Measurement: Mass, Capacity and Volume

Level/Framework stage/Group

Stage 5


1 Week

Focus Achievement Objectives
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Level Three
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
In this unit we will explore the idea of having benchmarks of 1 litre and ½ litre or 500 millilitres, to aid in estimating the volume of given objects.
  • Use objects of 1 litre volume/capacity to estimate the volume or capacity of other objects.
  • Understand the need for standard measures of volume and capacity.
  • Make sensible estimates about the volume and capacity of given objects.
  • Carry out conversions between standard measures of volume and capacity...
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Level Three
Geometry and Measurement
Units of Work
In this unit students build on previous experiences with litres and millilitres. Work is carried out in the context of planning a morning tea with students measuring volumes accurately as part of the planning process.
  • Estimate volume using litres and millilitres.
  • Accurately measure volume using litres and millilitres.
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Making benchmarks: Volume


In this unit we will explore the idea of having benchmarks of 1 litre and ½ litre or 500 millilitres, to aid in estimating the volume of given objects.

Achievement Objectives
GM3-1: Use linear scales and whole numbers of metric units for length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), angle, temperature, and time.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Use objects of 1 litre volume/capacity to estimate the volume or capacity of other objects.
  • Understand the need for standard measures of volume and capacity.
  • Make sensible estimates about the volume and capacity of given objects.
  • Carry out conversions between standard measures of volume and capacity (cubic centimetres, cm3, to cubic decimetres, dm3, and millilitres, mL to litres, L).
Description of Mathematics

Volume is the measure of space taken up by a three-dimensional object. The space within a container is known as its capacity but as the thickness of many containers is negligible, it has become acceptable to refer to the space inside a container as volume too. In the measurement strand of the New Zealand Curriculum, volume and capacity are used as interchangeable terms (although the glossary describes capacity as the interior volume of an object).

Students need to develop personal measurement benchmarks. A benchmark is an understanding or a “feel” for the size of a measurement unit, which is useful when working with measures in daily life. Often these benchmarks are linked to familiar items such as a one litre milk bottle or a Pyrex jug.

This unit supports students to develop personal benchmarks for 1, 100 or 1000 cubic centimetres, 1 litre and ½ litre, and also strengthens students’ understandings of the relationship between litres and millilitres. Milli is the prefix for 1/1000 so 1 millilitre (1 mL) is 1/1000th of 1 litre and has a volume of 1 cm3.

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by altering the difficulty of the tasks to make the learning opportunities accessible to a range of learners. For example:

  • providing a smaller number of containers for students to work with, and ensure there are clear differences in the volumes of the containers provided
  • providing opportunities for students to measure the volume of containers to confirm whether they hold more, less, or about the same as 1 litre after their initial estimates.
  • providing opportunities for students to use fractional parts of 1 litre to describe volume, rather than millilitres e.g., one quarter of a litre rather than 250 ml.

This unit is focussed on measuring the volume of containers. Use a range of objects and containers that are familiar to your students to encourage engagement. Suitable examples are tissue boxes, cereal packets, Milo or biscuit tins, milk or fruit juice bottles, and toy buckets. 

Te reo Māori vocabulary terms such as mehua (measure), rita (litre), kītanga (capacity), rōrahi (volume), whakatau tata (estimate), mita pūtoru (cubic metre), mitarau pūtoru (cubic centimetre) and ritamano (millilitre) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning.

Required Resource Materials
  • Waterproof objects of a variety of volumes. Cardboard boxes can have a plastic bag inserted in them to hold water.
  • Various bottles including several that hold 1 litre, e.g., milk bottle, fruit juice, shampoo.
  • Place Value Blocks, including the large cube.
  • Plastic bags (snaplock if possible)
  • Measurement jugs
  • Scrap cardboard, scissors, rulers and tape.

Session 1

For this session you will need plenty of bottles and containers of a range of sizes, including several that hold 1 litre. Fruit juice bottles, shampoo bottles, and yoghurt containers are particularly good containers for this task. You could either ask students to bring bottles and containers to school with them or collect them yourself. To ignite interest in this session, begin with a discussion around why it is important to know the amount that can be held in a container/ Possible contexts for framing this discussion could include looking at the ways in which people travelled to New Zealand (e.g. by ship, waka, plane etc.) or looking at planning the amount of food and drink needed for a school camp.

