Late level 1 plan (term 3)

Planning notes
This plan is a starting point for planning a mathematics and statistics teaching programme for a term. The resources listed cover about 50% of your teaching time. Further resources need to be added to meet the specific learning needs of your class, to support your local curriculum and to provide sufficient teaching for a full term.
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
In this unit ākonga participate in a variety of art based activities to develop their knowledge of 2-dimensional shapes. They use their own language to describe their works and the shapes they have used.
  • Name 2-dimensional shapes: triangle, square, oblong (non-square rectangle), circle, oval and diamond.
  • Describe shape attributes (sides, corners, curved and straight lines, edges, pointed) in their own language.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
The purpose of this unit of sequenced lessons is to develop knowledge and understanding of the place value structure of numbers from ten to twenty.
  • Instantly recognise patterns for teen numbers.
  • Make groups of ten and represent teen numbers with materials.
  • Recognise and record words and symbols for teen numbers.
  • Understand that in a teen number the 1 represents one group of ten.
  • Expand teen number notation and understand simple place value.
  • Understa...
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Level One
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
This unit involves the students directly comparing the weight (mass) of two or more objects.
  • Compare two objects by weight.
  • Order three or more objects by weight.
  • Describe the weight of objects using comparative language, for example, heavier, lighter.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
This unit explores early multiplication where ākonga are encouraged to skip count to solve story problems, rather than counting all.
  • Skip count in twos and fives.
  • Skip count to solve simple multiplication problems with a sum of up to 20.
  • Solve simple multiplication problems in various ways and talk about how they found the answer.
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Level One
Number and Algebra
Units of Work
In this unit we explore linear patterns using snakes as the context. We examine, construct and record snakes of different patterns. We also put scarves on our snakes and predict what is hidden.
  • Record patterns on grid paper.
  • Make predictions about ‘missing’ sections of a pattern.
  • Use words to describe linear patterns.
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Arty Shapes


In this unit ākonga participate in a variety of art based activities to develop their knowledge of 2-dimensional shapes. They use their own language to describe their works and the shapes they have used.

Achievement Objectives
GM1-2: Sort objects by their appearance.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Name 2-dimensional shapes: triangle, square, oblong (non-square rectangle), circle, oval and diamond.
  • Describe shape attributes (sides, corners, curved and straight lines, edges, pointed) in their own language.
Description of Mathematics

This unit begins an exploration of basic 2D shapes, their properties and the mathematical language associated with them in both te reo Māori and Engligh. There is a progression from the way the ākonga think of and see these objects to the more formal mathematical ideas and descriptions. In order to be able to communicate on any topic, there is a need for a common language. This unit takes the initial steps in the formulation of this common language.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to ākonga and by varying the task requirements. Ways to differentiate the tasks include:  

  • providing ākonga with cut-out shapes if they have difficulty cutting them from paper
  • asking ākonga to suggest objects that they could create with the shapes available
  • providing ākonga with a variety of material that can be used to create shapes and identify their attributes
  • providing ākonga with plenty of opportunities to use the common language developed in this lesson, as individuals, with their peers, and in whole-class environment. 

The context for this unit can be adapted to suit the interests, experiences and cultural makeup of your ākonga. This unit begins with looking at Piet Mondrians's artwork. In Session One, ākonga practice identifying shapes and describing them. Instead, or following this discussion, you could work with ākonga to identify art in their culture. Possible contexts of art in te ao Māori could be raranga/weaving, whakairo/carving, or peitatanga/painting. The art that is utilised in this learning should make clear links to the specific learning outcomes, meaning it should include images of 2-dimensional shapes (i.e. triangle, square, oblong, circle, oval, diamond).

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as tahi (one), rua (two), toru (three), tapatoru (triangle), tapawhā rite (square), tapawhā hāngai (non-square triangle), porowhita (circle), porohema (oval) and taimana (diamond) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning.

Required Resource Materials
  • Examples of Mondrian art. These can be found by doing an online image search.
  • Session One: Black paper, colour copies of the Shape Sheet in a variety of sizes, scissors, glue.
  • Session Two: Paper for each ākonga, shallow containers of PVA glue, paint or food colouring to colour PVA (optional), string.
  • Session Three: A copy of the Tiki copymaster for each ākonga, large stencils made of thick card in a variety of shapes, crayons and dye.
  • Session Four: Salt, flour and water to make salt dough, rolling pins, biscuit cutters in a variety of shapes, drinking straws, coat hangers or similar to hang shapes from, access to an oven to dry salt dough shapes, paint and string.
  • A word wall, vocabulary poster, or T chart may be a useful scaffold addition within the classroom learning environment for students to use throughout the unit. You could create and add to this with your class to conclude each session.

Throughout each session encourage the ākonga to talk about what they are making and the features of the shapes they are using. Discuss the similarities and differences in shapes and encourage a wide use of a range of terms. Counting the numbers of sides and the numbers of corners each shape has is also a good way to get ākonga to focus on shapes.

Questions or pātai to use:

  • Do you see any ways that these shapes are alike? How are they alike?
  • Can you see any shapes that are different? How are they different?
  • What do these shapes have in common?
  • What are some of the things you notice about the shapes you are using?
  • Do you know what we call these shapes?
  • What can you tell me about that shape?
  • Why have you chosen to use that shape?
  • Are all the sides the same? Are all the corners the same?

A word wall, vocabulary poster, or T chart may be a useful scaffold for ākonga to use throughout this unit.

Session 1: Shape collage

  1. Begin the session by looking at some of Piet Mondrian’s primary coloured and cubist art works. Have ākonga identify the shapes they can see and describe these.

    • What shapes has the artist used in their painting?
    • Can you see where the artist has used corners?
    • Where are the straight lines in this art work?
    • How would you describe the shapes the artist has used?

    As the ākonga identify the shapes and their features, record these in a visible place (e.g. whiteboard, on a large poster).

