits

Here the students try to find general rules relating to a subtraction problem disguised as a problem involving eating biscuits. Reframe the context of this problem as appropriate.

  1. A family bought a packet of 20 biscuits and they ate 6. There were 14 left. 20 – 6 = 14. Illustrate this by using biscuit. for remaining biscuits and biscuit with cross through it. for eaten biscuits.
    20 biscuits, 6 of them with crosses through them.
    When you know that 20 – 6 = 14, what other subtractions do you immediately know the answer to?
    It might be useful to construct a table of students’ suggestions that may include:
 20 biscuits, 6 of them with crosses through them.20 – 6 = 14
If they ate one more, there would be one fewer left20 biscuits, 7 of them with crosses through them.20 – 7 = 13
If they ate two more, there would be two fewer left20 biscuits, 8 of them with crosses through them.20 – 8 = 12
If they ate one fewer, there would be one more left20 biscuits, 5 of them with crosses through them.20 – 5 = 15
If they had 5 more to start with, but ate the same number, there would be 5 more left25 biscuits, 6 of them with crosses through them.(20 + 5) – 6 = 14 + 5 = 19
If they had 5 more to start with, and ate 5 more, there would be the same number left25 biscuits, 11 of them with crosses through them.(20 + 5) – (6 + 5) = 14
If they had bought twice as many and eaten twice as many, there would be twice as many left40 biscuits, 12 of them with crosses through them.(2 x 20) – (2 x 6) = (2 x 14)
If they had bought half as many and eaten half as many, there would be half as many left10 biscuits, 3 of them with crosses through them.Half of 20 – half of 6 = half of 14


  1. Discuss students’ suggestions and get them to illustrate why their idea works using the diagram (or models) of the biscuits.
  2. Some of the students’ suggestions will be true only for the actual numbers involved. They will not demonstrate general properties of subtraction. Someone may, for example, suggest that if the family ate four more biscuits, there would only be ten left. Draw attention to general properties, where possible, that will hold for all numbers of biscuits. For instance, all of the suggestions in the table above are general. This is because the verbal statements would apply to any number of biscuits you care to choose for the initial subtraction. General statements can be tested by trying other numbers of biscuits and seeing if the verbal statement still holds true.
  3. Summarise the general properties and test them on other numbers.

Session 2: Subtraction

In this session, students explore and test properties of subtraction.

  1. Ask a student to come and write a complicated subtraction on the board and work out the answer. For example:

    Written algorithm used to solve 2358-473

  2. Ask students to suggest other subtractions they can now do easily, using this answer. They might suggest that the top line can be increased (e.g. by 1, 2, 100, 1000, see below), or decreased (e.g. by 30, see below) giving corresponding increases and decreases in the answers. Such examples can be done mentally and checked with a calculator or written algorithm.

    Examples of written algorithm used to solve subtraction problems.

  3. Ask the students to explain the reason behind this property of subtraction with reference to another relevant context such as buying sports equipment worth $473 from a bank account containing $2358.
  4. Ask students to explain, in their own words, why increasing (or decreasing) the number subtracted causes the answer to be decreased (or increased) by the same amount.
  5. Ask the students to explain the reason behind this property of subtraction, with reference to a simple context.
  6. Ask the students to suggest other things that we can easily work out using the answer to this subtraction and to explain their reasoning.

    Examples: if both numbers are increased by the same amount, the answer is not changed, if both numbers are doubled or halved, the answer would be doubled, if both are multiplied by ten, the answer is multiplied by ten.

  7. Students can now choose their own complicated subtraction, work it out and make up some other subtractions that they can now easily do. Support students as necessary and allow them to check their solutions with a calculator. Then they write down the ten favourite subtractions that they have found and explain how they knew they would be correct.

Session 3: Multiplication

This session follows the same steps as the above session on subtraction, with a stronger emphasis on checking a variety of numerical examples.

  1. Both relationships that work and relationships that do not work should be discussed. For example, if one number is multiplied by ten, then the answer is multiplied by ten. However, if one number is increased by ten, then the answer is not (usually!) increased by ten
  2. Test proposed relationships on a variety of easy numbers e.g. to test proposal that “ if I double one number and have the other, the product remains the same” check: 10 x 6 = 60, 20 x 3 = 60, 5 x 12 = 60 and 4 x 5 = 20 and 2 x 10 = 20 and 8 x 2.5 = 20.
  3. Calculators can be used to check harder examples too.

Session 4: Division

This session follows exactly the same steps as the above sessions on subtraction and multiplication.

Session 5: Addition and consolidation

Here the students work by themselves on addition problems. This session is an attempt to bring together the ideas of the previous sessions.

  1. Remind the class what has been done in the last four sessions. Ask them to work with another member of the class but this time concentrate on addition. Remind them that they have to guess a rule and then check it.
  2. Get the various groups to report back to the class.
    What did you find?
    Why did it work?
    Will it always work?
  3. Recall the different things that worked for the four operations.
    Are there any rules that are the same?
    Are there any rules that are different?
  4. Get the class to summarise what they have found on a poster. Display the posters.

The Sieve of Eratosthenes

Achievement Objectives
NA5-2: Use prime numbers, common factors and multiples, and powers (including square roots).
Specific Learning Outcomes

Solve problems by finding the prime factors of numbers.

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Stage 8

Required Resource Materials

Eratosthenes, who lived in Greece from about 276 to 195 BC, invented a system to find prime numbers. It consists of crossing out every second number except 2 on a grid then every third number except 3, and so on. The numbers not crossed out are prime. (A discussion about 1 being a special number in that it is neither prime nor non-prime may be worthwhile.)

Using Materials

Give each student a copy of the grid. Notice the number 1 is shaded to indicate it is special. 2 is prime and ringed. Discuss how to cross out all the multiples of 2. (Answer: For example cross out whole columns at a time.)

Ring 3 and cross out all multiples of 3 (that is 6, 9, 12 ... ). Ring 5 and cross out multiples of 5. Continue until all the prime numbers ≤ 200 are ringed.

Discussion: Why is this called a sieve?

Understanding Number Properties:

Describe how you would determine whether 349 is prime using the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Don’t actually do it. Is the method generally useful? Consider for example, testing whether 179 781 is prime.

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