More Reading of Decimal Fractions

Achievement Objectives
NA4-6: Know the relative size and place value structure of positive and negative integers and decimals to three places.
Specific Learning Outcomes

Identify and order decimals to three places.

Say the number one–thousandth, one–hundredth, one–tenth, one, and ten, etc, before and after any given number.

Description of Mathematics

Number Framework Stage 7



Draw a table with 15 columns on the board or modelling book. Write “Ones” in the middle column, then, going to the left, “Tens”, “Hundreds” up to “Ten-millions”. To the right of the Ones column discuss why the next heading is “Tenths”, noting the “mirroring” of the column names is about the Ones column, Hundredths, Thousands map onto Thousandths, and so on, up to Ten-million mapping onto Ten-millionths. Enter a number like 456.897603 in the table and get the students to read it as 456 plus eight tenths plus nine hundredths plus seven thousandths ... down to three millionths.

Repeat for other numbers.

Repeat without the table: The students read numbers like 2 009.45609124 by imaging the column place values.

Printed from at 5:30pm on the 18th July 2024