  2. Provide ākonga with one sheet of black paper each, a variety of shapes in different sizes and a pair of scissors. To support ākonga, who require more scaffolding in recognising and naming shapes, you could use a tactile material such as play-dough and/or popsicle sticks, stencils, or sand to make these shapes. This could be done as a small group until ākonga are ready to progress to the cutting task.
  3. Have ākonga colour in and cut out a variety of shapes and arrange them in interesting ways to make a picture, this may be abstract or a familiar object such as a car or a person. This could be linked to a relevant context from other areas of the curriculum (e.g. remember we went to a marae last week. The wharenui had a triangle for the roof made by the maihi (arms), and a big oblong-shaped building. It had long oblong posts on either side of the oblong. Can you create a wharenui from the shapes you have cut out?) You might support students by getting them to build their collage first with plastic shapes or sticks and play-dough, so that they have an image to refer back to.
  4. Encourage ākonga to discuss their work and the works of others and to change their designs as their ideas develop.
  5. Once they are satisfied with their pictures, ākonga glue the shapes in place.

Session 2: String shapes with PVA

  1. Revisit the names and attributes of shapes you looked at in the previous session. Use the collage art that ākonga created to encourage discussion of the different shapes and attributes (e.g. who had a square on their collage, show your partner where the square is).
  2. Provide each ākonga with a sheet of paper, strings of varying lengths and access to a shallow container of PVA. PVA may be coloured using food colouring or paint if desired.
  3. Ākonga dip pieces of string into the PVA and place them onto their pictures, making a variety of shapes in their work.
  4. Encourage ākonga to discuss their work and the works of others and to change their designs as their ideas develop.
  5. Once designs are dry they can be used as a block to create crayon rubbings if desired.

Session 3: Shape stencils in crayon and dye

  1. Provide each ākonga with a piece of paper, some large stencils made of thick card in a variety of shapes and some crayons.
  2. Ākonga trace around the stencils in a variety of different colour crayons, overlapping shapes to create an interesting effect. You may need to model the tracing action for the whole class, or for individuals or groups of students. Encourage tuakana-teina by getting students to help each other with the tracing.
  3. Encourage ākonga to discuss their work and the works of others. Explicitly model and encourage the language stated in the learning outcomes (i.e. shape names and attributes). Use phrases such as how many lines can you see on your collage? I can see 5 different shapes, can you name them all?
  4. When the shapes are completed ākonga can paint over the shapes with dye, or use crayons, pencils etc. to enhance their work.

Session 4: Shape mobiles

  1. Mix salt dough using equal quantities of salt and flour with enough water to form dough with good consistency. Links to science could be made here (e.g. what happens when we mix wet and dry ingredients? How much of each wet and dry ingredient do we need to add to make a dough?)
  2. Provide ākonga with dough and cutters.
  3. Ākonga flatten dough using rolling pins and cut a variety of shapes using biscuit cutters. Each shape needs a hole at the top to enable it to be hung with string. This can be made using a small piece of drinking straw.
  4. Encourage ākonga to discuss their work and the works of others.
  5. Place shapes in the oven at 100°C for 1 - 2 hours to dry out.
  6. Once shapes are dry they can be painted and hung onto a coat hanger with string to create a mobile.

Session 5

In this session ākonga reflect on one of their art-works made in the previous sessions, discuss and describe it and write about their work. Encourage ākonga to use both te reo Māori and English to describe their artworks.

Their writing could then be published and displayed, either in a classroom display or in a large book for the book corner. Encourage ākonga to share their produced artwork and learning with family and whānau.


Teen numbers (building with ten)


The purpose of this unit of sequenced lessons is to develop knowledge and understanding of the place value structure of numbers from ten to twenty.

Achievement Objectives
NA1-1: Use a range of counting, grouping, and equal-sharing strategies with whole numbers and fractions.
NA1-3: Know groupings with five, within ten, and with ten.
NA1-4: Communicate and explain counting, grouping, and equal-sharing strategies, using words, numbers, and pictures.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Instantly recognise patterns for teen numbers.
  • Make groups of ten and represent teen numbers with materials.
  • Recognise and record words and symbols for teen numbers.
  • Understand that in a teen number the 1 represents one group of ten.
  • Expand teen number notation and understand simple place value.
  • Understand and apply a ten for one exchange.
  • Understand how to decompose a ten in order to subtract.
Description of Mathematics

When ākonga meet the number ten they meet a two-digit number for the first time. They begin to develop awareness of the concept that there are no more numerals to learn and we just ‘recycle’ them. This is their entry into the structural world of our tens based number system.

Ākonga are introduced to the language of digits, place and value. It is a considerable conceptual shift for ākonga to move from a face value understanding (i.e. that a numeral represents a number of units that can be counted) to a complex place value understanding in which a numeral can represent a group or a number of groups, that are in themselves made up of units that can be counted.

As ākonga study teen numbers and their meaning and structure (rather than simply ‘saying’ them in a counting sequence), the focus is on developing the understanding that the value of a digit depends on its' place. This is not trivial and it is made more challenging by the language of teen numbers. 

Ākonga often confuse the number names such as ‘fourteen’ and ‘forty’ because the adult enunciation of the word endings is often unclear. In hearing ‘fourteen’ ākonga may expect to see the 4 appear first in the symbolic form because that is the number that comes first when they say it. Seeing 14 and hearing ‘four – teen’ therefore has the potential for confusion.

Ākonga need many opportunities to make these numbers with materials. When using place value material for the first time, ākonga need the opportunity to group single units to make one ten. By doing this they come to understand that ten ‘ones’ or units do in fact comprise one 'ten'. The first equipment to use therefore is that which can be physically grouped, one by one, to make or compose one group of ten, or a ‘ten’, and be able to be unpacked or decomposed again into ten ones. When this is complemented by symbolic recording that accurately matches the representation of the number, understanding of two-digit notation is developed. Equipment in which the tens are already pre-grouped can be used once grouping to make ten is well understood.

It is a considerable shift for ākonga to then use materials in which the ten looks completely different from the ones (for example, money) and to trust the 'ten for one' trade. The greatest abstraction is the digits in our number system, where the tens and ones look exactly the same but it is only their place that tells their value. 