  1. Begin by selecting 5 or 6 containers of various sizes and shapes.
  2. Ask students which one they think has the least space in it.  Introduce the word 'capacity' to mean the space within a container, and 'volume' as the amount of liquid or gas a container holds. Explain that although these terms mean different things, they are often used to talk about the same thing. It would be wise to choose one term to use with your class, throughout the sessions in this unit. Ask them to explain why they made their choice of container with the smallest capacity.
  3. Explain that we are going to order the containers from those that hold the least, to those that hold the most.
  4. Ask for suggestions for how to compare the size of the containers. Ensure that students understand that they are comparing the space inside the containers.
  5. Gather suggested strategies then trial strategies to establish an effective way to order the containers by volume.  The most effective strategy will probably be to pour water from one container to another. If the water that fits in one container does not fit into another then the first must have been larger. Discuss how to organise the containers, given that only two can be compared at one time in that way.
  6. Group students and provide them several containers for each group.  Ask each group to order their containers by capacity, from 'holds the least' to 'holds the most'. Watch to see that your students can organise the ordering of many containers, when the comparisons are two at a time. Consider grouping students together that have a range of mathematical abilities to encourage tuakana-teina (peer learning) and mahi tahi (collaboration)
  7. Share the techniques and strategies used by each group to order the containers.
  8. Ask 2 groups to pair up to combine their containers on one continuum of least to most volume. Check that they understand that volume is conserved (i.e. that it is the same quantity of water, even though its appearance may change in a different shaped bottle) and that the order of each group’s containers will not change by adding another group’s containers.
  9. Establish an order for all the containers available. This task raises efficiency and estimation. Suppose ten containers are already ordered by capacity.

    What is the most efficient way to find the place of this (new) container amongst the others?

    Students might suggest estimating first to get a ‘ballpark’ idea of where the new container might go. Next, compare the capacity of the new container to the others by pouring. How many pourings are needed?
  10. An additional challenge can be to anticipate the water level if water is poured from a smaller container into a larger container. Rubber bands can be used to mark the predicted levels. Look for students to discuss strategies for anticipating the levels, such as considering the cross sectional area of the container.

Session 2

The following activities are to provide students with experiences to compare volumes/capacities of different objects and to create a benchmark for a container that holds one litre.

  1. Make a 1 litre container available for students to use to give them a ‘feel’ for one litre.
    Compare it to a large Place Value Block cube.
    Which object takes up the most space, that is, has the greatest volume?

    The visual appearance of the large cube makes it look smaller than most other objects with the same volume of 1 litre (1000 cm3). It is fun to fill a bucket of water to the brim and ‘dunk’ the containers one at a time. The water that overflows is equivalent to the volume of the container or cube.
  2. Group students and provide a variety of containers for each group.  Ensure items that hold 1 litre (like a 1 litre measuring jug or a 1 litre container of milk or water) are included as such items will become useful benchmarks. 
  3. Ask each group to draw and label the following buckets on large sheets of paper. 
    Picture of 3 buckets, labelled 'less than 1 litre', 'about 1 litre', and 'more than 1 litre'.
  4. Students work together to place the containers in the most appropriate bucket, then check their estimates using a 1 litre container. Be aware that interpretation of "lee than", "about", and "more than" is a bit subjective.
  5. Gather the class and discuss the strategies students used to make their estimates. Consider the following points:

    Do taller objects have more volume than shorter objects?

    How does the cross-section affect the volume of the object?

    If you have an object that you know is 1 litre, how do you compare its volume to that of an object that has different height and cross-section?

  6. Provide students with this open challenge. They need scrap cardboard, scissors, rulers and strong tape.

    Create a cuboid (rectangular prism), cone, or cylinder shaped container that can hold exactly 1 litre of water.

