measurement stage 7

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4 weeks

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Level Four
Number and Algebra
Figure It Out activities
This is a level 4 number activity from the Figure It Out series. It relates to Stage 7 of the Number Framework. A PDF of the student activity is included.

calculate speeds

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Level Five
Number and Algebra
Figure It Out activities
This is a level 5 number activity from the Figure It Out series. It relates to Stage 8 of the Number Framework. A PDF of the student activity is included.

use scales and rates to solve problems

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How Slow Can You Go?


This is a level 4 number activity from the Figure It Out series. It relates to Stage 7 of the Number Framework.

A PDF of the student activity is included.

Achievement Objectives
NA4-4: Apply simple linear proportions, including ordering fractions.
Student Activity

Click on the image to enlarge it. Click again to close. Download PDF (347 KB)

Specific Learning Outcomes

calculate speeds

Required Resource Materials

FIO, Level 3-4, Number, Book 2, How Slow Can You Go? page 18

A ruler

A piece of string


Rate problems such as those in this activity are difficult to model with concrete materials, so students who attempt this activity should be strongly multiplicative and at least at the advanced multiplicative stage of the Number Framework.
This activity provides basic scientific information on distance, time, and speed and requires students to use this information in their calculations. The use of ratio tables can enhance the students’ understanding of the relationship between time, distance, and speed. The formulae that they need to use are: distance = speed x time, speed = distance ÷ time, or time = distance ÷ speed.
In question 1a: distance = 5 metres per minute x 28 minutes = 140 metres
In 1b: time = 62 metres ÷ 5 metres per minute = 12.4 minutes (or 12 minutes 24 seconds)
In question 1c, the speed is converted from metres per minute to metres per hour by multiplying by 60 (because there are 60 minutes in 1 hour): 2 metres per minute x 60 = 120 metres per hour.
Question 2 is ideal for using ratio tables (or double number lines):

ratio table.
So, in 2a: 15 metres + 30 metres = 45 metres, so 1 hour + 2 hours = 3 hours.
In question 3a, the students need to remember that 10 minutes is 1/6 of an hour because the speed is in kilometres per hour.
Distance = speed x time
= 8 kilometres per hour x 10 ÷ 60 hours (or 8 ÷ 6)
= 11/3 kilometres
In 3b: time = distance ÷ speed
= 0.1 kilometres ÷ 8 kilometres per hour
= 0.0125 hours
= 0.0125 x 60 minutes
= 0.75 minutes x 60 seconds
= 45 seconds



The investigation could be linked with the investigation on page 14 of the students’ book. See also the comments on investigations in the notes for page 11.


Answers to Activity

1. a. About 140 m
b. About 12.4 min. (12 min 24 s)
c. About 120 m/h
2. a. About 3 hrs
b. About 3.75 m
c. About 40 min. (The path measures about 20 cm, which is 10 m according to the scale. 10 m is 2/3 of 15 m, and 2/3 of 60 min is 40 min.)
3. a. About 11/3 km
b. About 0.75 min. (45 s)
Answers will vary.


Paddling down the Waikato


This is a level 5 number activity from the Figure It Out series. It relates to Stage 8 of the Number Framework.

A PDF of the student activity is included.

Achievement Objectives
Student Activity

Click on the image to enlarge it. Click again to close. Download PDF (260 KB)

Specific Learning Outcomes

use scales and rates to solve problems

Required Resource Materials

FIO, Level 3-4, Number, Book 2, Paddling down the Waikato, page 19


This activity includes questions on length, time, and rates. It builds on the previous page in that it uses number sense and number calculations to make calculations involving rate. Students who are advanced additive could answer the rate questions using strategies such as repeated addition. In this case, such strategies will work, but they will be inefficient. Students who are advanced multiplicative and beyond should be using multiplication strategies for most of the questions.
Most students will assume for question 1 that the paddlers will try and avoid all the taniwha. Each bend, whether paddling or dragging, is assumed to be 500 metres, and the total journey is 55 kilometres. The total time travelled = number of 500 metres walked x 15 minutes + kilometres paddled x 12 minutes.
If Wiremu, Tāmoko, and Ngāhuia drag the waka overland for 10 bends, they will walk 10 x 500 metres (5 kilometres). It takes 15 minutes to drag the waka over each 500 metres: 10 x 15 minutes = 2 hours 30 minutes. This leaves 50 kilometres (55 – 5 = 50) to paddle.
Total time = 2 hours 30 minutes + 50 x 12 minutes
= 2 hours 30 minutes + 10 hours
= 12 hours 30 minutes
In question 2, the students take into account the effect of the 5 friendly taniwha, but they can use similar reasoning to that for question 1.
You could use the information on the page to explore various scenarios of walking versus paddling. Encourage the students to justify their answers with mathematical information. For example, “We made them walk 5 bends. That’s 21/2 kilometres, so that would take 1 hour 15 minutes. That leaves 52.5 kilometres to paddle at the rate of 12 minutes per kilometre, so that would take 10 hours 30 minutes. So the total time would be 11 hours and 45 minutes.”
You could give the students a blank version of this table to fill in:

The table allows the students to see the relationships between the times and distances. It can also be used to develop an algebraic formula that describes the relationship between the distance walked and the time taken and the distance paddled and the time taken (using kilometres and minutes).
For example, when comparing the distance walked and drag time: “What do you multiply 1 by to get 30? 2 by to get 60? 2.5 by to get 75?” (The students should be able to identify the factor of 30.)
When comparing the distance paddled and the paddle time, ask: “What do you multiply 55 by to get 660?” (12) “Does this factor work for all the relationships?” This can be quickly tested with a calculator by multiplying all the distances paddled by 12. (This will establish the relationship if the students are struggling with the mental calculations.)

Total time in minutes = 30 x distance walked (kilometres) + 12 x distance paddled (kilometres).

Answers to Activity

1. 12 hrs 30 min, assuming they avoid all 10 taniwha. (If they dragged the waka for about 500 m round each bend where there is a taniwha, that would take them 150 min. They would paddle for 50 km: 50 x 12 min = 600 min. 150 + 600 = 750 min, which is 12 hrs 30 min.)

2. With 5 friendly taniwha letting them paddle past safely, they would only drag the waka around 5 stretches of 500 m (5 x 15 = 75 min) and paddle for 52.5 km (52.5 x 12 = 630). 75 + 630 = 705 min, which is 11 hrs 45 min.


Printed from at 3:28pm on the 7th July 2024