In depth exploration of place value with teen numbers is essential if our ākonga are to work with real understanding of the numbers within our number system.

The activities suggested in this series of lessons can form the basis of independent practice tasks.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to ākonga and by varying the task requirements. Ways to differentiate the tasks include:  

  • introducing fewer activities and repeating activities for those ākonga who need more support.
  • working with the numbers 11-12 before introducing the numbers 13-19
  • providing multiple sets of materials where ākonga can 'make ten' and then 'make teen numbers'
  • using some of the suggested activities as independent activities for ākonga who need greater challenge. These could be set up as a bus stop activity.

Using the place value language structure within te reo Māori to develop and reinforce the understanding that teen numbers represent 'ten and' may support conceptual understanding of teen numbers. Display a chart to reinforce this conceptualisation. Oral communication of te reo Māori for numbers up to 20 will also be useful in the context of enhancing the interest and cultural relevancy of this learning. 

tahi1tekau mā tahi11
rua2tekau mā rua12
toru3tekau mā toru13
whā4tekau mā whā14
rima5tekau mā rima15
ono6tekau mā ono16
whitu7tekau mā whitu17
waru8tekau mā waru18
iwa9tekau mā iwa19
takau10rua tekau20
Required Resource Materials

Session 1


  • Instantly recognise patterns for teen numbers.
  • Make groups of ten and represent teen numbers with materials.
  • Recognise and record words and symbols for teen numbers.

Activity 1

  1. Show the ākonga single tens frames. Have them show the same number of fingers as the number of dots, say and write the number with their finger in the air or on the mat.
  2. Show two tens frames, one of ten and the other of a number less than ten, together making a teen number. Have ākonga ‘write’ with their finger how many dots they see. For example:
    A tens frame with ten dots in it.  A tens frame with three dots in it.  13
    Repeat with several teen numbers.
  3. Write the numbers 11 – 19 in symbols and words on chart paper, highlighting the inconsistencies of the language and exploring for fun alternative forms of some of the teen numbers, for example, eleven (oneteen), twelve (twoteen), thirteen (threeteen), fifteen (fiveteen). For each word, as appropriate, underline teen in the word, practice saying it and hearing the final consonant, ‘n’. Make the connection between this ‘teen’ word and ‘ten’. Retain this chart to add to later. This chart could also include words for 'teen' numbers from other languages relevant to your ākonga.
  4. Ask your ākonga what they notice about all of these numbers. (They all have 'teen' at the end and are ten and ‘something’). They are known as teen numbers.

Activity 2

Have ākonga work in pairs to play Teen Pairs. Consider pairing together ākonga of mixed mathematical abilities to encourage tuakana/teina.
Purpose: to recognise and match teen number representations and the words ‘ ten and ____’

Ākonga place between them two piles of cards face down (Copymaster 1).

Pile 1: Tens frame teen number cards (showing two tens frames).

Pile 2: Word Ten and _____ cards. 

Ākonga take turns to turn over one tens frame teen number card and say the number of dots they see. They then turn over a word card and read the words aloud. If the tens frames and word card match, they keep the matching pair. The winner is the ākonga with the most pairs.

For example:
A word card that reads 'ten and nine'.   A tens frame card with two tens frames showing 19 dots altogether.

Activity 3

  1. Have ākonga work in pairs to ‘make’ their own group of ten. Give each pair of ākonga forty ice-block sticks, two elastic hair ties, pens and chart paper or a mini whiteboard.
  2. Have each ākonga pair choose and write in symbols a number from eleven to nineteen and take that many sticks. Have them count out and make one bundle of ten using the hair tie, then write and draw what they have. For example:
     A bundle of ten sticks.A single stick.A single stick. 
    12 is ten and two 
  3. Have them unbundle and return their sticks, then repeat with another teen number making use of spare sticks as required.
  4. Ask the ākonga to return to the whole group with their drawings, keeping them hidden. Have the ākonga take turns to describe to the class what they have drawn, and ask another ākonga to say what number it is. The drawing is then shown.
  5. The kaiako concludes by recording the ‘ten and _________’ words beside each of the teen numbers on the class chart begun in the earlier activity. Also consider exploring together the Place Value sticks animation, available from

Session 2


  • Make groups of ten and represent teen numbers with materials.
  • Recognise and record words and symbols for teen numbers.
  • Understand that in a teen number, the 1 represents one group of ten

Activity 1

  1. Have ākonga sit with a partner. Tell them that each pair is going to be making teen numbers on their fingers and ask them to discuss how they will do this. Look and listen for those ākonga who immediately identify that one of their pair will be the ‘ten person’, holding up ten fingers each time.
  2. Hold up a mixture of cards with number names in words, symbols and those reading ‘ten and ___’. (Copymaster 2). Each time, check to see if ākonga pairs can achieve the cooperative representation on their fingers.
  3. The kaiako makes a teen number from ice block sticks, having ākonga count to ten as the ten bundle is made.
    A bundle of ten sticks.A single stick.A single stick.A single stick.A single stick.A single stick.
    Hold up the ten bundle and ask, 'Do I still have ten sticks here?' (yes) 'How many bundles of ten do I have?' (1). Record this on the chart, for example, I have fifteen. 15 is ten and five. 15 is 1 ten and 5 ones. Discuss the language of ‘ones’ and that sometimes ‘ones’ can be called ‘units’.
  4. Model some more examples then have ākonga individually draw and write about some of their favourite teen numbers. For example '12 is 1 ten and two ones'.

Activity 2

If available, have ākonga work in small groups or pairs to explore, find and display the four matching cards in the BSM 9-1-48 card game.

Alternatively, ākonga can make a class puzzle matching game. Provide each ākonga with card, pens and scissors. Have them make their own puzzle pieces which can then be combined with those made by their classmates and mixed up to make a matching pairs game. Before cutting these up, photocopy an extra 3 or 4 sets to be used later on in this unit.
Examples of puzzle pieces for the puzzle matching game.