    You may need to support students with creating nets, rolling pieces of card to form cones or cylinders, and applying their understanding of the fact that 1 litre equals 1000 cubic centimetres.

  7. Ask students to locate items from around their home that they believe would make good benchmarks for 1 litre and, if possible, bring them to school.

Session 3

In this session students compare their benchmarks for one litre and try to estimate one litre.

  1. Share the containers that have been brought to school as good benchmarks for 1 litre and identify which are closest to 1 litre in volume.
  2. Discuss which of the benchmarks are the most useful. For example, objects which you don’t usually see are not particularly good benchmarks as you will not be familiar with their volume. Common objects are easier to visualise.
  3. Give students a plastic bag and ask them to put one litre of water in it.  Vary the size of the bags you use. You may prefer to do this activity outside.
  4. Compare the bags and discuss differences in appearance.
    We know that all the bags hold 1 litre but they look different. Why is that?
    Compare the bags to reliable benchmark objects.
  5. Introduce millilitres as a unit that is helpful for measuring containers that hold less than a litre. 
    • What does milli stand for? 
    • How many millilitres equal 1 litre?
    • How many millilitres equal 2.5 litres?
    • How many litres equals 1500 millilitres?
      You might use a small place value block to give students a sense of the size of 1 millilitre.
      How many millilitres will fill a teaspoon? (5mL)
      ....a dessert spoon (10 mL)?
      ....a tablespoon (20 mL)?
      Show the students a Place Value Block flat.
      How many millilitres is this? (10 x 10 = 100)
      How many lots of 100 millilitres make 1 litre? (10 since 10 x 100 = 1000)
      Stack ten flats to form a large 1 litre cube to prove the result.
  6. Take several containers, measure the capacities, and express the measurements using both millilitres and litres, e.g. 750ml = 0.75 L. Discuss why 750 mL is the same as 750/1000 of 1 litres and is written as 0.75
    • Provide the students with some conversion examples between millilitre and litre measures, such as:

      500 mL1 L
      250 mL 
      750 mL 
      300 mL0.3 L
      900 mL 
      1200 mL 
      456 mL0.456 L
      685 mL 
      903 mL 
       0.728 L


Session 4

In this session students work with volume as the amount of space that an object takes up.

  1. Provide a range of familiar objects of different volumes (preferably things that will sink in water). Make sure all items are waterproof. Bath toys make good objects.
  2. Ask students which of the objects has the largest volume.  If there is confusion, explain that volume does not just mean the amount that a container can hold, it also means the amount of space an object takes up.
  3. Show students how they can find the volume by displacement. Place a container full of water inside an empty container or tray.  Submerge the object in the container of water and measure how much water is displaced (overflows) into the empty container. This is equal to the volume of the object – discuss why this is so with the class.  If you can find a copy, read ‘Mr. Archimedes' Bath ’ by Pamela Allen.
  4. Allow students some time to experiment with this concept and to order objects by volume. Discuss the importance of considering all three dimensions, not just one dimension such as height.
  5. If you have plasticine available pose open challenges like:
    Make a blob that has a volume of 48 cm3 which is the same volume as 48 mL.
    Change the volume to provide more challenge, e.g. 0.124 L.

Session 5

  1. Bring this unit to a conclusion by asking students to share the benchmarks they are going to use for 1 litre. 
  2. List the various benchmarks on a large sheet of paper to be displayed as a reference. 
  3. Share the various strategies and techniques students have developed to establish near estimates for objects they are asked to estimate the volume of.
  4. Ask students to think about other possible accessible items that could be used as benchmarks to measure items that are less than 1 litre in volume. 
    What is the volume of a can of soft drink? 
    Why might that volume be a good ‘size’?
    What is the volume of your lunchbox?
    Why might that volume be a good ‘size’?
    What would be a good volume for a chilly bin?
  5. School bags and backpacks are often measured in litres to indicate the capacity of the bag. Research standard backpack sizes online to find out the usual dimensions. 
    Why is the capacity of a backpack important?
    How many litres is your backpack in capacity?
    Use the large Place Value Block cube as the benchmark of 1 litre to estimate the students' backpacks. 

