Elaborations on Level One: Geometry and Measurement

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In a range of meaningful contexts, students will be engaged in thinking mathematically and statistically. They will solve problems and model situations that require them to:


GM1-1: Order and compare objects or events by length, area, volume and capacity, weight (mass), turn (angle), temperature, and time by direct comparison and/or counting whole numbers of units.

This means students will go through a stage of using direct comparison to establish the relative length, area, volume, weight and temperature of objects. This means that the objects are brought together physically. Through experiences using direct comparison techniques students will come to appreciate the need for units of measure so that objects can be compared without bringing them together. Units have the attribute being measured, have to be the same size and are combined and counted. For example handspans can be used to compare the length of a table and the height of a door. Students are expected to apply their number strategies to count these units. Students are expected to explore turns (angles) through bodily movement and time through comparing durations of events. Supporting teaching resources.

Click to download a PDF of second-tier material relating to Level 1 Measurement (115KB)


GM1-2: Sort objects by their appearance.

This means students will classify or sort objects by their characteristics. These characteristics include shape, size, colour, texture, weight, and temperature. Students should be able to justify why they have sorted objects in the way they have and be encouraged to develop increasingly sophisticated classifications such as shape and size. Supporting teaching resources.

Click to download a PDF of second-tier material relating to Level 1 Shape (79KB)

Position and orientation

GM1-3: Give and follow instructions for movement that involve distances, directions, and half or quarter turns.

This means students will be able to follow instructions given in distances, for example 14 steps; direction, for example facing the library; and angle (turn), for example do a half turn clockwise (right). They should become proficient at following a series of instructions. Students should also be able to give instructions. Supporting teaching resources.

GM1-4: Describe their position relative to a person or object.

This means students will describe their position using positional language such as next to, in front of, behind, between, to the right/left and simple diagrams and maps. Their descriptions should become increasingly precise in terms of distance from the landmark (in steps) and location of that landmark on simple schematic maps. Supporting teaching resources.

Click to download a PDF of second-tier material relating to Level 1 Position and orientation (106KB)


GM1-5: Communicate and record the results of translations, reflections, and rotations on plane shapes.

This means students will physically carry out translations, reflections, and rotations on shapes and discuss what patterns they see. Translations are shifts of a shape along a line, for example repeating a potato print across the top border of a page. Reflections are images of a shape as though it is reflected in a mirror. Rotations are turns, so when an object is turned about a point, either inside or outside of itself, the image is a rotation of the original shape. At level one rotations can be described as fractions of a full turn, for example half and quarter turns. Supporting teaching resources.