Activity 3

  1. Return to the class chart started in Session 1. Record te reo Māori words for teen numbers, highlighting ‘tekau mā’ is ‘ten and’, connecting this mathematics language with the other expressions already recorded.
  2. Photocopy a few more sets of the matching game ākonga made in Session 2, Activity 2. Distribute this game so that your ākonga can play it in small groups of 3-4. The purpose of this game is to match word, pictorial and symbol representations of teen numbers.
    Ākonga deal out 7 cards each. The remaining pile of cards is placed in the centre of the group. Ākonga take turns to ask one other player for a card needed to complete a set of 3 teen family cards. If the other player does not have the card sought, the requesting player takes one from the pile. As sets are complete, ākonga place these in front of them.
    The winner is the player with the most complete sets.

Session 3


  • Understand that in a teen number, the 1 represents one group of ten.
  • Expand teen number notation and understand simple place value.
  • Understand and apply a ten for one exchange.

Activity 1

  1. Display the chart started in Session 1. Record beside the numbers 11 – 19 the description ‘1 ten and x ones’ for each of the numbers.
  2. Using enlarged arrow cards demonstrate and discuss the place value notation that we use, highlighting tens and ones language.
    Arrow cards showing one ten and zero ones.Arrow card showing five ones.          Arrow cards showing one ten and zero ones.Arrow card showing seven ones.
  3. Introduce ākonga to plastic beans and containers. Have them work in pairs to make up containers with ten beans in each and discuss what the containers will be called. (a container is ‘one ten’ or ‘a ten’). Have ākonga discuss the similarities between the sticks they have been using and the beans.
    A container with ten beans inside it.A single bean.A single bean.A single bean.A single bean.A single bean.
    NB. The container for the beans looks different from the ones, but can still be unpacked. This is a subtle and important shift. Also consider exploring together as a group or class the place value beans animation, available from
  4. Give ākonga time to become familiar with the beans and the arrow cards. Have them make and model teen numbers with the equipment, explaining this to their partner.
  5. Have each ākonga complete a think board sheet (Copymaster 3) or a mini poster about one of their favourite teen numbers. Display these.

Activity 2

Ākonga play Go Teen in pairs. A tuakana/teina model could work well here.
Purpose: to use ten ones to make one group of ten, when adding two single-digit numbers.

Ākonga have playing cards (ace - 9), shuffled and face down between them. Alternatively you could print out numeral cards 1-9. They have single beans and empty tens containers (or single ice block sticks and hair ties), single digit and tens arrow cards available.

The players take turns to turn over two playing cards. When the two numbers are added, if they make less than ten they return them face down to a discard pile.

If they make more than ten they keep their playing cards, take the total number of beans, group the materials showing the total as 1 ten and units. They also show the number with the arrow cards.

However, if the number has already been made by their partner, (the arrow cards for that number have been used) the ākonga must simply return their playing cards to the discard pile.

The winner is the player with the most tens (containers with beans) when all the arrow cards have been used up.

Session 4


  • Understand and apply a ten for one exchange.
  • Understand how to decompose a ten in order to subtract.

Activity 1

  1. Kaiako models a teen number with containers and beans and asks, ‘What number is shown here?’. For example, 18:
    A container with ten beans inside it.A single bean.A single bean.A single bean.A single bean.A single bean.A single bean.A single bean.A single bean.
    A problem is posed in which the number being subtracted requires the ten to be ‘unpacked’ or decomposed:
    'Here are the beans Gardener Gavin is going to plant. He plants 9 in the first row. How many beans are left to plant in the second row? How can we work this out?'
    Ākonga can discuss strategies for subtracting 9 and suggest what they can do with the materials. Kaiako models this and some more examples can be explored together.
  2. Ākonga are provided with place value materials and are each given some subtraction problems to solve with decomposition (Copymaster 4). Ākonga should record with pictures, words and an equation what they did and what their result is. The thinkboard (Copymaster 3) could be used again - it could be laminated and be reusable with a whiteboard pen.
  3. Share as a class and discuss. The language of making ten (composing) and breaking ten (decomposing) can be introduced.

Activity 2

  1. The kaiako asks a ākonga to model twenty using place value material. Discuss what this represents: two tens is the same as twenty. Rua tekau is a good example of this concept.
  2. Have the ākonga play in pairs or small groups First to twenty.
    Purpose: to understand how to compose and decompose a ten.
    Equipment: Ākonga beans and containers, numeral cards 11- 14, a set of playing cards 2 – 5, a dice with a + or – symbol marked on each of the six faces, mini whiteboards and markers.

    How to play:
    1. Numeral cards are spread out face down.
    2. Each ākonga selects a card and makes that number using place value equipment.
    3. Players take turns to roll the dice and turn over a playing card. They follow the instructions on the card, either adding or subtracting from their materials.
    4. Each time an ākonga has a turn they are required to write the equation.
    5. The winner is the first ākonga who has two containers of ten beans (twenty).

      For example: one ākonga turns over and models 13, rolls + and 3, and makes 16.
      At their next turn the ākonga may have to – 4, followed on the next turn by – 3.
      This will require the ākonga to decompose the ten.
      The ākonga will have recorded for the three turns so far:
      13 + 3 = 16
      16 – 4 = 12
      12 – 3 = 9

Conclude the lesson with a focus on the words, ‘place value’. The kaiako writes ‘place value’ on a chart and asks ākonga what this could mean. They are encouraged to look at all the recording of teen numbers completed throughout these lessons. Accept all responses, but conclude by highlighting and recording that 'the place of a numeral in a number tells us what it is worth or its value.' Show the enlarged arrow cards drawing attention to the words tens and ones.
Arrow cards showing one ten and zero ones.Arrow card showing seven ones.




This unit involves the students directly comparing the weight (mass) of two or more objects.