Morning tea volumes


In this unit students build on previous experiences with litres and millilitres. Work is carried out in the context of planning a morning tea with students measuring volumes accurately as part of the planning process. 

Achievement Objectives
GM3-1: Use linear scales and whole numbers of metric units for length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), angle, temperature, and time.
Specific Learning Outcomes
  • Estimate volume using litres and millilitres.
  • Accurately measure volume using litres and millilitres.
Description of Mathematics

When students can measure areas effectively using non-standard units, they are ready to move to the use of standard units. The motivation for moving to this stage, often follows from experiences where the students have used different non-standard units for the same volume. This allows them to appreciate that consistency in the units used allows for easier and more accurate communication.

For example, when building a sandcastle, students may have used a variety of cups and vessels to investigate what volume of sand can be held in the different containers. This allows them to appreciate that consistency in the units used allows for easier and more accurate communication.
It is important to note a mathematical difference between capacity and volume. Volume describes the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional liquid, solid, or gas object (how much juice can fit into this container?). In comparison, capacity describes the space within a container (how much juice can this container hold?). In the measurement strand of the New Zealand Curriculum, the terms volume and capacity are used interchangeably. In the glossary of this document, “capacity” is defined as the interior volume of an object. 

When learning about volume, students should have opportunities to explore the question “how much space does a three-dimensional object occupy?”. Students should also have opportunities to measure volume by measuring fluids. The volume of a cuboid can be calculated by multiplying together its width, length, and height (l x w x h = volume). Volume is measured cubic centimetres and cubic metres. However, the usual sequence used in primary school is to introduce the litre as a measurement of volume, before introducing cubic units.

Students’ measurement experiences must enable them to:

  • develop an understanding of the size of 1 litre and 10 millilitres. (1 millilitre is very small and difficult to appreciate, however it can be demonstrated with an eyedropper)
  • estimate and measure using litres and millilitres
  • develop an understanding of the size of a cubic metre and a cubic centimetre
  • estimate and measure using cubic metres and cubic centimetres

Students also need to be able to read a range of scales to accurately measure volume .

The standard units can be made meaningful by looking at the volumes of everyday objects. For example, the litre milk carton, the 2-litre ice-cream container and the 100-millilitre yoghurt pottle. 

Opportunities for Adaptation and Differentiation

The learning opportunities in this unit can be differentiated by varying the scaffolding provided to make the learning opportunities accessible to a range of learners. Ways to support students include:

  • providing students with scaffolded practice at using equipment to measure volume
  • making it clear to students that they don’t need to measure the volume of every container at a station if they need more time to measure accurately
  • removing the component of estimation for students who are still developing measurement benchmarks
  • using buddy systems where learners are encouraged to help each other
  • creating an environment that offers all students the opportunity to fill both tuakana and teina roles
  • encouraging sharing and discussion of students’ estimations and measurements. Is there variation? Why might this be?
  • extending students with questions such as, ‘If each packet of jelly made 1 litre how many packets would be needed for each bowl? How many packets would be needed for all the bowls? (station 2), and ‘If each person uses 15mL of sauce, how many people will be able to use each of the sauce bottles?’ (station 5)
  • extending students with discussions about the range of variation in the measurements made. What is the range of measurements for one of the bowls in Station 2, for example? What is the range of values that are considered to be an accurate measurement? 

The context for this unit can be adapted to suit the interests and experiences of your students. The unit begins with a discussion of students’ experiences of morning tea with their whānau. Following this discussion you could work with the students to adapt the activities and contexts at the stations to reflect their experiences. Alternatively, you may like to choose a social gathering other than morning tea with whānau as the context for the measuring tasks. For example, the school disco, or a birthday party, a fiefia night, preparing a hāngī or another important cause for celebration and gathering.

Te reo Māori vocabulary such as mehua (measure), kai (food), rita (litre), and ritamano (millilitre) could be introduced in this unit and used throughout other mathematical learning.