Achievement Objectives
GM1-1: Order and compare objects or events by length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), turn (angle), temperature, and time by direct comparison and/or counting whole numbers of units.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Compare two objects by weight.
  • Order three or more objects by weight.
  • Describe the weight of objects using comparative language, for example, heavier, lighter.
Description of Mathematics

Weight is a measure of the force of gravity on an object. Mass is the amount of matter in an object and a measure of the force needed to accelerate it. This means that the mass of the object on the moon is the same as its mass on earth, but its weight is lighter on the moon. In a science context, weight is measured in Newtons (N), and mass is measured in kilograms (kg), grams (g), and milligrams (mg). However, these terms are often used interchangeably. For practical purposes, the language commonly used to measure weight and mass in everyday life is kilograms, and grams. Choose one term (e.g.weight or mass) and use it consistently with your students.

An important early goal in measurement is for students to understand the attribute they are going to measure. Comparison activities help students develop an understanding of the attribute that is being measured. In the case of mass, the most personal experience is comparing the weights of two objects by holding one in each hand and feeling which has the greatest downward pull. This personal experience can then be transferred to the use of balance and spring scales.

Young students are influenced by what they see. The shape or the size of an object can easily deceive them. For example, students who do not yet conserve the property of mass will think that if the shape of an object changes then so does its mass. In one of the stations, in this unit, the students change the shape of a piece of plasticine and then weigh it to see that the weight has stayed the same.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to students and by varying the task requirements. Ways to provide more support include:  

  • comparing the weight of objects using hands and outstretched arms (as described above) to further develop a student’s conceptual understanding of weight
  • modelling the tasks to be done at each station
  • providing visual and written instructions for the tasks to be done at each station
  • instead of using stations where students are left to work with partners, convert the stations to daily sessions, offering a more supported experience.  
  • providing opportunities for students to work in flexible, multi-level pairs, groups and as individuals. 

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as taimāmā (light), taumaha (heavy), ine-taumaha (scale for measuring weight) and maihea (weight) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning.

The objects weighed in this unit can be selected to suit the interests, experiences and culture of your students. For example, the students could bring small objects from home or objects that they can collect from around the school playground (e.g. stones, cones, twigs or shells). Bringing items from home might offer important opportunities for oral language (i.e. sharing) When students are making objects out of plasticine, students could make objects to reflect their current learning interests (e.g. a snail, if you are learning about minibeasts). Consider how the use of different objects might reinforce learning from other areas, and contribute to a cohesive learning experience across all sessions/stations.

Required Resource Materials
  • Station 1: Soft drink cans, shoe box lids (cut to about 10 cm in width), plasticine, small toys (plastic vehicles and animals), shells and rocks
  • Station 2: Plasticine, homemade "seesaw"
  • Station 3: Balance scales, toys
  • Station 4: Balance scales, toys
  • Station 5: Hat elastic, bull-dog clip, toys, paper, crayon

Station One: See-saws

In this station we work with a partner to make a see-saw using a soft-drink can and a shoe box lid. We then use the see-saw to find objects that are the same weight.

  1. Discuss what it means to weigh an item. Students might suggest that it means to find out how heavy something is, or whether one item is heavier than another. Discuss what tools we can use to measure how heavy or light something is, and times when we might measure the weight of different items (e.g. baking, cooking, collecting mātaitai/shellfish). List down the contexts suggested by students. Students might also suggest words that are used to talk about the weight of things in their home language (e.g. taumaha/heavy, taimāmā/light). Record these prompt their usage throughout the sessions.
  2. Explain that the class is going to use a see-saw to find objects that are the same weight.
  3. First make a see-saw.
    Stop the soft drink can from rolling by fixing it to the table with tape or by putting plasticine rolls on each side.
  4. See if the students can balance the lid on the can when it is empty.
  5. Use the cars, animals, shells and rocks to see if you can find things that make the see-saw balance.
  6. Draw a picture to show some of the things that are balanced.
  7. As the students work ask questions that focus on the way that things balance
    How did you make your see-saw?
    What are some things you found that balance? Show me.
    Have you ever been on a see-saw? What happens?

Station Two: Weighing balls and worms

In this station the students, in pairs, experiment with plasticine or play dough to find that changes in an object’s shape does not change its weight.

  1. Give each student a ball of plasticine. Tell them that they need to work with a partner.
  2. Ask them to check that their "balls" are the same weight by using their see-saws. You may need to model how to use the see-saw. A student could also demonstrate.
  3. If they are different ask them to make them the same by removing some of the play dough.
  4. Ask the students to make an object (e.g. a kiwi) using their plasticine.
    Will your kiwis be the same weight? Why /Why not?
    Check on the balance scales.
  5. Ask the students to remake their "kiwi" into the longest worm they can.
    Whose worm is longest?
    Whose worm is heaviest? Check?
    Why are they the same weight?
  6. Ask the students to make their "worm" into different sized balls.
    Whose has made the most balls?
    Which ball is the heaviest? Check?
    If you both put all your balls together on the seesaw what do you think will happen?
    What do you notice? Why is the seesaw balanced?
  7. Ask the students to draw a picture or record what they found out. You could record this on a digital presentation or poster for the whole class to refer back to. 

Station Three: What balances Freddy Frog?

In this station the students experiment to find items that balance Freddy Frog (or an alternative object eg Terry Tui). The students paste their solutions onto a class chart.

  1. Set up the balance scales with Freddy Frog in one of the balance buckets.
  2. Have a collection of different objects at the table for the students to experiment with, for example, linking cubes, pattern blocks, counters, small toys, buttons, shells, rocks.
  3. Ask students to put their solutions with their name on the chart paper or record them on a device. 
  4. Ask questions that focus on their use of the balance scale.
    What happens on the scales when Freddy is heavier?
    Do you think that this "car" will be lighter or heavier? Why do you think that? Were you right?
    What are some of the things that you found that were the same weight as Freddy Frog?

Station Four

In this station we line objects up in order of weight so that we can work out who goes where in our "tower". We need to have the heaviest at the bottom and the lightest at the top. Note this activity can also be taken outside using natural materials.

  1. Give the students four toys and ask them to put them in order of weight.
  2. Before using the balance scales ask the students to hold the toys and guess the lightest and heaviest.
  3. Check guesses with the balance scales.
    Were your guesses correct?
    Tell me how you put the toys in order?
  4. Ask the students to find another toy or object, which is lighter than the four toys they have ordered.
    Did you find a lighter toy on your first guess?
    How did you check your guess?
  5. Ask them to find another toy or object which is heavier than the 5 they now have ordered. Share their findings with a buddy.

Station Five: Bungees

In this station students use a simple piece of elastic as a bungee and measure how far the elastic stretches to compare the weight of different objects.

  1. Set up a bungee by tying a piece of elastic onto a bull-clip or a clothes peg. The top of the bungee will need to be attached to something it can hang from, a string suspended tight across the classroom or a metre ruler suspended across two desks would be ideal. There also needs to be a piece of paper behind the bungee, which the students can use to mark how far down the wall the bungee extends
  2. Have students take one object at a time and attach it to the clip. They then let the objects go, wait till the elastic comes to rest and mark on the paper how far down the object falls.
  3. Students repeat for all objects and then decide which is heaviest.

Skip it to multiply it


This unit explores early multiplication where ākonga are encouraged to skip count to solve story problems, rather than counting all. 

Achievement Objectives
NA1-1: Use a range of counting, grouping, and equal-sharing strategies with whole numbers and fractions.
NA1-5: Generalise that the next counting number gives the result of adding one object to a set and that counting the number of objects in a set tells how many.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Skip count in twos and fives.
  • Skip count to solve simple multiplication problems with a sum of up to 20.
  • Solve simple multiplication problems in various ways and talk about how they found the answer.
Description of Mathematics

This unit develops the skill of skip counting to find the total of several equal sets. At Level One, ākonga are expected to use a range of counting strategies such as counting on, counting back and skip counting. Both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency are important to counting. Skip counting involves understanding that a set can be treated as a composite unit. The last number counted tells how many objects are in the set. Composites can be combined whether they are equal or not, but skip counting (e.g. 5, 10, 15, 20) can be used particularly when the sets are equal. The procedural fluency ākonga need to enact skip counting is knowledge of the skip counting sequences. Ideally, learning word and numeral sequences, like 2, 4, 6, 8… are learned in conjunction with quantity. That way, ākonga realise that the next number is the result of adding two more objects to what is already there.

As well as knowing skip counting sequences, ākonga need fluency in tracking the number of counts. Initially they may use fingers to do that. For example, the fingers in four hands might be skip-counted as 5, 10, 15, 20, while the number of hands is tracked as 1, 2, 3, 4.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to ākonga and by varying the task requirements. Ways to differentiate the tasks include:  

  • extending the number of skip counts in the pattern. For example, ākonga could extend the pattern to 10 or more skips
  • reducing the difficulty by focusing on skips of 2 until ākonga are secure in their understanding, and before moving to skips of 5
  • providing opportunities for ākonga to skip count forwards and backwards, and from different starting points (e.g. 55, 20).  

The contexts for skip patterns used in this unit can be adapted to suit the interests and experiences of your ākonga. For example:

  • Ask ākonga to suggest the contexts for different For example, cockles in groups of 5 or 10, poi per tamariki, tuĪ in kōwhai trees, and as an extension counting sheep in the two way sort gate (many farmers count in threes). Consider how links can be made between the items you are counting and area of ākonga interest, or relevant learning from other curriculum areas (e.g. learning about Minibeasts in science).

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as tatau māwhiti-rua (skip count in twos), tatau mawhiti-rima (skip count in fives), whakamua (forwards), and whakamuri (backwards) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning.


Each of the following sessions is designed to take 20 to 25 minutes. This series of sessions can be used in whole class (mahi tahi) or small group situations. The first session develops ākonga ability to skip count in a variety of ways.

Session 1 – Skip Counting

  1. Begin by skip counting in twos. Get ākonga to tap their knees and whisper the number 1. Then get them to clap their hands and say 2 in a bigger voice. Continue the sequence 1 (whisper), 2 (big voice), 3 (whisper), 4 (big voice) etc. 
  2. Choose different odd numbers to start from. Don’t always start from 1. Try backwards skip counting in twos as well.
    Encourage ākonga to continue counting while you record the numbers they are saying in a loud voice on the board. Then stop and talk about the number sequence and the patterns they can see. 
    What can you tell me about the big voice numbers?
    What patterns can you see?
  3. Tie a weighted object to a piece of string and swing it from side to side. Get ākonga to count as the pendulum swings. Then omit the odd numbers. This will enable ākonga to focus on counting in twos. Try backwards skip counting in twos as well.
  4. You might use Animation 1A to connect the spoken words to numerals on the Hundreds Board or Animation 1B to connect numerals to putting counters on a Slavonic Abacus. Animation 1C and 1D deal with skip counting in fives. Links to animations are in the list of required resources.
  5. Challenge ākonga to see if they can count backwards in twos from 10. Animation 1E - 1H use the Hundreds Board and Slavonic Abacus to count backwards by twos and fives.
  6. Counting circles - put ākonga in different sized groups of up to eight ākonga.  Each group sits in a circle.  Ākonga skip count forward and backwards in fives around the circle. One or two ākonga have an individual piece of paper (a post-it note would work well). When the counting reaches them, they record the number they say as a numeral, e.g. 25.  Ākonga continue to count around the circle as far as they can. If a mistake is made or there is a hesitation, the group can start again. The person who hesitated or made the mistake can choose the starting number and whether they will go forward or backward (the teacher may need to support ākonga with the restarts). After a period of time, ask ākonga to bring their numbers back to share with the whole class. Place the numbers on the mat.
    What patterns did you see?
    What numbers are missing from the pattern?