Required Resource Materials

Station One:

  • A variety of different size and shape drinking glasses, kitchen measuring jugs or measuring cylinders marked to the nearest 10 mL
  • Water
  • Paper and pencil
  • Student instructions on Copymaster 1 

Station Two:

  • A variety of different size and shape bowls
  • Kitchen measuring jugs or measuring cylinders marked to the nearest 10 mL
  • Water
  • Paper and pencil
  • Student instructions on Copymaster 2

Station Three:

  • Lightweight cardboard, pencils, rulers, scissors, sticky tape
  • Kitchen measuring jugs or measuring cylinders marked to the nearest 10 mL
  • Sand
  • Paper and pencil
  • Student instructions on Copymaster 3 

Station Four:

  • Several different cake tins of a variety of shapes and sizes: ring tins, square tins and a roasting dish
  • Kitchen measuring jugs or measuring cylinders marked to the nearest 10 mL
  • Water
  • Paper and pencil
  • Student instructions on Copymaster 4

Station Five:

  • Several bottles of different volumes to be used as sauce bottles
  • Kitchen measuring jugs or measuring cylinders marked to the nearest 10 mL
  • Water
  • Paper and pencil
  • Student instructions on Copymaster 5 

This unit uses the context of morning tea with whānau. Begin by discussing students' experiences of of morning tea and compare differences between families. Explain that this week they will be working at different stations to help prepare for a of morning tea. This may be an event that you’d like to plan and invite students’ whānau to.  
Note: It’s important not to use food for purposes other than food.

Points that may need to be discussed as work progresses include:

  • The importance of estimation and the value of accurate estimation.
  • The relationship between millilitres and litres.
  • Reading volumes and scales to an appropriate accuracy. Sometimes it will be possible to estimate half-way between marked volumes.

Station One

In this station students accurately measure the volume of a variety of different drinking glasses. You may wish to begin by modelling the measurement of the volume of a liquid. This could start with measuring the volume of water in millilitres and litres. Discuss where students have read or heard of the terms “millilitres” and “litres”. You may wish to make a list of objects in the classroom that show these measurements (e.g. drink bottles). Ensure that your students can read the scale of the provided measuring vessels accurately, and understand the relevant abbreviations (l or L for litres and ml or mL for millilitres). This could be modelled by the teacher, or pairs of students could work together to develop a set of rules for measuring volumes. 

Student instructions (Copymaster 1)

In this station you need to estimate and measure the volume of different glasses for drinks at the morning tea.

  1. Estimate the volume of each of the glasses in mL. Record your estimates.

    Which glass do you think will hold the most?
    Which will hold the least?
    Which glasses will hold a similar amount?

  2. Use the measuring equipment to measure the volume of each of the glasses. Record your results in a table as you work.

    Compare your results with your estimates. How close were your estimates?

    Which glass held the most?
    Which held the least?
    Which glasses held a similar amount?
    Example of table that could be used to record the estimated volume and measured volume of three different drinking glasses.
    Encourage discussion around why some learners estimated the volume of liquids differently.

Station Two

In this station students accurately measure the volume of a variety of bowls that could be used to make jelly.

Student instructions (Copymaster 2)

In this station you need to estimate and measure the volume of different bowls used to make jelly for the morning tea.

  1. Estimate the volume of each of the bowls. Record your estimates.

    Which bowl do you think will hold the most?
    Which will hold the least?
    Which bowls will hold a similar amount?

  2. Use the measuring equipment to measure the volume of each of the bowls. Record your results in a table as you work.
  3. Compare your results with your estimates. How close were your estimates?

    Which bowl held the most?
    Which held the least?
    Which bowls held a similar amount?
    Example of table that could be used to record the estimated volume and measured volume of three different bowls.

If each packet of jelly makes 1 litre how many packets would be needed for each bowl?
How many packets would be needed for all the bowls?
Share and discuss your estimations and measurements with another pair or group. What is the same? What is different? Why might this be?

Station Three

In this station students make baskets to hold chips and measure the volume of the baskets they have made.

Student Instructions (Copymaster 3)

In this station you will make baskets to hold chips for the morning tea and measure the volume of the baskets you have made. Can you make three baskets that hold different amounts?