Session 2 TūĪ in Kōwhai trees

  1. Begin the session by choosing one of the skip counting activities from Session 1 as a warm up exercise.
  2. Seat ākonga in a circle.  Place containers (for example, ice cream containers) upside down in the middle of the circle. You could print out pictures of kōwhai trees and tūī to use in this session or you could pretend by using other objects from around your classroom.
    Here are four kōwhai trees.
    Place two tūī in (under) each kōwhai tree. 
    There are two tūī in each kōwhai tree (uncovering the collections and hiding them sequentially). How many tūī are there altogether?
  3. Give ākonga some time to think about the problem.  Encourage ākonga to share their answers and come into the circle to demonstrate what they did.
    Try to record their responses e.g.  Len thought 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; Elinda went 1 2, 3 4, 5 6, 7 8; Hemi went 2, 4, 6, 8; and Kelly went 4 + 4 = 8 (note that this is an additive, not counting, response).
  4. Continue to pose several other similar problems.
    For example, “There are 6 kōwhai trees on High Street. There are 5 tūī in each kōwhai tree. How many tūī are there altogether?” Encourage ākonga to explain how they got their answer. 
  5. Change the bolded numbers in the problem to alter the complexity of the task. Be aware that increasing the number of kōwhai trees encourages skip counting by making one by one counting inefficient. Changing the number of tūī to other multiples such as 3 and 4 greatly increases difficulty, especially if ākonga do not know the skip counting sequence. Using ten tūī in each kōwhai tree supports place value development.
  6. Pair up ākonga and give them counters to represent tūī and some containers or cups to represent kōwhai trees. A tuakana/teina model could work well here. Ākonga take turns to hide the same number of tūī under each kōwhai tree while their partner hides their eyes or turns around.  When the ākonga turns back, their partner says "There are 2 tūī under each of these kōwhai trees.  How many are there altogether?" Their partner then works out how many tūī there are altogether.

Session 3 – Fish in Fishponds

  1. Start the session by choosing one of the skip counting activities from Session 1 as a warm up exercise. Include the skip counting sequence in fives.
  2. Set up the scenario for this session by seating ākonga in a large circle. In the middle of the circle make 4 fishponds using four pieces of string joined up to make them look like ponds (or use chalk). Give each ākonga 1 fish (Copymaster 1). 
  3. Ask five ākonga to put their fish in one of the ponds, then another five ākonga to put their fish in another pond.  Continue until all the ponds have five fish. 
    How many fish are there altogether?
    How can we work it out without counting the fish one by one?
  4. Talk about how you might be able to work it out without individually counting each fish.  Give ākonga some time to work the answer out and then encourage individuals to share their strategies.
    Did anyone do it a different way?
  5. With the skip counting by five sequence, ākonga may use additive knowledge, e.g. 5 + 5 = 10, 10 + 10 = 20. Thinking like that should be encouraged. Record ākonga strategies using numbers and operation signs. Include the multiplication notation 4 x 5 = 20, asking ākonga to explain what the 4, 5, and 20 represent, as well as considering what the x and = symbols mean.
  6. Choose one ākonga to go fishing.  Ask them to take a fish out of each pond. 
    Is there a quick way to work out how many fish there are left?
  7. Change the equation to 4 x 4 = □. Do your ākonga use these strategies?
    • Skip count in twos, i.e., 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16.
    • Take away one set of four from 4 x 5 = 20, 20 – 4 = 16.
  8. Go back to 4 x 5 = 20. What if someone puts one more fish in each pond? How many fish will there be altogether, then?
  9. Continue to pose similar problems. Increase the number of ponds and the number of fish put in each pond with awareness of the difficulty level of the problems, and the skip counting knowledge of your ākonga.
  10. Copymaster 2 is an activity sheet with further pond and fish problems.  The starting problems are closed but the later problems are open so you or your ākonga can add the missing information.

Session 4 – Cartons and Eggs

  1. Begin the session by repeating a skip counting activity from Session 1.
  2. Discuss how many eggs are usually in a carton. Have a dozen and half dozen cartons available and larger trays if they are accessible.
  3. Put down three half dozen cartons.
    How many eggs are there altogether? (You might have cubes, ping pong balls, or other objects as the make-believe eggs).
  4. Ask ākonga to explain their strategies. Some may count in ones. Others may use skip counting in twos or threes. Some may use addition, such as 6 + 6 = 12 and count on the last six.
    Sixes are hard to count with, so we are going to use smaller cartons today.
  5. Set up problems such as “Here are five cartons with three eggs each. How many eggs are there altogether?” You might write 5 x 3 = __ to model the equation form. Mask the cartons at first but be prepared to uncover them if ākonga need support with image making. Discuss their strategies and the efficiency of counting by ones, composites or just known facts.
  6. Ākonga can then work in small groups to reinforce this learning - a tuakana/teina could work well here. Provide each group with many egg cartons of the same size (twos, threes, fours and fives) and make-believe eggs.
    I want you to make problems for each other using the same sized cartons.
    You can record your strategies using numbers.
    Be ready to share one of your problems with the whole class at the end.
  7. Roam and check if ākonga are setting problems with equal sets. Also support ākonga using non-count-by-ones strategies when they have the available skip counting or addition knowledge.
  8. Gather the class to share their favourite problems. Encourage your ākonga to reflect on what is the same and what is different about the problems (equal sets, different numbers of sets, different sets between problems).
  9. Pose problems like this, “Four cartons of five eggs and two extra eggs. How many eggs altogether?” Extras or missing eggs in a carton require ākonga to adapt skip counting, e.g. 5, 10, 15, 20, then 21, 22.

Session 5: Legs on animals

  1. Use the context of legs on animals to set problems for ākonga. Remember to challenge ākonga to think of efficient ways to solve the problems.  Try to encourage them not to count by ones.
  2. Copymaster 3 provides some open problems where the number of the legs on each animal is given, but the number of animals is left open. Using toothpicks or bits of paper so that some ākonga can physically model each problem by giving the animals 'legs'. They then use whatever strategies they have available to anticipate the number of 'legs' that are needed.
  3. You might photocopy and laminate pictures of the ‘legless’ animals to use in problem posing. Ākonga can create their own skip counting problems using different animals or providing ākonga with 'legless' animal printouts such as Copymaster 3. Ākonga can share these with the class.
  4. Challenge the class with these problems.
    How many legs would be on five goldfish? Do ākonga still realise the problem can be written and solved, 5 x 0 = 0? 
    How many legs would be on 10, 50, 100 goldfish?” What is always true?
  5. You might do the same with kiwi with one leg.
    How many legs would be on 10, 50, 100 1-legged kiwi? What is always true?

Snakes and Scarves


In this unit we explore linear patterns using snakes as the context. We examine, construct and record snakes of different patterns. We also put scarves on our snakes and predict what is hidden.

Achievement Objectives
NA1-6: Create and continue sequential patterns.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Record patterns on grid paper.
  • Make predictions about ‘missing’ sections of a pattern.
  • Use words to describe linear patterns.
Description of Mathematics

The main idea behind this unit is for ākonga to develop basic concepts relating to pattern by exploring simple patterns in a novel situation. Ākonga will use multi-link cubes masquerading as snakes. The snakes have colourful ‘skin’ (it's a good chance for everyone to use their imagination). Ākonga play with a variety of snakes, both inventing their own and investigating ones made by other ākonga. In the process, they should begin to see that:

(i) patterns are made up of repeating sections of coloured cubes;

(ii) they can continue a pattern by adding on more cubes of the right colours; and

(ii) they can predict parts of a pattern that are missing.

Pattern is an important idea both in mathematics generally, and as a precursor to algebra. Discovering patterns enables us to predict events. For example, by knowing how the tides work we can predict when high tide will be and when will be a good time to go fishing. This pattern concept generalises in secondary school to finding results that work again and again. 

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by providing or removing support to ākonga and by varying the task requirements. Ways to differentiate the tasks include:  

  • actively supporting ākonga, as needed, to record their snakes on grid paper
    • ensuring ākonga are confident with patterns of two colours before introducing three colour patterns. Some ākonga may be ready to move to four or more colour patterns
    • challenging ākonga, who are ready for extension, to predict parts of the snake that they haven't made yet.

The snake context used in this unit could be adapted to other animals such as huhu grubs, worms or eels. Alternatively, ākonga could come up with their own creature that has a multi-coloured, pattern body.

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as tauira (pattern) and He aha muri? (What is next?) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning. Also, the simple counts and primary colours used in the unit provide an opportunity to use te reo Māori and Pasifika words alongside English, for example, whero (red) and tahi (one).

Required Resource Materials
  • Multi-link cubes
  • Pieces of fabric for the scarves
  • Prepared snakes (made with multi-link cubes)
  • Snakes with scarves booklets
  • Strips of cubed paper for recording (from an old maths book would work well)
  • Crayons or felt pens

Getting Started

Today we investigate snakes with special colour patterns. We think about what would come next as we increase the length of our snakes. We also think about what happens when we cover part of our snake with a scarf.

  1. This week we are going to investigate patterns. Does anyone know what a pattern is?
    Share ideas about patterns. Encourage ākonga to look around the classroom or think about places in their community for examples of patterns. For example, kōwhaihai patterns at marae or flower patterns at community gardens. 
  2. I am going to make a snake for you out of these multi-link cubes. Watch carefully to see if you can guess what kind of snake I am making.
    [Make a snake with a blue, red, blue, red, blue pattern.]
    Who knows what colour comes next in our snake?
    How did you know?
  3. Let ākonga have turns adding cubes to the snake.
  4. Ask if anyone could think of a way of describing the snake to someone who can’t see it. This could be someone who rings to find out what you have been doing in class today.
  5. As a class, read the pattern 'red, blue, red, blue, red, blue…'
  6. Record the pattern on strips of grid paper, one cube wide.
  7. Repeat the process of constructing and examining a snake, finding its pattern and then extending the pattern. This time use a snake that is made of three repeating single colours.
    Who knows what colour comes next?
    How did you know? 
  8. Now wrap a scarf around the snake and ask ākonga to predict what colour cubes are hidden. Make the scarf about 3 cubes wide.
    What cubes are hidden?
    How did you know?
  9. Take the scarf off and check.
  10. Continue with this activity until you feel that the ākonga are ready to explore pattern snakes independently.


Over the next 2-3 days we examine, construct and record the patterns of our snakes.  We cover parts of our snakes with scarves and play ‘guessing games’ with other ākonga.

  1. Let each ākonga (or pair of ākonga) select a pattern snake from the ‘basket of snakes’. Alternatively you could give each pair of ākonga a collection of prepared snakes. Also give each pair a supply of cubes that they can use to extend the patterns and plain grid paper strips for recording.
  2. As ākonga examine the snake ask questions that focus on their search for a pattern.
    Can you tell me about your snake?
    What colour cubes is your snake made of?
    Can you see a pattern in your snake?
  3. When ākonga have discovered the pattern, ask them to extend it using the supply of cubes. Let ākonga decide on the length of their snakes.
  4. Ask ākonga to record their completed snakes on the recording strips.
  5. As the snake recordings are completed they could be displayed on a line at the front of the class for others to see.
  6. Alternatively ākonga could make snakes-in-scarves pages for a class booklet.  These pages could have a grid to record the snake and a ‘flap’ to cover part of the snake.
  7. The process is repeated as ākonga select new snakes to investigate.  You may also wish to have a basket for ākonga to put their snakes in. Other ākonga can then examine them.
  8. At the end of each session, look at the snakes displayed and select a couple to put ‘scarves’ on.
    With all the ākonga gathered together (mahi tahi model) ask:
    What cubes do you think are hidden under the scarf?
    How do you know?


We conclude the unit by sharing the pattern snakes that we have made. We look for snakes that are alike.

  1. Give each ākonga one of the recorded snakes from the previous days’ exploration.
  2. Ask one of the ākonga to show their snake to the rest of the class. Together ‘read’ the pattern of the snake.
  3. Ask if anyone else has a snake that has a pattern that is the same as, or similar to, the one being displayed.
  4. How are they alike?
  5. The snakes may be alike in a number of different ways. Accept all the possibilities and then focus the ākonga on the snakes that have exactly the same pattern.
  6. Which snakes have the same pattern as this one?
  7. Sort the snakes according to patterns
  8. Repeat by asking ākonga with a different snake to come to the front of the class. Continue to sort the snakes according to their patterns.

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