  1. Make a basket: Take a rectangular shape and cut squares of the same size out of each corner of the rectangle. Cut out the shape and tape up the sides. Cut a strip for a handle and tape it on.
    Template for the construction of baskets. Each basket is a rectangle with a square of the same size removed from each corner.
  2. Estimate the volume of your basket. Record your estimates on a table.
    Which basket will have the greatest volume?
    Which will have the least?
  3. Measure the volume of your baskets using the sand and the measuring equipment.
    How do you work out the volume of a box, like that?
    If you know the volume of the box in cubic centimetres, how do you figure out how much water in millimetres and litres, it will hold?
    Record your results in a table as you work.
  4. Compare your results with your estimates. How close were your estimates?

    Which basket held the most?
    Which held the least?
    Example of table that could be used to record the estimated volume and measured volume of three different baskets.

Station Four

In this station students measure the volume of a variety of cake tins and predict which recipe would be best to use for each tin.

Student Instructions (Copymaster 4)

In this station you need to measure the volume of the different cake tins, then decide which recipe mix would be best for each tin. Remember that the cakes will rise when they are cooked!

  1. Estimate the volume of each of the cake tins. Record your estimates on a table.
  2. Measure the volume of each of the cake tins using water and the measuring equipment. Record your measurements.
  3. Compare your results with your estimates. How close were your estimates?

    Which tin held the most?
    Which held the least?

  4. Which of the recipes below would be best for each tin? You will need to add up the volume of ingredients and allow for the cake to rise when baked to be able to make a good decision.
    Example of table that could be used to record the estimated volume and measured volume of three different cake tins, and the best recipe to suit each cake tin.


Absurdly Easy Chocolate Cake


3 cups flour (750 mL)
2 cups sugar (500 mL)
6 tablespoons cocoa (90 mL)
2 teaspoons baking soda (10 mL)
1 teaspoon salt (5 mL)
3/4 cup vegetable oil (190 mL)
2 tablespoon vinegar (30 mL)
2 teaspoon vanilla (10 mL)
2 cup cold water (500 mL) 


Mix the dry ingredients. Add the wet ingredients. Stir until smooth. Bake at 180ºC for at least 30 minutes.

One Mix Chocolate Cake


1 cup self raising flour (250 mL)
1 cup sugar (250 mL)
50 grams melted butter (50 mL)
1/2 cup milk (125 mL)
2 eggs
2 Tbsp. cocoa (30 mL)
1 tsp. vanilla (5 mL)


Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl with a wooden spoon. Bake at 180ºC for about 30 minutes.

Daisy’s Easy Chocolate Cake 


1 1/2 cups sugar (375 mL)
1 cup cold water (250 mL)
125g butter (125 mL)
2 Tablespoons cocoa (30 mL)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda (2.5 mL)
2 eggs, well beaten
1 1/2 cups self-raising flour (375mL)


Put sugar, water, butter, cocoa and soda into a large pot.
Stir over low heat until butter has melted, then bring to the boil.
Simmer for 5 minutes and remove from heat.
When mixture has cooled, stir in beaten eggs. Sift in the flour and beat well.
Bake at 180°c for 50-60 minutes.

Station Five

In this station students calculate and measure the volume of sauce needed for cheerios at the morning tea.

Student Instructions (Copymaster 5)

  1. In this station you need to estimate and measure the amount of sauce needed for cheerios at the morning tea.
  2. Estimate the volume of sauce in each of the bottles. Record your estimates on a table.
  3. Measure the volume of sauce in each bottle using water and the measuring equipment.  Record your results on a table.
  4. If each person uses 10mL of sauce, how many people will be able to use each of the sauce bottles? Estimate then measure for each bottle, recording your results on a table.
    Example of a table that could be used to record the estimated and measured volume of three sauce bottles, and the estimated and measured number of 10mL portions that could be taken from these bottles.
  5. If each person uses 15mL of sauce, how many people will be able to use each of the sauce bottles?
  6. How much sauce is contained in all of the bottles put together? Estimate then measure.

Printed from at 11:18am on the 7th July 2024